Humanitarian Rights in the Time of Appearance of the Mahdi (pbuh) Or World Promised Saviour

Physical and Social Infrastructure

The state should invest capital in the physical infrastructure which allows the economy to grow and develop in a healthy and prosperous way. Public works programs for the improvement and extension roads and highways, building of dams and bridges, provision of irrigation networks, construction of ports, airports and telecommunication services are necessary for the physical infrastructure of the economy.

Economic policies with technology should be based on four principles:

  1. Workplaces should be located where people live (thereby avoiding the need for migration into overcrowded cities).

  2. Workplaces should be cheap to organize (thereby avoiding the problems of borrowing a great deal of capital to get started).

  3. The manufacturing systems should be uncomplicated (so that demand for high skills is avoided).

  4. The production should be based on local materials for local use (thereby avoiding high transportation costs).

Education: Religious and Scientific

It is essential that the masses are literate order to work with the government in introducing change that would bring about the Islamic environment as laid down in the Quran and as shown by the Holy Prophet (s). Therefore the state should invest in education so that all citizens regardless of ethnic group or tribe enjoy equal rights to education and physical training regardless of colour, race and language.

The government has the duty to create equal conditions for all citizens the opportunity to learn and utilize talents, expertise and knowledge in order to become competent at different kinds of work. The teaching of new skills aimed at continuous improvement and development so that the incentive for research and invention of new techniques of production and distribution is stimulated amongst the people in order to utilise resources to their maximum potential.

It is essential to raise the spirituality of the individual with the aim of building morally upright characters but also inculcates the spirit of hard work and efficiency, economy and frugality, avoiding waste and extravagance. This encourages people to make productive investment of savings so that both the individual and the society benefits.

Art and Culture that portrays the Awaiting

Art and culture is the most eloquent way of portraying and promoting the principles of justice, honour and equity so that it reflects the hopes and longings of people for the Reappearance and the loathing of injustice, aggressive power and oppression.

The art acceptable to the Holy Quran is that which glosses the true Islam of the noble Prophet (s), of the Imams of guidance, of the suffering poor people, of the barefooted and of the down-trodden in the bitter and disgraceful history of deprivation.

The responsibility of artists of the nation is to illuminously depict equity, honour and fairness and to personify the disappointment of the hungry inflicted by the wrath of power and money. Theatre and cinema present arts should actively the culture of Awaiting to create in the hearts of people a devout and real link with Imam Mahdi (af) to symbolize the longing for His Eminence (af).

In order for such culture to evolve and be refined, people should acquaint themselves with the Imam (af) and be prepared for the appearance of the Imam. They must learn and reflect in their behaviour the characters and merits of the companions of the Imam (af). Their hearts and souls should blaze with love and affection for him.

Their thoughts should be devoted to his service and their desire should be to meet His Eminence. Their prayers ask for the blessing of Allah to be showered on the Imam (af) and their supplications should be for their salvation.


Public health is another sphere of the social capital that is the responsibility of the state. This includes the provision of adequate medical facilities in order to improve the health people and to reduce suffering from ill health and disease in all living, leisure and working areas. Sanitation facilities in residential and public places, promoting public awareness of keeping a clean environment and curbing of pollution, providing clean water supplies, comfortable housing and encouraging healthy eating habits and regular physical upkeep and exercise are essential to achieve a healthier public.

Stability of real value of monetary assets

In a world where all countries are mutually interdependent and where the monetary fiscal policies of certain countries are responsible for substantial degree of price stability, it is necessary for the Islamic state should be clear about its own role and work with determination to resort to healthy financial policies and appropriate direct controls.

" O believers, fear God; and give up outstanding interest, if you are believers. But if you do not, then be informed of the declaration of war ( against you) by God and His Messenger; yet if you repent, you shall have your principal, neither you shall suffer nor inflict injustice." ( Sura Baqarah Verses 278-279). It is critical for the long term growth of the economy that inflation and decline in the real value of money is contained due to the adverse effects this erosion has on social justice and welfare of the society.

The Quran unequivocally states:

And give full measure and weight with justice (6:152). So give full measure and weight without defrauding men in their belongings and do not corrupt the world after its reform. This is better for you, if you are believers." (7:85, and see also 11: 48, 17:35 and 26:181). These injunctions towards honesty and justice in all measures apply not just to individuals but also to society and the state. This term encompasses all measures of value and not just conventional weights and measures.

Market forces

The state should play an active and conscious role in not only determining priorities and guiding or challenging the scarce resources in the light of those priorities but also regulating demand so that occurrence of recession or inflation is avoided in order to lead to optimum efficiency in the use of resources.

Undisciplined self-interest and unguided play of market forces do not always work out for the best of all sections of society because of limitations or individual horizon, lack of awareness or appreciation of social costs, and unbalanced growth in different sectors of the economy unrelated to the welfare needs of the people.