Islamic Teachings Book 2


|--------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABSTINENCE | avoiding, refraining | | ABUSE | make bad or wrong use of, ill-treat | | ACCOMPLISH | perform; succeed in doing | | ACQUISITION | aining skill or ability, by one's own effort or behaviour | | ACQUAINTANCE | a person whom one knows, information gained through experience | | ADMINISTRATION | management of affairs | | AFFECTION | love, fondness | | ALOOF | apart, away from | | ALTERNATIVE | choice between two things | | ALTERATION | a change, act of changing | | ASCEND | go or come up | | ASPECT | look or appearance | | ATONE | compensate, make amends for sins or wrong-doing | | AVAIL | take advantage | | BACKBITING | speak ill of somebody in his absence | | BEHAVIOUR | manners (good or bad) | | BETRAYED | cheated, disclosed | | BRUTISH | cruel, savage | | BORNE | undergone pain, hardship | | CHAOS | complete absence of order, confusion | | CIVILIZATION | system or stage of social development; refining or improving the manners | | COMMENTED | remarked upon, expressed opinion, criticized | | COMMEMORATE | keep or honour the memory of (a person or event) | | COMPEL | force, obtain by pressure | | CONTENTMENT | satisfaction, not wanting more | | CONVERSANT | well-informed | | CONVERSION | changing from one form to another | | CONFIDENCE | faith, trust | | CORDIALLY | warmly and sincerely | | CUSTOM | habitual practice | | DECORUM | decency, right and proper behaviour | | DEPRIVED | oppressed, unjustly treated | | DEVOTE | strongly attach to a person or a cause | | DEVOID | without; empty | | EDIBLE | eatable | | EMBARRASSMENT | mental discomfort; or anxiety | | EMPHASIZE | lay particular stress upon | | ENDEAVOUR | effort, attempt, try | | ENTRANT | one taking part in a contest; one who enters | | ENDOW | give a gift | | ERR | make mistake, be wrong | | EXECUTE | put into effect, do skillfully | | EXPIRE | die, come to an end, finish | | FEATS | something difficult well done, especially showing skill, strength or daring | | FEUD | bitter quarrel between two persons, families or groups over a long period of time | | FORBEARANCE | patience; self control | | FOUL | wicked, evil, rough | | FOUNTAIN | source, origin | | FRATERNITY | the state or relationship of a brother | | GRACIOUS | kind, merciful | | GRANT | give | | HUMILIATION | putting to shame, lowering the dignity or self respect | | HYPOCRITE | a person falsely making oneself appear to be good or virtuous | | INCIDENCE | happening, occurrence | | INCUMBENT | duty, necessary obligation | | INDUCES | persuades, influences | | INDULGE | gratify; cherish | | INDEFATIGABLE | untiring | | INFRINGE | break, transgress, violate | | INIMICAL | unfriendly, harmful | | INTENSIVE | deep and thorough; giving force and emphasis | | INVASION | attack | | IMPART | give, pass on a share of something | | IMPEACH | blame; accuse | | IMPREGNABLE | that cannot be taken by force | | IMPRUDENT | rude; unwise | | LITERATE | learned | | LIVELIHOOD | means of maintaining life | | MASTERPIECE | something made or done with very great skill; the best | | MIRACLE | an act which is beyond the human power performed by the Prophets as an evidence of their Prophethood | | MISRABLE | very unhappy, poor, wretched | | NARRATE | give, cite, tell, recite | | NOURISH | feed and cause to grow | | OBLIGATORY | necessary, compulsory | | OBSERVE | watch carefully | | ORNAMENT | that which is added for decoration | | PARDON | forgiveness, excuse oneself | | PENETRATE | enter or pierce | | PERSONALITY | a person of distinction | | PROFESS | declare openly, affirm ones faith (in) allegiance (to) | | PROMOTE | advance; help onward | | PROSPERITY | state of being successful; good fortune | | PYTHON | large snake | | RANCOUR | (deep and long-lasting feeling of) bitterness | | RANSOM | release (captive on payment); large sum of money | | REFRAIN | hold oneself back; avoid | | RENDER | give in turn or exchange; present offer | | RESPECTIVE | in turn, separately and in the order mentioned | | RITUAL | way of conducting religious ceremonies | | SHIRKED | avoided a duty | | SIMULTANEOUSLY | at the same time | | SPECIFIED | mentioned clearly | | SPROUTED | shooted forth, grew rapidly | | SUCCESSOR | a person who takes the place which another has left, deputy | | SUBMISSION | obedience | | STUBBORN | difficult to deal with, obstinate | | SUPPLICATION | humble prayers | | SURVIVE | remain alive; continue to exist | | TENET | principle, belief, doctrine | | TOIL | hard work; work hard | | TREAD | step, trample | | TYRANNY | cruel or unjust use of power | | UNCOUTH | rough, awkward, uncultured | | UNIQUE | having no like or equal | | UMPARALLELED | having no equal, matchless | | VAIN | useless, worthless, fruitless | | VALOUR | bravery | | VAST | huge, boundless, extensive | | VITALITY | vigour, energy | | WRATH | great danger |