Husayn, the Saviour of Islam


The history of mankind is a chain of successful and failing revolutions, one replacing another, only to be replaced by yet another. Revolutions have always been a tool of evolution. A sure sign that change must occur. The message of Muhammad was in the true sense of word a revolution.

It gave mankind a new vision, a new sense of purpose; it was the message of peace and goodwill, of love and tolerance, in a society where hatred, corruption and lust of power ruled high. It was beyond social, cultural and geographical barriers.

It perceived all human beings to be one, originating from the same creator. And yes, difficult though it was, Muhammad did succeed in creating a society based upon the values he preached.

But alas within a brief period of less than half a century after his death, the society he had conceived crumbled, the values he held dear were lost. By careful manipulation and shrewd planning those who opposed him during his life grasped the power. Their rule was areign of terror. The oppressive authority of Bani Ummaya was bent upon systematically dismantling Islamic jurisprudence.

The prophets' traditions were being slaughtered or otherwise silenced. It was true, as it always is in such crucial times, that fear and greed remained the only motivations. The general public, as it was under the perpetual fear of the sword on its head, remained quiet.

It seemed that no one would be able to challenge the oppressors. The situation demanded timely action failing which the shariat of Muhammad was bound to be doomed and the sacrifices made for it would have come to naught. If Muhammad's message was right, someone had to take a stand, Husayn, the grandson of prophet stood up. Yazid-the Ummayid ruler wanted him to endorse his anti-Islamic rule by pleading allegiance. No!' no! Not Husayn. He was surrounded by Yazid's army; it was the desert of Karbala.

He lost his friends and family, all butchered right before his eyes. There he stood all alone; completely worn out physically, withered and lean, pale and thin, on the sands of Karbala, a daring feat it was. It required much more than robust energy, more than enduring vitality, more than unyielding will, more than patience; it required a firm belief.

In his cause and in Allah itself. A belief that is the foundation of Islam. He was slaughtered mercilessly, but his mission survived, the revolution of Muhammad was rekindled. Hope was revived, courage re-instilled in the masses. By butchering Husayn and plundering his family, Yazid assured his own defeat. It is more than thirteen centuries and Husayn is still the source of inspiration for humanity at large.

This book is a narration of his journey both physical and intellectual, its courses and its effects. We at Tarikhe Tarsile Qur’an realize that readers may differ in their views regarding the detailed material presented herein. But one fact remains, there never was a Husayn before him, there has been none after.

Anwer Ali T.T.Q.