Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (nahj Al-balagha)

A Group of Imam’s Wonderful Proverbs

If a person has a good idea about you proove his idea to be true.

Do not regard an expression uttered by a person as evil if you can find it capable of bearing a good intention.

The worst man is one who does not trust in any person due to his evil intention, and noone trusts him due to his bad action.

It is no just to pass a verdict by relying on probability.

Evil intention diseases hearts, accuses the faithful, isolates the friendly, and change brother’s affection.

The fighter in the way of Allah who gets martyred would not get a greater reward than he who remains chaste despite means. It is possible that a chaste person almost one of the angels.

Forgiveness is the alms tax of victory.

The most entitled to pardoning is he who is the most powerful to punish.

Hide the blemish of your brother, and forgive your friend’s slips.

You have to be true in all of your concern.

No vice is worse than lie.

The liar fears himself while he is safe.

The evidenc of faith is that you prefer truth even when it harms you to falsehood when it benefits you.

Be on your guard against lie. A truthful person is on the height of salvation and dignity, while the liar is on the edge of a falling down and degredation.

The liar and the dead are equal, because the preferance of the living to the dead is confidence in him, then if his speech is not trusted his life becomes fatile.

If you are truthful we will reward you, but if you are a liar we will punish you.

Lie is not useful in seriousness and in joking; even that anyone of you promises his child and then he does not keep it; falsehood leads to corruption.

The best speech is that which actions certify it.

Whoever lacks truthfulness in his speech is afflicted in the noblest of his morals.

The strict sword in the hands of the brave is not more glorious than truthfulness.

The worst truthfulness is man’s praise of himself.

My conscience for what I say is mortgaged.

Adhere to contracts by their fulfillement.

Do not betray your commitment, do not overrule your pledge, and do not deceive your enemy.

Fulfil your agreement (when it is due): be just in taking deci-sions; and do not vie in boasting with one another for fathers.

Do not be one of those who refrains others but not himself; he commands others for what he himself does not do; he describes lessons but he doesn’t take lesson himself, therefor he rebukes others but flatters himslef.

Do not associate with a fool since he will beautify his action to you and long that you too be like him.

The double-dealer has often no friend, the liar has no honesty, the jealous has no comfort, and the base no dignity.

Make use of opportunities to do good.

Do good and do not regard any part of it small, because its small is big and its little is much.

Say the good and you are known of it; act the virtue and you will be one of its people.

Whoever seeks the good is like its doer, but whoever seeks the evil and fights the good is an enemy of Allah and human beings.

No one of you should say that another person is more deserving than I in doing good, Otherwise, by Allah, it would be realy so.

When the picture of evil moves but does not appear, it induces terror, and if it appears it begets pain; when the picture of good moves but does not appear it will beget joy; if it appears it begets delight.

He whose two days are equal is aggrieved.

The tactful person is the one whose today is better than his ysterday.

He who remind others of his good action corrupts them.

Don’t let that who doesn’t thank you for your good actions to frustrate you to do it.

Do not regard anything of favor as small when you can do it as a preference to what is more than it because the simple thing in time of need is move advantageous than the plentiful when one can do without it.

The doer good is better than it, the commiter of evil is worse than it.

Do not act the good hypocritically, and do not leave it shyly.

He who does distinguish good from evil is in the rank of an animal.

Allah will not waste the reward of him who does good.

Seek good and its people, and know that the giver of good is better than it, and the doer of evil is worse than it.

No day passes a human being except it says to him: “I am a new day. And I am a witness over you, So say good, and act the good, because you will not see me at all.

He also says ot he noble man: He intends to act plenty of good, he fulfills a group of good deeds, and is eager for what has pass him; how he had not done it.

He has enjoined upon himself to follow justice; he describes right and acts according to it; there is not good which he has not aimed at nor any likely place of virtue.

Harvest evil from the others’ chests by rooting it up from your chest.

Whoever approves the evil is a partner of it.

If you like to know a man’s nature, you ought to consult him, then you will recognize in his consultation upon his justice and injustice, his good and evil.

There is not delight during the swift flash, for the one who plungee into darkness.

Accept the excuse of him who apologizes and delay the evil as much as you could.

All people should be equal in right before you.

He who transgresses right wastes his own passage.

Whoever wrestle with Right would be knocked down by it.

Only rightfulness should delight you while wrongfulness should detract you only.

Know that with the Right the skies and the Earth have existed.

I have never enterained doubt about right since I was shown it.

Follow the right and its people wherever they are.

The crowd of men around me does not give me more strength nor does their dispersal from me cause more lonliness, and I do not hate to die for the sake of right.

One who has sought right but did not find it is not like that who sought wrong and found it.

Whoever seeks dignity through wrong Allah inherits him humility through right.

The person who feels disgusted when truth is said to him or a just matter is brought before him he would find it more difficult to act upon them.

We have aright. If it is allowed to us well and good, otherwise we will ride on the hind part of the camel. i.e. insist on soughting it eventhough the night journey may be long.

Don’t feel alone in the path of right because of the fewness of those who take it.

Act (good) without dissemblance.

The hypocrite has three marks; he becomes active if he sees people, he becomes lazy if he is alone, and likes to be praised in all of his concerns.

Your drawing near to people should be by seeking leniency and mercifulness.

Associate with whoever cust his relationship with you; grant him who deprives you; act good to him who offends you, and say the right even though against yourself.

Reprove the wrong-doer through rewarding the benevolent.

If you cannot forbear feign to do so since it is seldom that a man assimilate himself to a group and has not become one of them.

The reward of him who pleases you is not to displease him.

He whose sin overpowers him is not victorious, and he who secures victory by evil is vanquished.

One, whose manners are bad torments himself.

Goodness of moral character is a sufficient blessing.

Do not give a promise humilliated by your little self-confidence, and do not be deceived by the easy height if the slope is rough.

Have mercy (on others) you will be pitied; say the good, you will be spoken well of; avoid backbiting because it is the foodstuff of the dogs of Hell.

The elders should be kind to the young.

He who preaches his brother in secret adorns him, while he who preaches his brother in publicness offends him.

You have to stick to the word of Right in time of contentedness and rage, and you have to stick to justice with regard to the friend and enemy.

A hearer of backbiting is one of the backbiters.

Backbiting is the toil of the helpless.

Imam saw a person bickbiting another at the presence of his sonHasan and said: o’ my son, exalt your hearing to listen to him because he looked on the worst thing of his container and emptied it in your container.

Give true advice to your brother and help him in any case; do not cut relation with your brother, relying on a doubt; do not break away from him without blaming because he may have an excuse while you are blaming him.

All woe to whoever approves for himself what he rebuke of others and he therefore devalues people in such an act.

He is not reasonable who gets furious because of false saying of him, and He is not wise who feels contented with the prasie of ignorant of him.

He who ventures in favour of you he ventures against you.

He who praises you for what you do not have of good when he is contented of you he dispraises you in what you do not have of bad when he is angry with you.

It is surprising that a man of whom is spoken well in what he has not got how he feels happy; and it is surprising that a man of whom is spoken ill inwhat he has not got, how he gets angry!

Your knowledge of yourself should be more trustworthy than the praise of those who praise you.

He who feels ashamed of people and does not feel ashamed of himself his self to him is worthless.

The head of knowledge is gentleness.

Wherever there is gentleness in something it adorns it.

An absent driven towards you by day and night is appro-priate to approach you quickly.

Blessed is he whose own defects keep him away from looking into other’s defects.

He who looks into people’s defects and disapproves of them and then accepts them for himself is definitely the fool.

He who forgets his slips will regard others’ slips as great, and he who prides on people will be humiliated.

It is enough ignorance for one not to know his level.

The ignorant of himself is more ignorant of others’ value.

Whoever knows himself knows his Lord.

Whoever does not know himself will perish.

Look at your face every time in the mirror: if it is beautiful, regard it bad to add to it a bad action which offends it, if it is ugly, regard it bad to gather between two ugly things.

Man is the mirror of man: he thinks of him and satisfies his need.

If a man possesses a good quality wait her sisters of him.

The worst of men are the seekers of denunciaction, who separate among friends, and who find fault with the innocent.

There is no dignity with avenge, no propriety with leaving consultaion.

I do not accept the testimony of the immoral but upon himself.

If you are met with a greeting, give a better greeting in return; if a hand of help is extended to you, do a better favour in return, although the priority would remain with the beginner.

If a man reaches in this world beyond his worth, his behavior changes to the worst.

If you raise anybody above his prestige, so expect of him to depreciate you to the same amount that you have raised him!

Do not feel happy at others’ misfortunes; do not enter into wrong; do not go out of right.

Do not feel happy at another’s slip because you do not know how days will dispose of you.

Entertain yourself from any meaness.

No one should refuse honour except a donkey.

To render relief to the grief-stricken and to provide comfort in hardship means the atonement of great sins.

He who consoles the woman who is bereaved of a child, Allah will shade him in the shade of His Throne.

Educate the orphan with what you educate your children.

Be equal in your foods to your weak person.

Your relatives should not expect injustice from you, and your enemy should not be disappointed of your justice.

Do not accompany, in a trip, one who does not feel your superiority to him as much as he feels his superiority to you.

The walking of a walker with a rider is a corruption to the rider and a humility to the walker.

Do not tell anyone in your presence secretly; if you become angry you ought to stand, and do not pass a verdict while you are angry.

Know that you should act motivated by desire as you do by fear.

If your brother visit you do not save from what is there at your house, and do not feign them what is beyond the door.

The worst of brothers is he for whom overtasking has to be observed.

Avoid every action whose commiter deny it when it is recited.

He who commites in secret the action of which he feels shame in public his self to him is worthless.

Whoever reforms his inward self, Allah reforms his outward self.

He who warns you is like him who brings good news to you.

The jealous man of you do not please with you until one of you dies.

Jealousy of a friend is a result of illness of his love.

Humbleness is a blessing that a jealous person does not notice.

I have not seen an oppressor more like an oppressed than the jealous person, he has an ever-existent breath, perplexed heart, accompanying sadness, angry with whom have no sin, and is stingy with what he does not possesses.

To praise more than what is due is sycophancy; to do it less is either because of inarticulateness or of envy.

Associate with people in such a manner that if you die they weep for you and if you live they should long for you.

A friend is not a friend unless he affords protection to his friend on three concerns in his adversity, in his absence and at his death.

A wise enemy is better than an ignorant friend.

The highest act of a noble person is to ignore what he knows.

The biggest enemy is the most hidden in deception.

Whomever modesty clothes him with its dress people cannot see his defects.

The tears have not dried except because of hardness of hearts, and hearts have not become hard except because of excess of sins.

Kinship is more in need for affection than affection is for kinship.

Much often a near one is more distant than a remote one, often a distant one is nearer than a near one; and the lonely is he who has no friend.

Love is a gained kinship.

Death of friends is a loneliness.

It is of one’s nobility: his crying upon what has passed of his time, his nostalgia towards his homeland, and his observance old friends.

Most of the demises of minds are under the treed of the flashes of greed.

Many enslaved mind is subservient to domineering longings.

If you cry over what has gone out of your hands then you are to cry for all what you has not obtained.

Desire is the mount of disorder.

If you become wealthy, then all men are your, but if you become poor, then your family will deny you.

When this world advances towards anyone (with its favours) it attributes to him other’s good, and when it turns away from him it deprives him of his own good.

To miss what one needs is better than begging it from an inappropriate person.

Three men are pitied: a wise man who is subjected to an ignorant’s judgement and a weak man in the hands of a strong oppressor, and a generous who is in need of a wicked person.

If you ask a generous person a need, so let him think, because he does not think but of good; and if you ask a wicked man a need, then hasten him, because if he thinks he will return to his nature.

The desire to the generous man motivates him to grant, and to the thrifty tempts him to deprive.

The generous does not become lenient by compulsion, and does not become hard by ease.

Direct you expedations towards whom your hearts like.

Generosity is that which is by one’s own initiative, as to giving on being asked is either out of shyness or to avoid rebuke.

Miserliness contains all other evil vices and is the rein with which one can be led to every evil.

Miserliness is the dress of poverty.

For the misers of people over looking great crimes is easier than rewarding for simple benevolence.

O’ son of Adam, whatever you earn beyond your basic need you are a treasurer for others.

O’ son of Adam, be the guardian of your money, and spend it like what you prefer it to be spent, after you die.

He who has money should satisfy the needy and the captured.

Whoever maintains his dignity in view, his funds appear cheap to him.

Greed, vanity and jealousy are incentives to falling into sins.

Do not distort your virtues by pride and vanity.

If you like to be praised, then you should not show a wish to be praised.

The greatest pride is not to be proud.

Patience comes according to the affliction.

The misfortune is one, if you are impatient it becomes two.

Accustom yourself to patience of disasters.

At the extremity of hardship relief comes.

Patience is a mount that does not stumble.

Patience is of two kinds: patience of you dislike, and patience of resisting what you like.

Time has two days one for you and the other is against you. When the day is for you, do not feel proud but when it is against you endure it.

One should endure like a noble people, otherwise He should be consoled like the ignorant.

Do not be arrogant in riches nor lose courage in distress.

The feeling proude over proude people is definitely the humbleness.

He who seeks something will obtain it, or at least a part of it.

Man is hidden under his tongue.

He who allows his tongue to overpower his soul debases his soul.

The tongue of the wise man is behind his heart and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue.

If you do everything then be like the one who hasn’t done anything.

There is no advantage in keeping silent when a verdict has to be said about an issue of wisdom just as there is no good in speaking out of ignorance.

Hold up your tongue because it is easier to make up for what you have missed by silence than to rectify what you have lose by speaking.

Do not ask about tlings which may not happen because you have enough to worry about what happens.

If matters get mixed up the last ones should be known according to the previous ones.

He who thinks hits the goal or almost, while he who hastens misses the aim or almost.

How many are the issues of taking lessons, but how few are lesson takers.

I love the opinion of an old man more than the prowess of a young man.

It is said to Imam: “Describe for us the wise man”. He say: He is the one who places things in their correct positions. Then it is said to him: “Describe for us the ignorant man”. He says: I have done.

He whose concerns gets mixed for you. Look at his companions.

If you are turning away from this world and death is in advent, How quick you meet each other!

Whoever keeps in view the distance of the journey he prepares himself.

The breaths of a person are his steps towards his appointed time (death).

Many a meal prevents many meals.

Dispute ruins good views.

One who is not obeyed has no view.

When Imam heard the shouting of the kharijites that Authority is only that of Allah’ he said: a right thing, a wrong thing is intended by it.

He who is ignorant of something will find fautl with it.

People are enemies of what they do not know.

He whose trunk is soft he would has thick branches.

Sleeping in a state of firm belief is better than praying in a state of doubtfulness.

One perfect jurist (of Islam) is more difficult to Satan than a thousand worshippers.

The best abstemiousness is to conceal abstemiousness.

Prayer is not your standing and sitting, it is surely your faithfulness.

The most serious sin is that which the commiter consider light.

Do not discount a small that may become big, nor a little that may become much.

Shortly a time will come across people when high position will be given only to those who defame others, when vicious, people will be regarded as witty, and the just will be regarded as weak.

The present world is foolish so it does not tend but to its likes.

I have turned this world over on its face, appreciated it according to its worth and looked at it with its eye.

O’ people! By Allah, I do not impel you to any obedience unless I practise it before you, and do not restrain you from any disobedience unless I desist from it before you.

Whoever places himself as a leader of people should begin with educating his own self before educating others; and his teaching should be by his own conduct before teaching by the tongue. The person who teaches and instructs his own self is more entitled to esteem than he who teaches and instructs others.

He who is entitled as a leader of people should start with straightening his own self before he starts to correct his subjects; otherwise he becomes like that who seeks to straighten the shade of a stick before the stick becomes straightened up.

How strange? Could the Caliphate be chosen through the Prophet’s companionship but not through his companionship and his kinship?

The most miserable ruler is the one whose subjects get miserable with him.

How bad is the betrayal of a ruler.

There is no right of leadership for an ill-mannered person.

If the shepherd is a wolf, then who is to protect the ewe?

Do not accept a mediation in appointing your governors and chiefs but the mediation of qualification and honesty.

He whose suite is corrupted is like one who is choked over his water because if he is choked over another thing water can allow his choking.

Justice is one form, injustice many forms, therefore commit-ting injustice becames easy, and the searching of justice got difficult; and they are similar to hitting and missing in archery and to hit the mark needs training.

Give priority to justice over assault, and do not use action where speech can treat the situation.

The worst person is a leader who strays and by whom people get strayed.

Oppression is the last days of kings’ authority.

The justice of ruler is more profitable than the fruitfulness of time.

The ruler is free till he promises.

The hearts of subjects are the treasures of their ruler, what he stores in them of justice or injustice he will find it in them…

Know that I am fighting two persons – one has claimed what is not his and another has abstained from fulfilling what is obligatory on him.

Allah’s hands are above the head of a ruler fluttering with mercy.

And when he oppresses, Allah entrusts him to himself.

Allah would root out the mountains and scatter them. They would crush each other out of awe of His Glory and fear of His dignity.

Praise be to Allah from whose view one sky does not conceal another nor one earth another earth.

Leaders of justice should maintain themselves at the standard of common people.

One of the officers of Imam built a stately house, about which Imam said: this is silver coins showing forth their faces. Certainly this house speaks of your riches.

When Allah becomes angry with a nation, its prices go high and its evil men overcome her.

Three persons prefer money to their own selves, the sea trader, the holder of authority and the bribee in taking decisions.

May Allah make us better than they think and forgive us what they do not know.

Uthman blamed Imam and continued while Imam was silent. Uthman said: “Why do you not speak?” Imam replied: if I speak I would not say but what you dislike, and I do not have for you but what you like.

Do not call one for dueling.

Beware of dispute and quarrelling because they diseas the heart and hypocrisy grows upon them.

Whomever you feel safe of his harm be desirous of his brotherhood.

Allah has protected you from that He might be unjust with you.

Grant help for the weak person, support the oppressed man, and cooperate.

Practice the right among you and use it to cooperate against the foolish oppressor.

O’ my! I did not command them to oppress your slaves.

The day of the oppressed over the oppressor is more hard than the day of the oppressor over the oppressed.

Our followers are those who if they get angry they do not oppress. They are a blessing upon whomever they live near and are peaceful with whomever they associate.

Injustice and falsehood humiliate the person.

He who committes oppression fails.

How bad is the severity on the neighbour.

He who claims perishes, and he who slanders fails.

He who plants aggression reaps a loss.

How bad is high-handedness over people.

Oppression leads to the sword.

Do not strenghten your authority thereby shedding a sacred blood.

By Allah, I will take the looted righ of the oppressed from the oppressor and will put a string in the nose of the oppressor and drag him to the spring of justice even though he dislikes it.

You should choose to be a vanguished person with being just, and do not choose to be victorious with being an oppressor.

The most ignoble person is he who informs on a weak person for atyrrant ruler.

The worst oppression is oppressing the weak.

As for the sin which is not forgiven is the oppression of slaves for each other.

Do not be a helper for the oppressor.

The oppressor of people has three signs, he oppresses the above of him by disobeying Him, and the lower than him by imposing his authority and he supports other oppressors.

May Allah have mercy on the person who, when he sees the truth, supports it, when he sees the wrong, rejects it, and who helps the truth against him who is in the wrong.

The committer of oppression, the helper of him, and the one who shows content of it are all three partners.

He who agrees with the action of some people is as though he joins them in that action. And everyone who joins in a wrong commits two sins: one sin for committing the wrong, and the other for agreeing with it.

It is said to Imam: “Which of the sins are quicker in punish-ment and sooner for its commiter in clashing?” He said: “to oppress the one who has no supporter but Allah, and the pride of the rich over the poor.

When you oppress remember Allah’s justice with you, and when you are able remember Allah’s power over you.

Profligacy is a weak house which does not protect its people, and does not give security to him who takes refuge therein.

Do not give a maxim to those who don’t deserve it since you do wrong to it.

Everyone has what he has earned.

The worth of every man is in his attainments.

Know that people are the sons of what they do of good to each other.

Do not consider whom he says, but consider what he says.

No esteem is like humility, no honour is like knowledge, no companion is like goodness of moral.

The most honourable thing is knowledge, and Allah, the Sublime, is knowledgeable who like every scholar.

He whose actions accord him a back position his lineage can not hasten him forward.

Whoever falls short of actions he is afflicted with grief.

Do not be like him who hopes for bliss in the next life more than his action.

Act for your present world as if you live for ever.

Learn knowledge even though you do not acquire an estate with it, because it is better that time is dispraised for you than it is dispraised by you.

There is no activity unless you are in need of knowledge therein.

The doer (of an action) without knowledge is like that who walks in another than his way, so the faster he run the farther from his need he becomes; while the doer with knowledge is like one who walks on the clear way; then one should see; is he advancing or retreating.

Thought inherits light, while ignorance inherits darkness.

Ask me to understand but do not ask to puszzle.

The most knowledgeable person is he who gathers people’s knowledge to his own.

He who acts obstinately gets ruined, and he who consults other people shares in their understanding.

He who has several opinions understands the pitfalls.

No treasure is more profitable than knowledge; no dignity is higher than endurance.

Knowledge dispels the excuse of those who search for excuses.

The good is not that your money and sons increase but the good is that your knowledge increases.

Those who amass wealth are dead even though they are living, while those endowed with knowledge remain as long as the world lives.

Kings are rulers over people, and scholars are rulers over kings.

A scholar is living even though he may be dead, while the ignorant is dead even though he may be living.

Knowledge is one of the two lives, affection is one of the two relationships, and good renown is one of the two ages.

No one should feel ashamed of saying “I do not know” when he is asked a matter which he does not know; no one should feel ashamed of learning the thing that he does not know.

There are so many matters of which you are ignorant and in which your sight first wonders and your eye wanders then after this you see them.

No poverty is more serious than ignorance.

You cannot feel safe from the evil of an ignorant person evn though he is your kinship or a neighbour.

If Allah discards a slave He deprives him of knowledge.

Every container becomes narrower because of what is placed in it except the container of knowledge which becomes wider the more knowledge you put in it.

The hearts become tired as the bodies become tired. You should therefore search for beautiful maxims for them.

Flame of suspencion is lighter in enduring than suffering from the boredom.

It is enough honour for knowledge that the one who is not fit for it claims to have it, and the one who lacks it becomes happy when it is attributed to him; it is enough shame for ignorance that one disowns it if it is in him and one gets angry if it is attributed to him.

The last person in value is one who is the least in knowledge.

Knowledge is a belief which is acted upon.

Knowledge is more than to be counted, so take the best from everything.

He who explains a legal opinion without knowledge is cursed by the earth and heaven.

Scholars are strangers, because of the plentiness of ignorant people.

Allah has not made it obligatory on the ignorant to learn till He has made it obligatory on the learned to teach.

A vigorous person, even though he humbles himself, refuses but to get elevated like the torch of fire whose holder hides it but it refuses except to be high.

When you sit to a learned person, devote yourself to hear more than to say.

Knowledge is associated with action. Therefore he who knows should act, because knowledge calls for action; if there is a response well and good, otherwise it departs.

O’ carriers of knowledge, are you able to carry it? Because knowledge is for whom he knows then acts according to what he knows, and his action agrees with his knowledge.

Certainly a scholar who doesn’t act according to his know-ledge is like the puzzled ignorant who does not find relief from his ignorance.

Do not change your knowledge into ignorance or your conviction into doubt; when you gain knowledge act (Upon it) and when you acqure conviction proceed (on its basis).

How good is knowledge adorned by gentleness.

You said that someone has acquired a great amount of money! So has he got days in which he can spent it in them.

The foot of every human being, at the Day of Judgement, does not moves unless he is asked about his age, how he consumed it, about his youth: how he used it up, about his money: from which means he got it and in which case he spent it, ant about his action conincidence with his knowledge.

How difficult is it for whom lusts engaged him up, to be praisworthy.

Whoever obtains authority practices appropriation.

Two greedy persons never get satisfied the seeker of knowledge and the seeker of this world.

A trader is an impious man, and the impious is in Hell, except he who takes the right and gives it.

He said of the one who gathers money: “possibly he may have collected it wrongfully or by denying a right”.

Poverty is the biggest death.

Poverty disable an intelligent man, and a destitute person is a stranger inhis home town.

Poverty is estrangement even though in one’s homeland.

No country deserves you more than another. The best town for you is that which suffices you.

If poverty is embodied to me as a man I would kill him.

No a destitute remains hungry except because of what some rich person has enjoyed.

I have not seen a rich blessing unless there is besides it a lost right.

Money could not be collected except by miserliness or through unlawful ways.

One cannot get a blessing unless he loses another.

A blessing cannot be acquired except after a hardship.

A human being has not been created for naught so as to amuse, and he has not been left in vain so as to chatter.

The mistake in giving him who does not deserve and preventing him who deserves is the same.

If you dispense with anything, so let it, and take what you need.

Prevent from monopoly.

He who is to be blamed is that who takes what is not his.

Beware of debt.

Dept is a humiliation.

You should fear what calamities had befeller peoples before you on account of their evil deeds so remember, during good and bad their circumstances, and be cautions to become like them.

Seek preachment from those who preceded you before those who follow you take preachment of you.

Do not compel your sons to follow your morals because they have been created for a time other than yours.

The hearts of people are like wild beasts. Whoever tames them they would come to him.

Do not be the slave of another as Allah has made you free.

Whatever you burden a free man with he endures it and sees it as an addition to his honour except that which belittles his freedom because he refuses it and does not respond to it.

I have no right to compel you to what you dislike.

I agreed that you be as you like.

Grief is a half of the cause of old age.

I do not punish according to uncertainty.

Whoever prides on time it will humiliate him.

I prevent you from haste in speech and action.

Fear Allah in the matter of His creatures and His cities because you will be questioned even about lands and beasts.

How fast are the hours in the day, how fast are the days in the month, how fast are the months in the year, and how fast are the years in one’s age.