Human Rights Nature, Concept, Origin and Development


The concept of Human Rights dated back to the very dawn of Human Civilization, and quite often appears clearly, enshrined in all the great religions of the world. Whether it is one’s duty towards a neighbour. The concept of Universal brotherhood and fraternity of mankind coupled with a sense of compassion towards one’s fellowmen, have their origins in several religious beliefs both before and after Christ[^14] . Therefore, the Human Rights in no means are a concept of Modern times, though it appears so, the roots of Human Rights are found very deep in the eternity. In the ancient and ancient most cultures which have been rooted out by passage of times and rule of human atrocities or barbarianism of certain tribes[^15] . The world’s all major religions have a humanist  perspective that supports Human Rights, despite the difference in the contents .Human  rights are also rooted in ancient thought and in the philosophical concepts of ‘natural law’ and ‘natural rights’. A few Greek and Roman Philosophers recognized the idea of natural rights. Plato (427-348 B.C) was one of the earliest writers to advocate a Universal standard of ethical conduct[^16] . In recorded history and ancient scriptures, there have been references, on the basic human rights, though they were not referred to by that name. Modern Historians credit to by that concept of Magna Carta A.D 1215. However, All Human rights derive from dignity and worth inherent in the human person and that the human person is the central subject of Human rights and fundamental freedoms, in simple terms, whatever adds, to the dignified and free existence of a human being should be regarded as human rights evolution and crystallization of the concept took a long term. Initially there was confusion between the Natural rights propounded by political philosophers in the bygone ages and the concept of Human Rights.  The later is an all-encompassing one[^17] . In order to understand the term ‘Human Rights’, conceptually may be fitness of things to take stock of the different concepts given in both west and in the rest of the world.