Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m vol. 2

  1. After Asr Prayer ===================

Among the times that are greatly emphasized, is after Asr prayers. Its proof is the quotation found in the book, Falaah al-Saael, by Sayyid Ali Ibne Tawoos (a.r.). He writes, “Among the important duties after the Asr prayers is to follow Imam Musa al-Kazim (as) in his invocation for our master, Hazrat Mahdi (aj), as narrated by Muhammad Ibne Bushair al-Azdi, from Ahmad Ibne Umar al-Katib, from al-Hasan Ibne Muhammad Ibne Jamhoor al-Ammi, from his father Muhammad Ibne Jamhoor, from Yahya Ibne Fadl al-Naufali, who said, “I went to meet Abul Hasan Musa Ibne Ja’far (as) at Baghdad. When he finished his Asr prayers, he raised his hands to the heavens, and I heard him say:

 أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، الأول والآخر، والظاهر والباطن، وأنت الله لا إله إلا أنت إليك زيادة الأشياء ونقصانها، وأنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، خلقت خلقك بغير معونة من غيرك، ولا حاجة إليهم وأنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، منك المشية، واليك البداء أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، قبل القبل، وخالق القبل وأنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، بعد البعد، وخالق البعد أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، تمحو ما تشاء، وتثبت، وعندك أم الكتاب. أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، غاية كل شئ ووارثه، أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، لا يعزب عنك الدقيق، ولا الجليل أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت، لا تخفى عليك اللغات ولا تتشابه عليك الأصوات كل يوم أنت في شأن، لا يشغلك شأن عن شأن، عالم الغيب وأخفى، ديان يوم الدين، مدبر الأمور، باعث من في القبور، محيي العظام وهي رميم. أسألك باسمك المكنون المخزون الحي القيوم، الذي لا يخيب من سألك به أسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآله وأن تعجل فرج المنتقم من أعدائك، وأنجز له ما وعدته يا ذا الجلال والاكرام. 

You are God, there is no other deity except you, the first and the last, the apparent, the inward. You are God; there is no other deity except You; the increase and decrease of all things. You are God; there is no other deity except You. You create the creations without a helping hand from other than You, and You are not in need of them. You are God; there is no other deity except You, all wishes from You and unto You all the initiation. You are God, there is no other deity except You, before the previous and the creator of the previous.

You are God; there is no other deity except You, after the creator of afterward. You are God; there is no other deity except You, there is no language hidden from You and voices are not similar to You. Everyday You are at Your duty and a duty does not distract You from another, the Knower of all hidden and concealed things, the owner of Religion, the director of all things, He Who raises those in the graves, He Who gave life to bones after they had decayed.

I request from You by Your hidden name, the Eternal, the Everlasting, Who does not disappoint whoever calls Him by His name, to send blessings on Muhammad and his family and hasten the reappearance of Your revenger from Your enemies and execute for him all You have promised him, O possessor of Magnificence and Honor.

The narrator says: I asked: Whom are you praying for? He (as) replied: “It was for al-Mahdi of the progeny of Muhammad.” Then he (as) said: May my father be sacrificed on one with a broad stomach, connected brows, energetic legs, broad shoulders, wheat complexion with yellowness due to staying awake in the nights for worship; may my father be sacrificed on one who is uncaring of every critic for the sake of religion, the lamp of the darkness; may my father be sacrificed on one who will rise up by the command of Allah.

I asked: When will he reappear? He replied: When you see soldiers in Anbar at the banks of Euphrates and Tigris, and the arch of Kufa is destroyed, and some houses of Kufa are burnt down, thus when you see them, Allah will do what He wants, nothing can stop what Allah wants, and no order makes him delay.[^1]

[^1]: Falah as-Saail, Pg. 199