Manasek Hajj

Courtesies in Safe

It is recommended to depart to Safaa by the door facing the Black Stone and with peace and solemnity. On reaching there one must look at the Holy Kaaba and concentrate on the corner with the Black Stone, praise Allah and narrate His bounties and then say seven times each Allahu Akber, Al-Hamdulillah and Lailaha ilallah and then say:

لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو حي لا يموت وهو على كل شيء قدير

(Translation: 'There is no God except Allah, He is One without any partner. All land belongs to Him and all praise is due to Him. He gives life and takes it away; He has always been alive and will never die. All goodness emanates from Him and is powerful over all things.)

Then send blessings on Muhammad and his progeny (a.s.) and say thrice:

الله اكبر الحمد لله على ما هدانا والحمد لله على ما اولانا والحمد لله الحي القيوم والحمد لله الحي الدائم

(Translation: Allah is Great; He has granted us guidance. All praise is to Allah; He has showered on us bounties. All praise to Allah who is Living and Eternal and all praise is ever due to Him.)

Then say thrice:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله ، وأشهد أن محمداً عبدهُ ورسولهُ ، لا نعبدُ إلا إياه مخلصين له الدين ولو كره المشركون

. (Translation: I bear witness that there is no God except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. We do not worship anyone except Him, sincere to the religion, however averse may the polytheists be.)

Then say thrice:

اللهم إني أسألك العفو والعافية واليقين في الدنيا والآخرة

(Translation: O Allah, I beseech You for forgiveness, health, and firmness in faith in this world and the Hereafter). Then say thrice:

اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار

(Translation: O Allah, grant us the virtues of this world and the Hereafter and protect us from the fire of Hell.)

Then recite a hundred times each of Allahu Akber, La ilaha illallah, Al-Hamdulillah and Subhanallah and then say:

لا إله إلا الله وحده وحده ، أنجز وعده ونصر عبده ، وغلب الاحزاب وحده فله الملك وله الحمد ، وحده وحده ، اللهم بارك لي في الموت وفي ما بعد الموت ، اللهم إني أعوذ بك من ظلمة القبر ووحشته ، اللهم أظلني في ظل عرشك يوم لا ظل إلا ظلك

(Translation: There is no God except Allah, He is only One, He has accomplished His promise, He has helped His servant and singly overpowered the groups (of infidels). All land belongs to Him and all praise is due to Him, Him along. O Allah, bless my death and what happens after it. O Allah, I seek refuge from the darkness and loneliness of the grave. O Allah, grant me shelter under the shade of Your Arsh on the day when there will be no shelter except Yours.)

Then say:

أستودع الله الرحمن الرحيم ، الذي لا تضيع ودائعه ديني ونفسي وأهلي ، اللهم استعملني على كتابك وسنة نبيك ، وتوفني على ملته ، وأعذني من الفتنة

(Translation: I leave my religion, myself and family in the hands of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent, who does not let anything deposited with him to be lost. O Allah, keep me steadfast in following Your Book and the practices of Your Prophet and keep me among his followers until my death and save me from dissension.)

Then say thrice Allahu Akbar and repeat the above supplication twice. Then make takbeer and repeat the supplication. If it is not possible to perform all this, one may recite a portion of it. It has been reported from Amiril Mu'mineen (a.s.) that when one climbs the Safaa, one must face the Holy Kaaba, raise one's hands and say

اللهم اغفر لي كل ذنب اذنبته قط ، فإن عدت فعد عليّ بالمغفرة ، فإنك أنت الغفور الرحيم ، اللهم ا فعل بي ما أنت أهله ، فإنك ا ن تفعل بي ما أنت أهله ترحمني ، وإن تعذبني فأنت غني عن عذابي ، وأنا محتاج الى رحمتك ، فيا من أنا محتاج الى رحمته ارحمني ، اللهم لا تفعل بي ما أنا اهله ، فإنك إن أنا أهله تعذبني ولن تظلمني ، أصبحت أتقي عدلك ولا أخاف جورك ، فيا من هو عدل لا يجور ارحمني

(Translation: O Allah, forgive all my sins whenever I may have committed them and if I repeat them, forgive me again, for You are Forgiving and Merciful. O Allah, deal with me as it befits You and if You would do so, You would have mercy on me. You are free from any need to punish me but I am in need of Your mercy, have mercy on me. O Allah, do not deal with me as I deserve, for if You do so, You will punish me without being unjust to me. I fear Your justice but have no fear of injustice from You. O one who is absolutely Just, have mercy on me.)

It has been reported from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that if one desires to own much property, one should stay at Safaa longer. It is recommended to perform the saee by walking in peace and seriousness. When men reach the first minaret they should hasten the pace till the location of the second minaret. There is no such recommendation for women.Then one should continue to walk with peace and seriousness till one arrives at Marwah where one should repeat what was done at Safaa and return from Marwah to Safaa in the same manner. If one is riding, one should hasten the pace between the minarets. One must perform the saee in earnestness, weeping and supplicating intensely.


Whatever has been stated above in respect of the courtesies in the state of ihram during Umrah, apply equally to the state of ihram in Hajj. When one has worn the ihram for Hajj, and departed from Makkah, one must say the talbiyyah on the way but not in loud voice till one reaches Abtah when it must be recited aloud. When one notices Mina, one should say:

اللهم إياك أرجو وإياك أدعوا ، فبلغني أملي وأصلح لي علمي

(Translation: O Allah, I place all my hopes in You and supplicate to You. Fulfil my hopes and put my actions in order.)

Then proceed to Mina peacefully and with seriousness, engrossed in remembrance of Allah and on reaching there, say:

الحمد لله الذي أقدمنيها صالحاً في عافية وبلغني هذا المكان

(Translation: All praise is due to Allah who brought me to Mina in sound health and reached me to this place.)

Then say:

اللهم وهذه منى ، وهي مما مننت به على أوليائك من المناسك ، فأسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد ، وأن تمن عليّ فيها بما مننت على اوليائك وأهل طاعتك فإنما أنا عبدك وفي قبضتك

(Translation: O Allah, this is Mina where You have graced us with performance of ceremonies. I beseech You for the grace You have bestowed on Your Prophets, for I am one of Your servants and in Your power.)

It is recommended that the eve of Arafaat be spent in Mina in the worship of Allah, the High and its preferred form is prayers (salaat) in the mosque at Kheef. After dawn, one must continue in prayer till sunrise and then move to Arafaat. There is no objection in departing from Mina before sunrise. When one notices Arafaat, one should say:

اللهم إليك صمدت وإياك اعتمدت ووجهك أردت ، فأسألك إن تبارك لي في رحلتي ، وأن تقضي لي حاجتي ، وأن تجعلني ممن تباهي به اليوم من هو أفضل مني

(Translation: O Allah, I turn to You, repose trust in You and seek Your pleasure. I beseech You to bless my journey, fulfil my wishes and include me among those superior to me whom You honour today.)

When one reaches Arafaat, one should recite the talbiyyah.


A number of matters have been recommended during the stay at Arafaat and some of them are:

(1) Cleanliness (taharah) during the stay. (2) Ghusl at noon. (3) Continuous supplication and remembrance of Allah. (4) Stay on the flat land to the left of the mountain. (5) Joining the two prayers of Zohr and Asr with one adhan and two iqamaat (6) Recitation of supplications and the most excellent of them are the supplications of Hussain (a.s.) and his son Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) which will be set out.

It has been authentically reported from Muawiyah bin Ammar that Abi Abdillah (a.s.)

stated, "Hasten to your prayers (salaat) and gather yourselves to indulge in supplications for it is a day of supplications and seeking. Then find yourself a place where you can stay with peace and solemnity and praise, glorify and recite the Oneness of Allah. Recite the takbir a hundred times, the Hamd a hundred times, Subhanallah a hundred times, the Chapter on Ikhlas a hundred times and other supplications that he may choose to recite. One must make great effort to indulge in worship for it is a day for supplications and seeking refuge of Allah from the Shaitan who does not spare opportunity to deviate man. One must not engage in looking at others but examine oneself and say:

اللهم إني عبدك فلا تجعلني من أخيب وفدك ، وارحم مسيري اليك من الفج العميق

(Translation: O Allah, I am Your slave. Do not include among those who do not hope to be close to You. Have mercy on my having travelled from far towards You.)

Then say:

اللهم رب المشاعر كلها ، فك رقبتي من النار وأوسع علي من رزقك الحلال واذرأ عني شر فسقة الجن والانس

(Translation: O Allah, the sustainer of all the places for the ceremonies. Spare my neck from the fire of Hell, increase my sustenance from lawful sources and keep me away from harm from the evil among the jinn and mankind.)

Then say:

اللهم إني أسألك بحولك وجودك وكرمك ومنّك وفضلك ، يا أسمع السامعين ويا أبصر الناظرين ويا أسرع الحاسبين ويا أرحم الراحمين ، أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد وأن تفعل بي ..

(Translation: O Allah, I ask You by Your power, generosity, charity, favour and bestowal, O the Best of the Listeners, the Greatest of those who See, the Quickest in taking Account and the most Merciful of the Merciful, send Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny and grant me (and then ask for your wishes).

Then say raising our head towards the sky:

اللهم حاجتي اليك التي إن اعطيتنيها لم يضرني ما منعني ، والتي إن منعتنيها م ينفعني ما أعطيتني ، أسألك خلاص رقبتي من النار

(Translation: O Allah, I have a wish which if You grant will not affect what You have refused me but if you reject that wish, I will not benefit from anything else You grant me. I seek that my neck be spared from the fire of Hell.)

Then say:

اللهم إني عبدك وملك يدك ، ناصيتي بيدك واجلي بعلمك ، أسألك ان توفقني لما يرضيك عني وأن تسلم مني مناسكي التي أريتها خليلك إبراهيم ودللت عليها نبيك محمداً صلى الله عليه وآله

(Translation: O Allah, I am Your slave and belong to You, my forelock is in Your hands, my death is in Your knowledge, I seek that I do what would please You and accept from me the performance of the ceremonies which You showed to Your friend, Ibrahim (a.s.) and by them guided Your Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.)

Then say:

اللهم اجعلني ممن رضيت عمله وأطلت عمره وأحييته بعد الموت حياة طيبة

(Translation: O Allah, include me among those whose actions have pleased You, whose lives You have elongated and granted them life after death pure lives).

Then recite the following supplication taught by the Holy Messenger (s.a.a.w.) to Ali (a.s.) as reported by Muawiyah bin Ammar from Abi Abdulla (a.s.):

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمدُ يُحيى ويميت، ويميت ويحيي وهو الحي لا يموت، بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير اللهم لك الحمد، أنت كما تقول وخيراً مما يقول القائلون اللهم لك صلاتي وديني ومحياي ومماتي، ولك تراثي وبك حولي ومنك قوّتي اللهم إني أعوذُ بك من الفقر ومن وسواس الصّدر، ومن شتات الأمر ومن عذاب النار ومن عذاب القبر اللهم إني أسألك من خير ما تأتي به الرياح، وأعوذُ بك من شرّ ما تأتي به الرّياح، وأسألك خير الليل وخير النهار

(Translation: There is no God but Allah, He is One without any partner. All kingdom belongs to Him, all praise is due to Him. He grants life and death and death and life. He is eternally living and does not die. All good is in his hands and He has power over all things. All praise is due to You as You state and what You state is better than anything else which is said. O Allah, my salaat, worship. living and death are for You. All the power with me is from You and all my strength is from You. O Allah, I seek Your refuge from poverty, wicked obsessions, severity of affairs, the fire of Hell and the torments of the grave. O Allah, I seek from You the goodness that comes from the wind, and seek refuge from the evil caused by the wind and the goodness from the day and night.)

Among the supplications reported by Abdullah bin Maymoon from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) is the following that during his stay in Arafaat, the Holy Messenger (s.a.a.w.) used to recite at the time of sunset before departure:

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الفقر ومن تشتت الأمر ومن شر ما يحدث بالليل والنهار، أمسى ظلمي مستجيراً بعفوك، وأمسى خوفي مستجيراً بأمانك، وأمسى ذلّي مستجيرا بعزك وامسى وجهي الفاني مستجيرا بوجهك الباقي، ياخير من سُئل ويا أجود من أعطى، جلّلني برحمتك وألبسني عافيتك واصرف عني شر جميع خلقك

(Translation: O Allah, I seek Your refuge from poverty, the severity of affairs, the evils of night and day. Let my transgressions be sheltered by Your forgiveness, my fear by Your security, my abasement by Your honour and my mortality by Your eternalness. O the best from whom to seek and the most generous to give, cover me with Your mercy, clothe me with health from You and keep me away from me the evil of all Your creation.)

Abu Basir has reported from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that the following be recited when the sun has set on the day of Arafaat:

اللهم لا تجعله آخر العهد من هذا الموقف، وارزقنيه من قابل أبداً ما أبقيتني، واقلبني اليوم مفلحا منجحا مستجابا لي، مرحوماً مغفوراً لي، بأفضل ما ينقلب به اليوم أحد من وفدك وحجاج بيتك الحرام، واجعلني اليوم من اكرم وفدك عليك، وأعطني أفضل ما أعطيت أحداً منهم من الخير والبركة والرّحمة والرضوان والمغفرة، وبارك لي في ما أرجع اليه من اهل أو مال أو قليل أو كثير، وبارك لهم في

(Translation: Do not make this my last stay in this place and grant me future visits to this place so long as I live and make my stay successful and providing for me salvation, mercy and forgiveness better than the day has provided to the other guests and pilgrim to Your Holy House. And make me today the most honourable of Your visitors and grant me more goodness, prosperity, mercy, Your pleasure and forgiveness more than You have granted any of them. On my return, bless me with children, wealth, little or more and make me a blessing for them too.)


Similarly, there are many courtesis to be observed in Muzdalifah but we shall set out a few of them:

  1. To proceed from Arafaat with serenity and solemnity seeking forgiveness and on approaching the red sand hill on the right, say: اللهم ارحم موقفي، وزد في عملي وسلم لي ديني وتقبّل مناسكي .

(Translation: O Allah, have mercy on my station, increase my capacity for efforts, preserve me on my religion and accept my performance of the rituals.)

  1. To move steadily.

  2. To delay the recitation of the salaat until reaching Muzdalifah and combine the recitation of Maghrib and Isha with one adhan and two iqamah even though a third of the night has passed.

  3. To descend into the valley on the road to the right near the Mash'ar and it is recommended to be on foot for those whose pilgrimage is the first one.

  4. To remain awake during the night in prayer and supplication and say:

اللهم هذه جمع، اللهم إني أسألك أن تجمع لي فيها جوامع الخير، اللهم لا تؤيسني من الخير الذي سألتك ان تجمعه لي في قلبي، وأطلب إليك أن تعرفني ما عرفت أولياءك في منزلي هذا، وأن تقيني جوامع الشرّ

(Translation; O Allah of this gathering, I ask You to gather for me in it a collection of goodness. O Allah, do not make me despair of the goodness which I asked You to accumulate in my heart. I ask You to grant me the knowledge of this place which You granted to Your chosen ones and save me from accumulation of evils.)

  1. To remain in cleanliness (taharah), say prayers (salaat). praise Allah, remember Him and His greatness as much as possible, send salawaat on the Holy Prophet and his progeny and then recite:

اللهم رب المشعر الحرام فك رقبتي من النار، وأوسع علي من رزقك الحلال وادرأ عني شر فسقة الجن والانس . اللهم أنت خير مطلوب اليه وخير مدعو وخير مسؤول، ولكل وافد جائزة، فاجعل جائزتي في موطني هذا أن تقيلني عثرتي وتقبل معذرتي وأن تجاوز عن خطيئتي، ثم اجعل التقوى من الدنيا زادي

(Translation: O Allah of the Holy Mash'ar, save my neck from the fire of Hell, increase my lawful sustenance and keep me away from the harm of the evil from the jinn and mankind. O Allah, You are the best from whom to seek, the best to whom one can be invited and the best to be supplicated. There is a reward for every visitor and in this place, I seek that my reward be that You forgive my slips, accept my plea, forgive my sins and then make piety my provision from this world.)

  1. Collect seventy pebbles in Muzdalifah for throwing at jamaraat.

  2. When passing through Wadi Muhassar, one should accelerate pace and say:

اللهم سلم لي عهدي، واقبل توبتي وأجب دعوتي، واخلفني بخير فيمن تركت بعدي .

(Translation: O Allah, protect for me my covenant, accept my repentance, answer my wishes and look after those I leave behind.)