Islam Fundamental Principles and Teachings

Hadith From Imam Rida (a)

‘Socialise with one another, so that you get friendlier.’ ‘He who repents is as he who has no sin.’ ‘Cleanliness and hygiene is one of the traits and manners of the prophets.’

‘The most superior knowledge is the knowledge of the self.’ ‘(In the Qur’an) Allah has commanded (us to do) three things which are linked to another three. He ordered (us to perform) the daily prayers and Zakah, and he who performs the prayers but not the Zakah, his prayers would not be accepted. He ordered (us) to be thankful to Him and to the parents, and he who is not thankful to his parents is not thankful to Allah. He ordered (us) to be pious and have fear of him, and keep close ties with the relatives, and he who does not keep close ties with his relatives is not pious.’

‘He who likens Allah to His creations is a Mushrik (polytheist), and he who attributes to Him something which He has forbidden is a Ka>fir (infidel).’

‘The merit of Ema>n (faith) is a grade higher than that of Islam (Submission to Allah’s will), and the merit of Taqwa (Fear-of- Allah) is a grade higher than that of Ema>n, and the merit of Yaqeen (conviction) is a grade higher than that of Taqwa, and the sons of Adam (or human beings) are not given anything better than Yaqeen.’

‘Ema>n has four pillars: Trusting and relying on Allah, Contentment and pleasure with the will of Allah, Submitting to the ordinance of Allah, and Delegation and turning over (the affairs) to Allah.’

‘Ema>n is to discharge the obligatory duties and to refrain from committing forbidden acts. Ema>n is recognition by heart, admission by tongue, and practicing, by all limbs, everything that has been ordered.’

‘The Qur’an is the sturdy rope of Allah and His firm grip, and His perfect road that leads to paradise, and delivers from the fire. It does not pall despite the passing of aeons, and does not dissipate despite being oft repeated, because it was not created for one time rather than another but it is the argument and proof for all humanity. Falsehood does not approach it from before or from behind, a revelation from The All Wise, The All Praised.’

A narrator reports, I asked Imam al-Rid}a> (A) ‘What do you say about the Qur’an?’ Imam Rid}a> (A) replied: ‘It is the word of Allah, and so do not surpass it, and do not seek guidance in anything else, for you will be deviated and go astray.’

The Ninth Imam: Imam al-Jawad

Imam Muhammad al-Jawa>d (A) is the son of Imam Ali al-Rid}a> (A) and his mother is lady Sabikah. He was born on Friday the tenth of Rajab in the year one hundred and ninety-five after the Hijrah in the holy city of Medina. He died a martyr in Baghdad after being poisoned at the end of Dhi- 174 i.e. he would always sit upright in their presence out of respect. Ed..

Qqa’dah in the year two hundred and twenty after Hijrah. His son Imam Ali al-Ha>di prepared his body for burial and he was buried in the Quraysh cemetery – as it was then known – next to the grave of his grandfather Imam Mosa al-Ka>dim where his shrine stands now, currently in the Ka>dimiyyah district of Baghdad, Iraq. Imam Muhammad al-Jawa>d excelled all others of his time in knowledge, spiritual perfection, generosity, social and moral manners, and in the art of eloquent communications.

He would carry gold and silver with him to give to the needy. If he was asked for assistance by any of his uncles Imam al-Jawa>d (A) would give them no less than 50 gold coins, and if any of his aunts asked him for assistance, he would give them no less than 25 gold coins.

More people became aware of the vast knowledge of Imam al- Jawa>d when some eighty scholars from different places met with him on his way back from Hajj and asked him various questions, to all of which the Imam provided convincing and irrefutable answers. On one occasion an amazing event is reported that many people gathered around him to ask him various questions, which numbered around thirty thousand, and he answered all of them correctly, and at that time he was only nine years old. Age factor, however, is not an issue in the case of the members of the Family Revelation [of the Prophet], in particular when the holy Qur’an speaks of giving the Book and Prophethood to Jesus son of Mary while he was a toddler in the cradle.175

In appreciation to the Imam’s station, Ma’mun, the ruler of the time, gave to him his daughter in marriage after the Imam answered all the questions that the ruler had asked him for trial purposes.

175 The holy Qur’an, Mary (19):30. And similarly the case of John the Baptist (Yah}ya>) who was given the book and prophethood while he was a young boy, as mentioned in the Qur’an, Mary (19): 12.

Hadith from Imam Jawad(A)

‘He who trusts upon Allah, He guides him to felicity and happiness. He who depends upon Allah, He suffices him the matters of his life.

The trust in Allah is a fortress where no one other than the trustworthy believer is housed. Reliance on Allah is salvation from all evil and protection from all enemies. Islam is a source of honour. Knowledge is treasure. Silence is light.

The utmost degree of Zuhd (abstinence) is avoiding sin. There is no destruction for Islam like innovations (heresy). Nothing is more decadent for man then greed. Through (the pious) ruler the people are guided. Through supplication calamities are repelled. . . .’ ‘If the ignorant keeps silent, people would not differ.’ ‘As the beneficences of Allah upon a person increase, the needs of the people towards him enhance. Thus he who does not meet those needs, exposes those beneficences to annihilation.’

‘You should know that you never go out of sight of Allah, so watch in what state you are.’ ‘The one who commits aggression and tyranny, and the one who helps him to it, and the one who condones it, they are all partners in crime.’

‘Forbearance is the garment of the scholar, make sure you clothe yourself with it.’ ‘The believer needs three qualities; facility from Allah, selfadmonishing, and acceptance of constructive criticism.’ ‘Three practices enable an individual to reach the pleasure and approval of Almighty Allah: frequent repentance, leniency, and giving to charity regularly.

And (there are) three qualities which if one possesses, he would never regret: avoiding hastiness, consulting (with others), and to rely on Allah once a decision is made.’ The Tenth Imam: Imam Ha>d> i Imam Ali al-Ha>di (A) is the son of Imam Muhammad al-Jawa>d (A) and his mother was Sama>nah.

He was born in the holy city of Medina on the second of Rajab in the year two hundred and twelve after Hijrah. He died martyr after being poisoned on Monday the third of Rajab in the year two hundred fifty four after the Hijrah in Samara, Iraq, and his son Imam Hasan al-Askari prepared his body for burial and buried him in his house in Samara where his shrine stands today.

Imam al-Ha>di remarkably excelled all others of his time in the fields of human perfections, knowledge, generosity, politeness of manners, worshipping Allah, moral qualities, way of life, and discipline.

One example of his generosity is the case when the Abbasid ruler of his time sent him thirty thousand Dirhams, the imam gave the lot to an Arab from Kufah, saying, “pay your debts out of this and spend the rest on your family and relatives, and accept our apologies.” The man, thanking the Imam, said, “Sir, the debts on me are less than one third of it but .Allah best knows to whom He entrusts His message.176 and took the money and left.

Hadith from Imam Hadi(A)

‘Better than the good-deed is he who performs it. More striking than the beautiful words is he who says them. More worthy than knowledge is he who conveys it. More evil than evil is he who causes it. More frightening than fear is he who brings it.’

‘Allah cannot be defined except with what he has defined himself. How can He be defined when wits are unable to perceive Him, imaginations fail to reach Him, minds cannot explain Him, and the visions cannot encompass Him?’

‘When justice is dominant, one may not suspect another unless he is sure of his suspicion about him, and when injustice is dominant, one should not assume good thing about another unless he is sure of it.’

‘Jealousy erodes the good deeds and brings about the bad fortunes.’

‘Beware of jealousy for it will work against you and will have no effect on your foe.’ ‘Indeed, both the scholar and the student share in prosperity.’ ‘Allah has made the world a place of calamity and the hereafter a place of outcome. He has set the calamities of the world to be the cause of the reward of the hereafter, and has made the reward of the hereafter a substitute for the calamities of the world.’

‘Self-conceit restrains (one) from seeking knowledge and brings about scorn and ignorance.’ 176 This is in reference to Qur’anic verse [6:124].

The Eleventh Imam: Imam Askari

Imam Hasan al-Askari is the son of Imam Ali al-Ha>di and his mother is lady H{udayth.

He was born in the holy city of Medina on Friday the tenth177 of Rabi’-II in the year two hundred thirty two after the Hijrah. He died a martyr after being poisoned on Friday the eighth of Rabi’-I in the year two hundred and sixty Hijrah. His son Imam al-Mahdi prepared his body for burial and buried him next to the grave of his father Imam al-Ha>di in Samara where his shrine stands today.

His noble qualities such as his knowledge, generosity, perfect manners, servitude to Allah and excellent personality are well known and are ideal examples for others to follow. In physical terms, he was beautifully tall, had a handsome face, and was perfectly shaped. He generated great awe in the hearts and electrifying station in the souls. In his manners, way of life, and the beautiful treatment with people he used to resemble his great grand father Allah’s messenger peace be upon them.

On the matter of his generosity Ismael narrates:

“Once I sat on the way waiting for the Imam to pass by and when he did I complained about my difficulties and asked him for financial help. The Imam said, “You swear by Allah falsely while you have buried 200 Dinars as a saving! What I say is not to deny you financial help.” Then the Imam asked his servant to give him all he had. So his servant gave me 100 Dinars.”178 Having heard about his grace and generosity, a man, who needed 500 Dirhams, approached Imam al-Askari (A) and the Imam gave him 500 Dirhams, and another 300 Dirhams on top of that.179 177 Some reports state the eighth.

178 Al-Irsha>d, vol. 2, p 332 179 ibid

Everyone testified to his beautiful and righteous attributes magnanimous traits, such that the Christians testified that he resembled Jesus Christ in his knowledge, noble virtues, and miracles.

The Imam was known for his extensive worship to Allah, continuous night prayers, his good deeds as well as his nobility and awe.

Hadith from Imam Askari (A)

‘No respectful individual abandons the truth unless he becomes debased, and no abject individual pursues the truth unless he becomes honourable.’

‘He who advices and criticises his brother covertly, has decorated him. He who does so in public has rebuked him.’ ‘The best of your brothers is the one who forgets your sins and remembers your favour to him.’ ‘The heart of the fool is in his mouth, and the mouth of the wise is in his heart.’ ‘He who uses false means to achieve his ends would regret his policy.’

‘Rage is the key to every evil.’ ‘It is sufficient politeness and courtesy for you to refrain from what you dislike to see from others.’ ‘Be cautious about seeking fame and power for they lead to annihilation.’

Twelfth Imam: Imam Mahdi

Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, al-H{ujjah – the Proof or Authority (of Allah over mankind) – is the son of Imam Hasan al-Askari peace be upon him and may Allah hasten his honourable reappearance, and his mother is Lady Nargis peace be upon her. He was born in Samarra>’, Iraq, on the eve of the fifteenth of Sha’ba>n, in the year two hundred fifty five after Hijrah. He is the last of the authorities (H{ujjah) of Allah on earth and the seal of the caliphs or successors of Allah’s messenger peace be upon him and his progeny. He is the last of the twelve Imams or leaders of the Muslims.

By His will, Almighty Allah has prolonged his honourable life span in this world so that the earth is not left without an authority (H{ujjah), for if it were not for the h}ujjah, “the earth would have subsided and swallowed its people”180. He is hidden from views, and Almighty Allah shall permit him to reappear when the earth has been filled with wrong and oppression, in order to fill it with justice and righteousness181. The holy Prophet peace be upon him and his pure family, and the ma‘s}oom Imams peace be upon them, have stated that Imam Mahdi will have a long occultation, when no one remain steadfast and adhere to his wala>yah except those whom Allah has tested their hearts. His benefit to the people of the earth during his occultation will be like that of the sun from behind the clouds.

Almighty Allah will keep him alive, but hidden from views, until the time of his reappearance, when he will reappear by the leave of Almighty Allah and have total sovereignty over the entire world and spreads justice and righteousness throughout, and extends Islam through its every corner, and implements the Qur’an over all and in every aspect of life; thus goodness, happiness, and prosperity will cover all lands, all creatures, and then will be realised the Almighty’s word, .to proclaim it over all religions, though the polytheists may resent.182.

180 Al-Ih}tijaj, vol. 2, p317 181 This is in reference to the Prophetic hadith that Imam Mahdi will certainly appear to fill the earth with justice and righteousness, after it has been filled with wrong and oppression. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 26, p262. 182 The holy Qur’an, [9:33], and [61:9]

O Allah! Hasten his reappearance, ease his immergence, make us amongst his supporters and helpers.

When Imam Mahdi came to prepare his father body for burial and performed the deceased-prayer for him, the tyrants of the time learned of there being a successor to Imam al-Askari, and thus they feared for their throne, plotted to detained him and eliminate him – just as they did to his pure forefathers – in a bid to rid themselves of what is awaiting them, according to the prophecies made by Allah’s messenger about the news of the 12th imam who will terminate the reigns of the tyrants and overcome them.

However, Imam Mahdi was commanded by Allah Almighty to go into occultation and hide from the views of the people. So when Abbasid spies located his whereabouts, and they stormed his house, he hid from their views, through exiting from the other door, of the basement of his house, to outside the house, without any one of them seeing him. And since the place of his disappearance from views was his house, the Muslims took the place attributed to him – in the holy city of Samarra’ – which is known as “sirda>b al-ghaybah” as a shrine and a mosque.

Abu Sa’id al-Khidri reports that when Rasulollah (S) was ill, which led to his death, Fa>t}imah al-Zahra>’ (A) entered the room he was laying in to nurse him (S) and I was sitting on the right of Rasulollah (S). Noticing his weakness Fatimah (A) was upset by his state she started to cry. Rasulollah (S) said to her (A):

‘Why do you cry O Fatimah? Do you not know that Allah sought for the best on earth and chose your father as His Messenger, and then sought again He chose your husband and advised me to marry him to you and instructed me to appoint him as my successor. Do you not know that by the grace of Allah upon you, Allah married you to the most knowledgeable of all, and the most forbearing of all, and the foremost of all having the faith of Islam? Fatimah (A) smiled and Rasulollah (S) went on to inform her about what Allah has given to the Ahl-ul-Bayt (A) by saying:

Allah has given us we the Ahl-ul-Bayt six qualities which have not been given to anyone before us and or to anyone after us the Ahl-ul-Bayt.

  1. Our prophet is the best of the prophets and he is your father,

  2. and our was}i, or caliph, is the best was}i and he is your husband,

  3. and our martyr is the best martyr and he is your father’s uncle H{amzah,

  4. and from us is al-Hasan the Sibt} (grandson of the prophet) of this Ommah , and he is your son,

  5. and from us is al-Husayn the Sibt} (grandson of the prophet) of this Ommah , and he is your son,

  6. and from us is the Mahdi, Saviour, of this Ommah, behind whom Jesus will pray.

Then the prophet patted the shoulder of al-Husayn (A) and said ‘and from him is the Mahdi of this Ommah’’ Ibn Abbas reports that Rasulollah (S) said:

‘Indeed Ali ibn Abi T{a>lib is the Imam of my Ommah and my caliph and successor upon this Ommah after me, from his sons is the Qa>’im (al-Mahdi) the Awaited, who would fill the world with justice after it had been overcome by tyranny and injustice. By He who sent me with Truth as a Bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, those who remain steadfast and believe in him are dearer than red sulphur.

Then Ja>bir ibn Abdullah al-Ans}a>ri stood up and asked: ‘O Rasulollah! Will the Qa>’im from your descendants go into an occultation?’ Rasulollah (S) replied, ‘Yes by my Lord. For Allah shall test and purify the believers and wipe out the non-believers. O Ja>bir! This matter is one of the secrets of Allah, hidden from the servants of Allah. Thus I warn you about doubting about this for doubting the wish of Allah is Kufr (disbelief).’

Hadith from Imam Mahdi (A):

‘Almighty Allah sent Muhammad peace be upon him as a Mercy to the worlds, and with him He perfected His beneficence, and sealed His prophets, and He sent him (with His message) to all people (to come).’

‘And as for the reason of the occultation, Almighty Allah says, .O ye who believe! ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.183 ‘My benefit (to the people) during my occultation is similar to that of the sun when it disappears from sight behind the clouds.’

‘I am the Mahdi, and I am the leader of the time, I am the one who would fill it (the earth) with justice after it has been overcome with injustice and aggression. Indeed the earth never remains without a Proof and Authority (of Allah).’ ‘I am the seal of the aws}iya>’ (successors) and through me Allah would remove the hardship from my people and my followers (Shi’a).’

‘We have not ignored your consideration, and have not forgotten your mention; otherwise hardship would have descended upon you and your enemies would have exterminated you.’

‘. . . and if Allah give us the permission of speech, then truth will manifest and falsehood would disappear.’ 183 The holy Qur’an: The Table Spread (5): 101.

‘As for the ongoing events, refer to the narrators of our hadith (i.e. the Fuqaha>’), for they are my claim and proof upon you and I am the claim and proof of Allah upon them.’ ‘Let every one of you do what brings closer to our love, and abstain from what brings about our displeasure and anger.’ ‘Increase and maintain the Du’a for the Faraj (the reappearance of the Imam) for that is the relief for you too.’

‘Allah insists that eventually Truth must hold and Falsehood must decline.’

‘Nothing like the daily prayers forces the nose of the Satan to the ground, so perform the daily prayers and force his nose to the ground.’

‘If our Shi’a (followers), may Allah help and succeed them to His obedience, were united in wholeheartedly honouring the promise and obligation that is upon them, there would have been no delay in meeting us (i.e. in our reappearance), and bliss and felicity for them would have hastened by seeing us with full knowledge and certainty of testifying to our (leadership)’ ‘As for the Dawn of the Relief (i.e. the reappearance of the Imam), this is for Allah to say, and those foretellers (about the time of the dawn) say lies.’

‘None of my fathers, peace be upon them, but each of them had (enforced) upon him an allegiance to the tyrant of his time. However when I arise there will be no allegiance upon me for any of the tyrants.’

‘O My Master! You are the One who bestowed upon me this position and station, and with it favoured me over many of Your creatures. I ask You to send your mercy and bliss upon Muhammad and his household, and to fulfil what You promised, for You are truthful and You do not break Your promise, and You are able upon everything.’

5. Resurrection

Resurrection means that Almighty Allah will bring human beings back to life in the hereafter after having caused them to die in the world, to reward those who did good for their good deed, and punish those who did evil for their evil acts.

One who has faith, and does the good deeds, praying, fasting, speaking the truth, maintaining sincerity, giving shelters to the orphans and feeding the destitute and suchlike, the Almighty will admit him/her into Paradise wherein rivers flow; in vast mercy, magnificent palaces, devoted spouses, and the Ridwan (contentment) from Allah is the greatest bliss184.

But those who disbelieved, committed evil deeds, spoke lies, broke promises, committed murders, stole others’ properties, committed adultery or consumed intoxicants, and suchlike, the Almighty will reward them a Hell filled with fire and torment, its food is bitter, its drink boiling, [they are] in permanent suffering, and eternal and demeaning torture, we seek refuge to Almighty Allah from all that.

Of course, before Paradise and Hell there are two stations: 1. The Grave, which is the first of the many stages of the Barzakh world to which ‘death’ is the gateway. In the grave every one will be questioned about his or her deeds, and the person will be rewarded for his good deeds, and punished for his bad. For this, Allah’s messenger, peace be upon him and his pure family, said “The grave is either a pit of Hell’s pits, or a garden of the gardens of Paradise.”185 As an elucidating example, one’s condition in the grave is similar to one’s state when dreaming during sleep; one would either have a pleasant dream that makes him happy, or have a bad dream causing him stress and torment, while a person who might be in the vicinity of the sleeping one and sees him does not realize whether the 184 In reference to the Qur’anic verse [9:72].

185 Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 6, p275.

sleeping person is in comfort or in torment. In the same way the living do not see from the dead other than the lifeless bodies; and they do not realize whether a dead person is in torment or in bliss. This is because the criteria of the world of Barzakh are governed by new equations, and they do not resemble any of the equations of the world that we have come to know and get used to.

  1. The Resurrection takes place after these bodies are brought back to life and resurrected from their graves, when Almighty Allah will bring together all the people in a vast desert for requital and reward. Therein the great court of justice will be assembled and the balances [of measuring or weighing up deeds] established, and the judges – who are Allah’s messengers and their appointed successors – will come, and the s}uh}uf or the books of deeds will be disseminated.

The witnesses will come to give witness, and the limbs and the body parts of the individual will admit to what they did and commit, thus the believers who did good in the world will prosper by gaining the Paradise, and the criminals who used to do evil deeds in the world will suffer the Fire.

Thus it is imperative for one to strive with all one’s ability to do good deeds, and to refrain from any bad deed, so that one would not suffer in the hereafter eternal suffering from which there is no refuge and nowhere to run; where the criminals will remain in permanent imprisonment and perpetual torment. Almighty Allah states, .So whoso does a speck’s weight of good will see it, and so whoso does a speck’s weight of evil will see it.186. 186 The holy Qur’an, the Quake (99): 7-8