Mukhtar a Biograghy

Chapter 5 - Kumayl Meets Abdulla Omar From the prison in Kufa, Mukhtar writes two letters: one to his sister Safiya, and another to Safiya's husband Abdulla Omar, who are both in Medina; the letter explains his imprisonment and its harsh conditions, and asks Abdulla Omar to use his influence to get him released (Abdulla Omar was a very prominent and influential person, the son of "Khalifa" Omar, respected by Meccans, Syrians and Kufians).

Mukhtar gives the letters to the warden who forwards them to Kumayl.

Kumayl thinks of a way to reach Medina without incurring the suspicion of Ubaydallah Ziyad, for Ubaydallah Ziyad is well aware of Abdulla Omar's (Mukhtar's brother in-law) influence on Yazeed to order Mukhtar's freedom; so Ubaydallah Ziyad wants a news blackout on Mukhtar's imprisonment.

Kumayl decides it is best to leave with the blessings of Ubaydallah Ziyad least he be caught when he is out of Kufa, is forced back and imprisoned again; also, a state of emergency was in force in Kufa and an exit visa was required.

Kumayl dresses up in Ehram and goes to Ubaydallah Ziyad's court, where he recites the Talbiya (Labek, labek, Allahuma laka labek) loudly; Ubaydallah Ziyad enquires of this Talbiya in the Hajj off-season and is told that it is Kumayl, who also wishes to see Ubaydallah Ziyad.

Kumayl explains to Ubaydallah Ziyad that he vowed to perform Umra on release but Ubaydallah Ziyad is suspicious, recalling the vow to feed the prisoners, and asks how many vows were there, and whether Kumayl intends to go to Mecca only, or also to Medina; Kumayl could not say Medina for he would surely not be given permission to leave; he answers that he is to perform "Mukkamal Hajj" implying the visiting of Prophet's tomb in Medina; Ubaydallah Ziyad does not catch the significance of Kumayl's reply and allows him to go with his blessings, being under the impression that Kumayl is to visit Mecca only.

Kumayl leaves Kufa but instead of going to Mecca, he heads straight for Medina to Abdulla Omar's house; he arrives there at lunch time with Abdulla Omar serving good food (as befits his position); Safiya refuses to partake in such good lunches for any lack of news of his brother Mukhtar.

On hearing of a traveller's arrival from Kufa, Safiya urges her husband Abdulla Omar to meet with him to get any news of Mukhtar; Kumayl introduces himself to Abdulla Omar and produces the two letters from Mukhtar; on reading the letter, Safiya is distressed and asks for details directly from Kumayl and he relates the miserable condition of Mukhtar and how Mukhtar hopes for imminent release to avenge Imam Husein's (as) killers.

Due to her sorrow and distress, Safiya gets hysterical and shaves some of her head hair (as custom at the time to indicate deep grief); her daughters also do the same on seeing their mother's grief; Safiya asks her husband Abdulla Omar to write a letter to Yazeed in Damascus to decree the release of Mukhtar; Abdulla Omar agrees, and Kumayl volunteers to travel immediately to Damascus and hand deliver the letter to Yazeed.

Abdulla Omar gives Kumayl the letter and a wallet containing Safiya's lock of hair as evidence of his wife's grief; the letter says: release Mukhtar

in Kufa, or Abdulla Omar will use his influence to destabilise the government of Yazeed in all areas, which Abdulla Omar was capable of doing.