Karbala and Beyond

ق, Q

Qadi or Qadhi قاضي: judge.

Qa`ideen or Qa`idoon قاعدين أو قاعدون: people who remain inactive and do not actively fight; the opposit of mujahid

Qanieen or Qanitoon قانتون: those who constantly supplicate

Qanitun or Qanitoon قانطون: those who lose hope of the mercy of Allah

Qard قرض: a loan given for a good cause in the name of Allah, in hopes of repayment or reward in the Hereafter

Qari قاريء: someone who recites the Qur'an being knowledgeable of the rules of such recitation

Qayyim قيم: person in charge of something, one charged with authority or responsibility

Qaa قضاء: compensatory, making up for a missed rite

Qibla قبلة: the direction that Muslims face when they perform their salat. It is in the direction of the Ka'bah in Mecca

Qisas قصاص: retaliation/reprisal in kind (an eye for an eye). In Islam, though, retaliation should be forgone as an act of charity; see Sura 5, Aya 48. According to some Muslim jurists, qiyas is a method, a yardstick, for measuring or reaching a legal decision on the basis of evidence (precedent) in which a common reason, or an effective cause, is applicable.

Qiyam قيام: standing (usually, but not necessarily, during the performance of the prayers)

Qiyama or Qiyaamah قيامة: Day of Judgment, resurrection, the dead rising from their graves and are herded for their Judgment

Qudat قضاة: plural form of qadi, judge

Qudsi قدسي: divine, related to the Almighty

Qunoo قنوت: optional but very highly recommended supplication during the prayer rite's second rek`at

Quraysh or Quraish قريش: the Arabian tribe of the Prophet of Islam; for the meaning of “quraish”, refer to my book titled Muhammad: Prophet and Messenger of Allah.

Qur'an or Koran or Kuran قرآن: The holy book of Islam is called the Qur'an. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (ص) through arch-angel Gabriel (Jibril) during a period of 23 years. There is only one Qur'an in the whole world and it is in Arabic. The Qur'an has one text, one language, and one dialect. It has been memorized by millions of Muslims in different parts of the world. The Qur'an is composed of 114 suras (chapters). Rules and regulations apply to its methods of recitation and chanting.
The authenticity and pristine originality of the Qur'an have been documented and recognized. It is the ultimate source of guidance for people in all aspects of their spiritual and material lives. It also is described as being bounteous, glorious, mighty, honored, exalted, purified, wonderful, blessed, and confirming the truth of previous revelations to prophets who preceded Muhammad (ص).