Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m vol. 1

  1. Vast shade of the Almighty Allah ====================================

One who prays for the reappearance of the Master of the Time (aj) would be under the vast shade of the Almighty Allah as long as he is reciting the Duafor His Eminence, and divine mercy would be falling upon him throughout.

That which proves this point is a tradition mentioned in Usool Kafi through his own chain of narrators from His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (as) that he said: The Messenger of Allah (S) said:

“One who honors a Muslim brother with a word that through that word he does a kindness on him and removes his distress, he shall continuously remain under the widespread shade of the Almighty Allah and as long as he is in that condition (of doing good) divine mercy would be falling upon him.”[^1]

I say: We stated previously that praying for the elders and great personalities is a form of paying them honor and is considered as respect to them. In the same way kindness, expression of love and removing their grief would be taken as a type of honoring. On the basis of this, if the believer prays for his master during his absence and he cannot remove the sorrow of His Eminence in any other way, he would become eligible for the above-mentioned reward. This can be explained in two points:

First: It is that we know from logic and religious texts that between the Imam and his Shias there is a relationship of brotherhood. This tradition proves that that reward is proved for one who prays for his believer brother because Dua is effective in removing his sorrow and warding off calamities from him. And also it is an expression of love of a believer for his brother. Previously it was concluded that praying for an early reappearance of our master, the Master of the Time (aj) is effective.

Second: It is with regard to the matter of precedence. That reward would first be there for praying for an early reappearance of our master, the Master of the Time (aj) on the basis of precedence.

[^1]: Kafi; Vol. 2, Pg. 206