Lectures On Ashura


Karbala presents a clear and inspiring example of a great sacrifice for Islam and humanity. The example of martyrdom set by Imam Husayn (Peace be upon him), the members of his family and his companions will continue to provide lofty values to human hearts which make man attain that exalted position of humanity which Allah expects from a true Muslim. Islam is the name of a continual movement and revolution which is a perfect system in the ideological field -a living movement in the journey of historical continuity.

The following Qur'anic verse goes to show that ideologically Islam is a perfect system: ...On this day I have perfected your religion, completed my favours to you and have chosen Islam as your religion. ...(Surah Mai'dah, 5:3) In the passage of history the following Divine verses bear witness to Islam being a perpetual movement: you are the best of the nations that existed among men. You command people to follow the Law and prohibit them from committing sins and you believe in Allah. (Surah Ali Imran, 3:111)

Let there be a group among you, who will invite others to do good deeds, command them to obey the Law, and prohibit them from committing sins. (Surah AI-e-Imran, 3:104)

As in the caravan of history Islam is a perpetual movement and a constant revolution, it offers unending sacrifices. From its very beginning it presented martyrs to combat the forces and evils of ignorance to achieve success and even after the perfection of religion it made sacrifices successively against the powers of alteration and destructive elements to safeguard its success; During every revolution the number of martyrs continued to increase and opposition to its aims and objects also increased. The object of this opposition was to annihilate the revolution and its future. And it is here that the greatness of martyrdom against the forces inimical to revolution becomes manifest, because it was the martyrdom of those 'victors' 'who were not avaricious of the honors of victory but who stuck to their ideal even after achieving victory so that they might attain the great blessing of martyrdom.

Imam Husayn (P) belonged to this very 'victorious' family and taking advantage of the honors of 'victory' he could lead a comfortable life in the Islamic society. However, he saw that anti-Islamic movement was progressing in the guise of Islam itself, Islam had fallen a prey to intellectual pollution and profanity and as the Holy Prophet had warned the Muslims, the Islamic Caliphate had changed into despotic anarchism.

Islam which according to Imam Husayn's concept is a perpetual revolution was always faced with the danger of being desecrated and destroyed by the anti- Islamic forces of the suppressive movement of autocratic rule. It was on the basis of this concept that Imam Husayn chose the path of martyrdom so that the spirit of Islam might remain alive and be protected from the pollution of the anti-Islamic government.

Islam, for the sake of which Imam Hu'sayn (P) chose martyrdom, is not an idle concept but a perfect system, which has been introduced for the benefit of Mankind. It brings into existence a Muslim society which looks after the needs of the people, protects their human rights and promises a life of prosperity in this world and the Hereafter.

Imam Husayn (P) and his companions did not become martyrs after being slain, but they were martyrs even during their lifetime. Martyrdom is not attained only through death but it also takes place during one's life. To take a just stand and to stick to it firmly for the welfare of the entire society, rising above personal, family and party interests, to make it the stand for the present and future generations of the entire Ummah, to connect that stand with Allah according to the Divine teachings and to follow the principles of political virtue, gives the meaning of martyrdom to life, and it is this act which adorns them with martyrdom.

The material life is for all the people, but the future of a martyr is connected with the spiritual uplift of man. It is this thing which gives man the distinctive sign of martyrdom and this is the reality of the highest rank of martyrdom of the martyrs of Karbala. This martyrdom is a landmark in- the history of human dignity defying all sorts of communalism, regionalism or nationalism. It was the noblest feat of humanity because it was the interpreter of the stand taken by an honourable creation like man -the same man who is entitled to honour, prosperity -and good future. The Almighty Allah says: We have exalted the children of Adam, carried them on the. land and on the sea, given them pure sustenance and exalted them above most of My creatures. (Surah Bani Israel, 17: 70)

Hence, it is the universal recognition of the Tragedy of Karbala,which has made it everlasting (and) (it is present) in the annals of History as a living memorial ( of the martyrs) till today and leads them to those sublime human values which take man out of the narrow circle of his ego and bring him into the field of effort and action for the honour, welfare and future of the entire society. The Holy Prophet says: "Every one of you is responsible and every one will be questioned about his subordinates."

When we study the revolution., brought about by Imam Husayn (P) and the martyrdom of his kith, and kin we understand the reality of the events which have taken place in the world of Islam and we also come to know where it has reached now and what dangers threaten it. Under the manifest spirit of human sacrifice staged in Karbala, a Karbala is taking place for every man and every group of men even today. Today man is standing at the parting of the ways: Either he should remain steadfast in his belief in Monotheism and should, relying on Allah, lead his life on His Path by turning away his face from the East and the West, controlling his temptations, helping the weak in seeking proximity to Allah, defending the faith, fostering brotherhood, love and unity, and make Islam honoured, or he may submit to Satan and choose the path of cruelty, treachery, fanaticism and dissension. In any case every one of us is standing at the crossroads to decide his line of action.

In the past many persons who were at the crossroads, failed. However, if we fail it will be the death of our religious existence because the deceitful enemy is sitting in ambush. Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shamsuddin Vice President, Al-Majlis-al-lslami al Shi'ie al-A 'la (Lebanon)