Preparing For Eternal Life

Chapter Eleven : the Bearers of the Bier

It is Mustahab for the bearers of the bier to place the four corners of the bier on their shoulders starting with:

a) the right shoulder of the first bearer with the right shoulder of the deceased (left hand side of the bier)

b) the right shoulder of the second bearer with the right foot of the deceased

c) the left shoulder of the third bearer with the left foot of the deceased (right hand side of the bier)

d) the left shoulder of the forth bearer with the left shoulder of the deceased It is Mustahab that the bearers of the bier recite the following dua:

"Bismillahi wa billaahi allahumma s'alli a'laa Muh'ammadin wa aali Muh'ammad.

Allahhummaghfir lilmoo-mineena walmoo-minaat.)"

(In the name of Allah and by Allah! O Allah send Thy blessings on Muhammad and on his children. O Allah forgive all the true believers, male and female.")

[Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988), pg. 147]

Duas When Entering a Graveyard

The following Imams [A.S.] are quoted as saying the following when a person is entering a graveyard:

Imam Amirul Momineen Ali [A.S.] said:

"Bismillaahir-rah'maanir-rah'eem. Assalaamu a'laa ahli laa ilaaha illal laahu min ihli laa ilaaha illal laahoo yaa ahla laa ilaaha illal laahu bihaqqi laa ilaaha illal laahu kayfa wajadtum qawla laa ilaaha illal laahu min laa ilaaha illal laahu bihaqqi laa ilaaha illal laahu ighfir liman qaala laa ilaaha illal laahu wah'shurna fee zum-rati man qaala laa ilaaha illal laahu Muh'ammadun Rasoolil laahi a'liyyun waliyyullaah."

(In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. Salutations be to the people of "Laa ilaaha illallahu" from the people of "Laa ilaaha illallahu", by the right of "Laa ilaaha illallahu" how did you find saying "Laa ilaaha illallahu" from "Laa ilaaha illallahu" by the right of "Laa ilaaha illallahu" grant pardon to whoever said "Laa ilaaha illallahu" and raise us up among the party of those who said there is no god except Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger, Ali is the friend of Allah.) [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988), pg. 170.]

Imam Hussain [A.S.] said:

"Allaahumma rabba haad'ihil arwaahil faaniyati walajsaadil baaliyati wali'z'aamin nakhirtil latee kharajat minaddunyaa bika moo-minatan adkhil a'layhinna rawh'an minka wa salaaman, minnee."

(O Allah, the Lord of these souls which are dead; and the bodies that have decayed and the bones that have been worm-eaten and have gone from this world to You as Faithfuls do admit over them happiness, from Yourself and salutation from me.) [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988), pg. 169.] Imam Jafar as-Sadiq [A.S.] said:

"Assalaamu a'laa ahilidayari minal moo-mineena walmuslimeena antum lanaafarat'un wa nah'nu inshaa-al laahu bikum laah'iqoon" (Peace be on the inmates of the region from the faithful and believers, you are lesson to us, and God willing we are about to join you.) [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988), pg. 170.]

The Fear of Being Buried

When the deceased is bought to the grave yard for burial, he / she should not be buried straight away but should be laid down some distance from the grave so that the deceased may get used to the new surroundings and build up strength to face the difficulties to come.

The soul stays interested and attached to the dead body for sometime, and is present at the washing and the burial of the body. It fears the questioning from 'Munhar and Nakeer', the squeezing in the grave and the chastisement in Hell among other things, which they feel unprepared to deal with. It is important to reassure the soul and be sensitive to the fear that it is experiencing.

Ali-ibn-al-Hussain [A.S.], the forth Imam, was once asked how he, the son of the Messenger of Allah, began each morning, and he [A.S.] replied: "I begin each morning while I am demanded of eight virtues:

Allah, the Exalted, demands of me the obligatory;

the Prophet [S.W.S] demands of me his tradition (Sunnah);

family demand of me food (material);

the self looks for desires;

Satan demands me (to commit) sin;

the two protective angels demand of me virtuousness;

the angel of death demands of my the spirit and;

the grave demands of me my body.

Therefore, I am, surrounded by these traits, demanded"

[Imami, Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih (1998), pg. 53]

Chapter Twelve : Namaz-I-Janaza (Namaz-I-Maiyat) The Funeral Prayer for a Male

Only believers present at the funeral are allowed to perform Namaz-I-Janaza.

Complete Taharrat (freedom from pollution) is not necessary but it is recommended especially for the believer leading prayer. [Wudu (ritual ablution of the face and forearms) is firstly recommended and Ghusl (bath for the removal of pollution) is recommended if required.] The believer leading Namaz-I-Janaza is required to recite the prayer with his / her shoes removed or can place them underfoot.

Namaz-I-Janaza can be performed by the individual by his/her self but it is Mustahab that it be offered in Juma'at (en Masse).

The deceased should be placed facing Qibla and on the right hand side of the prayer leader.


The the person / people leading prayer, the following Niyyat is recited:

"I offer Janaza prayer on this corpse present before me for the pleasure of Allah as the ultimate end in view" "Allah Akbar" is then said immediately raising your hands up to the ears.

Five Takbeers (saying "Allaho Akbar" with hands raised up to the ears is Wajib for all people present. You are not allowed to stay silent. They must repeat what the prayer leader says.

Text for Recitation of Namaz-I-Janaza Namaz-I-Janaza (Short Form) Niyyat

"I offer Janaza prayer on this corpse present before me for the pleasure of Allah as the ultimate in view." Then recite "Allahu Akbar", the second Takbeer, with the hands raised up to the ears.

"Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illallaahu wah'dahoo laashareeka lahoo wa assadu anna Muh'ammadan a'bduhoo wa Rasooluhoo allaahu akbar allaahumma s'alli a'laa Muh'ammadin wa aali Muh'ammad. Allahummaghfir lil-Moo-mineena wal Moo-minaat allaahu akbar. Allaahummaghfir lihaad'al / lihaad'ihee (for female) mayyit. Allaahu akbar."

(I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. He is the only Allah and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and His Prophet.

Allah is Great. O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad.

O Allah! Forgive the true believer, male and female.

Allah is Great. O Allah! Forgive this deceased male / female. Allah is Great.) [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988), pg. 149]

Namaz-I-Janaza (Longer Form) Niyyat

"I offer Janaza prayer on this corpse [deceased] present before me for the pleasure of Allah as the ultimate in view." Then recite "Allahu Akbar", the second Takbeer, with the hands raised up to the ears.

"Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illallaahu wah'dahoo laashareeka lahoo wa assadu anna Muh'ammadan a'bduhoo wa Rasooluh.Arhalahoo bilhaqqi basheeran'w wa nad'eeran bayna yadayis saa-a'h."

Then recite "Allahu Akbar", the second Takbeer, with hands raised up to the ears.

"Allaahumma s'alli a'laa Muh'ammadin'w wa aali Muh'ammad wa sallim a'laa Muh'hammadin'w wa aali Muh'ammadin'w wa baarik a'laa Muh'ammadin'w wa aali Muh'ammadin warh'am Muh'ammadan'w wa aala Muh'ammadin ka-afz"ali maa s'allayta wa sallamta wa baarakta wa tarah'h'amta a'laa Ibraaheema wa aali Ibraaheema innaka h'ameedun majeed. Wa s'alli a'laa jamee-I'l anbiyaaa-I walmursaleena washshuhadaa-I was's'ideeqeena wa I'baadillaahis' s'allih'een."

(O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the Progeny of Muhammad and send salutation on Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad and grant bliss to Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad and have mercy on Muhammad and Progeny of Muhammad, the best as You sent blessings and salutations and bliss and had mercy on Ibraheem and the Progeny of Ibraheem.

Verily You are the Praised, the Grand.

And send blessings on all the Prophets and Messengers and Martyrs and testifiers and virtuous servants of Allah.)

Then recite "Allahu Akbar", the third Takbeer, with hands raised up to the ears.

"Allahummaaghfir lil Moo-Mineena walMoo-minaati walMuslimeena wal-mulimaat al ah'yaa-I min hum walamwaati taabi' baynanaa wa baynahum bilkayraati innaka mujeebud da'-waati innaka a'laakulli shay-in qadeer."

(O Allah, grant pardon to the faithful males and faithful females and Muslim males and Muslim females , the living among them and the dead. Behave with us and with them with charity.

Verily You are Responder to prayers. Verily You are over everything Powerful.)

Then recite "Allahu Akbar", the fourth Takbeer, with hands raised up to the ears. If the deceased is a male, recite the following:

"Allahumma inna had'aa a'bduka wabnu a'bdika wabnu amatika nazala bika wa anta khayru manzoolin bihee, allaahumma innaa laa naa'-lamu bihee, minnaa, allaahumma in kaana had'aa muh'sinan fazid fee ih'saanihee wa in kaana musee-an fatajaawaza'nhu waghfirlahoo. Allahummaja'lhu I'ndaka fee aa'-laa I'liye'ena wakhluf a'laa ahlihee filghaabireena warh'amhu birah'matika yaa arh'amarraah'imeen."

(O Allah! He is indeed Your servant and the son of Your male servant and Your female servant. He has come to You and You are the best of hosts for him.

O Allah! We do not know anything about him except that he was good and You know him better than we do.

O Allah! Add to his virtues if he was good and forgive him if he was bad and grant him pardon.

O Allah! Put him in the highest station in Your proximity and appoint his successor from among those relations who survive him and be merciful to him O the Most Merciful.)