Karbala and Beyond

ن, N

Nabi or Nebi, Nabee نبي: The meaning of the word Nabi is a prophet. To be a prophet he should receive a revelation from Allah that does not necessarily mean a revealed book. When a prophet is instructed to deliver his message to a certain group of people, he is a messenger. It is stated in the Qur'an that there are no more prophets and messengers after Muhammad (ص).

Naddaf نداف: cotton carder, cotton teaser, one who works cotton into some usable form

Nafaqa نفقة: maintainence expenses; nafaqa applies to the obligation of the husband towards the wife while they are married. Alimony, on the other hand, applies in the West to the "spousal support" which the ex-husband has to pay his divorced wife.

Nafl نفل: (also Nafila نافلة) optional, non-compulsory, supererog­atory, highly recommended act of worship; plural nawafil

Najasa نجاسه: uncleanness, impurity; adjective najis

Najwa نجوى: silent supplication, invocation, the time when one pleads silently to his Maker; recommended periods for such supplications are: evenings, before dawn, during times of trials and tribulations or when one is sick

Nasab نسب: lineage or genealogy

Nasiha or Naseehah نصيحه: sincere good advice

Nathr نذر: one's pledge to do something to show appreciation for the Almighty's favorable response to his supplication and the attainment of his worldly wish; plural: nuthur

Nikah نكاح: Islamic marriage

Nisab نصاب: amount of savings or capital or product a Muslim has so the payment of zakat becomes obligatory on him; it is also applied in courts where it means “legal quorum”

Nifas نفاس: period of a woman’s pre-natal bleeding

Noor نور: divine or celestial light; Muslims believe that the angels are created of such noor. Human eyes cannot withstand the intensity of their light, so they are veiled by their Maker from being seen by humans. Humans will see the angels starting from the moment when the soul starts its journey out of the body and into the afterlife.

Nubuwwah نبوه: prophethood, the belief in prophets and their messages