Journey of the Unseen World

Chapter 1a - the Station of the Grave and the Beginning of Barzakh Westward Travel

In the name of Allah, the Benevolent and Ever Merciful

All Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. The Master of this world and of the Day of Judgement. Peace and blessings be on the Prophet of Islam and on his Progeny who warned us that Love of this world is a dangerous affliction and that it is the root cause of all diseases afflicting the human race. All other diseases are really branches stemming from this main root. And the cure of this affliction is to keep reminding oneself constantly of Death.

I begin now, by saying that in 1307 H I had written my memories about my schooling and had called it Travel Eastwards and now in 1312 when am writing about the Barzakh, I intend to call ii Westward travel and I hope that it will serve as a souvenir from me and will prove a source of guidance and advice for the general public.

The fact is that our present material and elemental body by virtue of its very nature, is in a dark and impenetrable veil, not allowing man to see into any other world. Death, in fact, is the name of emerging from this curtain and once this curtain is removed, man is able to see that which was hidden to his eyes before, and he becomes aware of facts which he was unaware of, until then.

'Certainly, you were heedless of this (day), now we have removed your veil from you, so now your sight is sharp'. (Soora Qaf Verse 22)

That is to say, in this world you were ignorant of facts. Now after death we have removed from your eyes the material curtain so that you may clearly see the Hereafter.

Hence, I died. Then I saw myself standing, relieved of my illness, feeling fit and healthy, but around my corpse my relatives were busy mourning. I was saddened by their crying and told them that I was cured and not dead but nobody heard me.

It was as if they neither saw nor heard me. I realised that these people had now become distant from me and so I turned my complete attention towards my corpse. I became especially attentive towards the face and the side which was uncovered. Afterwards, my body was bathed and shrouded. Then, when the people had taken care of their other pending work, they took my body towards the graveyard. I was also present in the funeral procession. In this I saw many wild beasts and animals, which frightened me but the other people present were neither afraid nor even troubled, as if those beasts were their tame and beloved pets. In this way, we reached the graveyard. I stood in the grave, and saw how my body was lowered into it, head first. The moment the body was laid inside, the grave became full of animals emerging from everywhere.

My fear knew no bounds especially when the animals started attacking my body. But the man who was lowering my body was not in the least fearful, it was as it he did not even see them.

The man laid the body in the grave and then came out. But my primary interest was in my body so I stayed inside the grave. I tried to shy away the animals but they were too many for me to handle and they overcame me. One reason was, that I was so overcome with fear that my very existence was trembling. I called out to the people standing above my grave for help but nobody came forward to help. On the contrary they remained busy in their work, as it they lust could not see the commotion that was going on inside the grave. Suddenly certain people entered the grave from somewhere and came to my help, as the animals ran away when they saw these people. So I thanked them and asked them who they were that they had helped me in such a difficult time. They smiled and replied that they were my good deeds that I had done and that the beasts had been my evil deeds. They asked me if I had not heard the verse "Verily the good deeds clear away the bad deed’s. Then these people disappeared.

As soon as the commotion was over. I regained my senses. I saw that the men outside had closed the grave and had left me atone in the dark and narrow place. I could see the people going back to their houses, even my close friends, relatives and family members had deserted me and left me alone. These were the very people for whose comfort and welt being I had provided and worked for day and night. Their desertion and unfaithfulness on the one hand and my dark and narrow prison on the other, extremely saddened me and I was close to bursting with sorrow.

I had never before felt such fear and bewilderment and I sat down dejected at the head of the corpse, losing all hopes of receiving any help from anybody except God. I was wondering what would happen next when suddenly the grave started trembling and dust came tailing down off its walls and roof. It was especially violent near the foot of the grave as if some huge beast was trying to split open the grave to enter. Finally the grave did split and two huge men with fearful faces entered (The punishment in the grave, the questioning of Munkir & Nakeer and the presence of snakes and scorpions in the grave is mentioned in numerous traditions. The details can be had from the books on Beliefs. e.g. Sheikh Sudooq and Allama Majlsi may be referred to).

The two men were strong and hefty like giants. Smoke and fire bellowed from their mouths and nostrils. In their hands were iron rods so red not that it seemed as if flames were leaping up from them. Suddenly they thundered in voices so sharp that the heavens and earth trembled. "Who is your Lord?"

I was so afraid that I could not control my senses. I lost the power to speak and my courage gave way. I thought that my dead body would not be able to answer their questions and I became certain that they would give the body a good beating with their iron rods and the grave would be engulfed with tire. I saw that as it were their fear had made me lose control over my senses, if fire engulfed the grave it would become much worse. So I decided to answer their questions myself. I beseeched God for help: O Helper of the Helpless and Rescuer of the Troubled and Afflicted. come to my help." In my heart I also seeked the intercession of Imam Ali because I knew him well and I was aware of his strength, and of his position in the eyes of God and that he could come to one's help at any place and at all times. I believed him to be the dispenser of difficulties. My heart had been full of love for him throughout my life and even in death. I knew that this intercessor was God's blessing and that in the most difficult of times when man is near to losing his senses this gift of God comes to his rescue.

The Qur’an says, "And you see men in stupor, and they are not in stupor, but God's chastisement is severe" (Soora Hashr verse 2). But even in such times, the Imam comes to help. Hence as soon as I seeked his intercession. Inspite of the gravity of the situation, strength returned to me and I felt capable of answering. (According to traditions the light of the Friendship of the Imams will help their friends in the difficult moments after death, as love strengthens heart and resolve).

But my lengthy silence had angered them all the more. Their flaming eyes and faces became harsher. They raised their arms as if about to strike me with their iron rods and in voices sharper than before they repeated, 'Who is your Lord?"

But I was no longer afraid and so I replied softly that Allah, the One, Only and Unique was my Lord, 'He is Allah; there is no God but he, the knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent and Ever Merciful. He is Allah, there is no God but He, the King, the Holy. the Peace loving, the Bestower of conviction, the Guardian, the Ever-prevalent, the supreme, the great absolute. For too exalted is Allah from what they associate (with him). (Soora Hashr verse 22,23)

I remembered this particular verse because I had been in the habit of reciting it daily after my morning prayers. (This presence of mind and the ready and appropriate reply befits the author who led a life of piousness, benevolence, lofty morals, in service of humanity and in quest of knowledge about God. Those who lead such lives will enjoy similar conditions. But the ignorant, worldly, cruel and evil will be in difficulties. Therefore man should pay heed, repent and start doing good from now).

I felt it necessary to recite it in front of them in order to convince them of my position and qualities. so that they may not think that the human race was bereft of lofty qualities. They had objected to the creation of Adam the very first day, saying that he would prove to be nought but a source of mischief and bloodshed on earth. However, I saw that as soon as I recited these verses. their anger seemed to melt away. Their faces softened somewhat and one of them told the other that it seemed as H I belonged to the group of scholars of Islam and therefore they should continue with their questioning in a gentler manner.

But the other one replied that God had appointed them to question me and so they should continue in the sane manner regardless of who I was, because their attitude towards me should depend only upon my being able to answer correctly all the questions and it was not yet known whether I would be able to do so. After conversing thus ,they resumed their questioning, Who is your Prophet?"

But now I felt sufficiently courageous and even my voice was strong. Without hesitation I replied, The Messenger and the Prophet of God towards all men, Muhammad, the son of Abdullah, May Peace be Upon Him and his progeny. He is the seal of the Messengers and the head of the Prophets.

The moment I replied, their anger vanished completely and their faces brightened and became happy. Then they questioned me about my Book, Temple, and the Imams and the successors of the Holy Prophet. I replied, SMY book is the Holy Our'an which was revealed by the benevolent Lord unto the sagacious Prophet (S.A.). And my temple is the Ka’ba and the Masjdol-Haraam 'wherever you maybe, turn your faces towards it' and 'I have turned my face towards the Creator at the heavens and the earth completely and submissively and I am not from the polytheists'. And my imams and the successors of the Holy Prophet are the Twelve Imams, the first of them Ali, and the last Imam Mehdi, who is the Imam and the ruler of our time. Obedience unto them is obligatory and they are infallible. They are the Witnesses on the earth and in the Hereafter they are the intercessors." Then I named each Imam with his parentage and other details.

To this they replied that such a lengthy discourse was unnecessary and the answers should be brief. I promptly remarked "This detail was necessary for you because you had misgivings about the creation of Adam from the very first day. Your objection to the creation of Adam had in fact been an objection on the action of God and from the day that I understood your objection, it was like a burden on me and I had promised myself that whenever I would meet you, I would question you thoroughly: but it is sad that now when we have met, the situation does not permit it: I am in a difficult position and you have been appointed by God to question me."

Then I tell silent and waited to see their reaction. But they stopped their interrogation and merely asked me the source of these answers. This question was a source of concern and worry because I thought that the proofs and theories that I had prepared in the world concerning the Beliefs and principles of Islam, were they indeed necessarily true?

The possibility existed that even Aristotle, who's considered to be the Father of Philosophy was wrong in fact, some of his fallacies were in my notice. Secondly. Those proofs even if correct would hold true only in the Dark and Ignorant world, whereas here was a world of Light and Illumination. Darkness necessitates a guiding stick but here the darkness had gone and was replaced with light of such illuminance that even the blind would not require a guiding stick.

Of what use was the stick (my proof) now? Then what did these two want from me? "O God I am a newcomer here and I am yet unaware of the prevalent customs and of the nature of the beings present here. O God! I beseech you in the name of Imam Ali, the son of Abu Talib, help me I was thus engrossed in my thoughts and supplications when suddenly their piercing scream, sharper than flint, rang out. "Answer at once What was the source from which you learnt these answers?

(It is necessary to know the beliefs and principles of Islam like the Unity of God, Divine Justice, Prophethood. Imamat and the Day of Judgement, through understanding and logical proof. In this case, Taqleed following a Marjia or scholar is not permitted, It is not sufficient if one adopts these beliefs because his forefathers believed in them, Blind following in this manner will prove useless in the Hereafter As Islam is a religion of logic and evidence, the Muslim should strive to know the Beliefs and principles through logic and clear understanding of proofs.

If this is not done, then his beliefs cannot be considered free of doubt and he would consequently not qualify to stand amongst the true Muslims in the Hereafter Faith is a state of the heart, but it is attained only when religion has been obtained through logic, All children born to Muslim parents are Muslims due to parental teachings but once a child is of age, it becomes necessary to acquire the principles through logic. Otherwise.

Islam obtained through mere following is not of lasting quality and does not pro wide the necessary incentive required to work for the Hereafter, However proper understanding of religion through logic and proofs will result in the height of awareness and knowledge which in turn will prove to be an incentive for doing deeds for the Hereafter, And God willing, any one who acts with sincerity and with correct principles, will be rewarded in the Hereafter, However, if these essentials of correct principles sincerity of intention. and quality and quantity of deeds are lacking. then the future can prove bleak.)

I could no longer bear to look at their faces, Their eyes were red which anger and flames were leaping up from them, their laces were terrifying. Their mouths were wide open like a lion's with tang-like teeth visible inside. Their iron rods were raised as it they were lust about to strike, Overcome with tear, I almost fainted, At this moment, the answer seemed to be revealed to me. I answered in a weak voice: -l was guided towards these words by Allah, they replied then sleep like the wed pride". They went away but I felt as ill had either gone to sleep or had tainted. But I clearly felt that I was rid or the fear and I slept peacefully.

When I revived and opened my eyes, I saw myself in a pleasant room. A handsome youth, whose very body was fragrant was sitting next to me with my head in his lap, waiting for me to wake up. I sat up out of respect for him and greeted him. He smiled lovingly, embraced me and returned my greetings, and said, "sit down and be at ease. I'm your friend and companion, not a Prophet or an Imam."

I asked, "May I know who you are? It is indeed my good fortune to have a companion like you. It is my desire to always remain with you."

He replied, "My name is Haadi (Guide), I am also called Abul Wafa (the Father of fulfilment) and Abu Turab (Father of earth). I guided you to your last answer. Had you failed to reply, they would have given you a good beating with their iron rods and your grave would have become full with the flames from Hell," I replied, " I am indeed grateful to you for your help in freeing me from the dire straits I was in but as that as I'm concerned, the last question was unnecessary and was merely in order to lengthen the questioning process. I had replied correctly to all the questions about the Islamic beliefs. And if one speaks truthfully about factual events, then there is no scope left for questioning. If you keep a red-hot iron on somebody's palm and he complains that his hand is burning, it is superfluous to ask why he is saying so. It inspite of this a man is foolish enough to ask, then the reply can only be to ask him if he is blind that he cannot see the red hot iron lying on the hand. The last questions which the angels asked can only be termed to be of this category."

Haadi replied, "This is not correct, because man does not usually speak the truth, It is quite possible that he admits to certain truths verbally, but in the heart or hearts he does not believe in them. If the heart does not firmly believe in a principle, it will not act in accordance to it, Such words and admissions are meaningless as the heart does not believe in them, As God has said, 'Do not claim that you have brought faith, only say that you have submitted,' faith has not yet entered your hearts.

"On the very first day when man was asked 'Am I not your Lord?' all did not reply in the affirmative and submit to God's Lordship as they should have." I inquired "Why"?

Haadi replied, In the material world when man is tested for his religious duties and responsibilities, many tail to observe these dutifully until the time arrives to come out of the examination hall.

After death, here in the first station, the true believer and the hypocrite both answer the questions correctly until the last question is asked. If true faith had place in his heart, then only is he able to answer as you did. If, however, the foundation of his beliefs and his religion lay in traditions and customs and not in sound logic, then as deep down in his heart he does not believe in it, it proves useless here. You are aware yourself of the traditions of the Prophet and his progeny concerning this."

I replied, "That's true, the traditions of the Infallible indeed speak of this. But the questioning terrified me so much, that I could not even think logically, and forgot all about this. May God bless you for coming to my help at such a crucial time. And I pray to God that he may never bereave me of your company.

"But first, tell me, how is it that though we've never met before, you seem to know me well, and in-spite of the short time that we've been together, I've developed such a love for you that I cannot bear to part with you ?"'

He replied, 'I have been with you since the very first day and have always loved you but you never sensed my presence since in the material world your sight lacked the power to perceive me.