Rewards From Recitation of the Quran

Part 4

Chapter 99 (al-ZilzaI)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "Whoever recites this Chapter will be regarded as though he read Surat al-Baqara and will be granted of the rewards as though he had recited one quarter of the Qur’an." Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said about this Chapter, "Whoever reads it in his optional prayers will never be afflicted with an earthquake or lightning or any other worldly calamity, and if he dies, his Lord will order to have him admitted into Paradise."

Chapter 100 (aI-’Adiyat)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that whoever recites it will be granted of the rewards ten good deeds for everyone who spent the night at Muzdalifa [during the pilgrimage] and attended the big gathering [at Arafat]. Imam Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "Whoever recites it quite often will be resurrected in the company of Ali, peace be upon him, on the Day of Judgement and will be among his companions.

Chapter 101 (al-Qari’a)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that whoever recites this Sura, Allah will let his scale of good deeds weigh heavily. Imam Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that one who recites this Sura will receive security from Allah Ta’ala against the dissension of the anti-Christ, against believing in the latter, and against hell’s stink. The isnad of this tradition is traced to al-Bataini who quotes lsma’eel ibn al-Zubayr quoting lbn Thabit.

Chapter 102 (al-Takathur)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that one who recites this Surah will not be tried by Allah, Glory and Exaltation are His, regarding the blessings which lIe bestowed upon him and will be regarded as though he recited a thousand verses of the Holy Qur’an. Ibn ‘Umer narrated this tradition: "The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) asked us once, ‘Can anyone among you read one thousand verses from the Qur’an a day?’ We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Who can?!’ He (pbuh) said, ‘Can anyone among you recite Surat alTakathur?!"’ He (pbuh) is also quoted saying, "Whoever recites this Sura when he goes to bed will be protected from the grave’s trial." Imam Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that whoever recites this Chapter in his obligatory prayers will have rewards due to a thousand martyrs.

Chapter 103 (al-’Asr)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that whoever recites this Chapter will have his deeds sealed with patience and will be on the Day of Judgement on the right track. Imam Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) has said that whoever recites this Sura in his optional prayers will be resurrected with a smiling face, his eyes being cooled, till he enters paradise. This tradition is quoted by al-Kaf’ami and al-Majlisi, and it is recorded on p. 386, Vol. 6, of Al-Dawral-Manthur

Chapter 104 (al-Humaza)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that one who recites this Chapter will be granted ten good deeds for each and everyone who ridiculed the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions. Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said about this Chapter, "Whoever reads it in his optional prayers, it will ward off poverty from him, bringing him sustenance and protecting him against a tragic death."

Chapter 105 (al-Feel)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that Allah will protect whoever recites this Sura against calumny and metamorphosis. Imam al-Sadiq (as) said that one who recites it in his obligatory prayers will receive good testimony on his behalf from every plain and n]ountain and earth loam that he used to uphold the prayers, and he will enter Paradise without reckoning. AI-Kaf’ami comments by saving that such extra-ordinary rewards will not be granted to just zinybody bit are due to the sincere pious ones, those who are endowed with knowledge and with acting upon such knowledge. This view is shared by [bn Tawoos in his book Al-k bat.

To all these three great men, and to all those who agree with them, we would like to humbly say: "How do you know that? Has the Prophet (pbuh) or any member of his AhI al-Bayt (as) said so? If what you claim is true, then only very few will receive these mighty rewards, and they will probably be the least among all humans to need them, especially since Allah will have already been pleased with them due to their piety and knowledge. Who will, then, come to the aid of sinners like ourselves? Who will wipe out our sins, faults, and shortcomings, if reciting these chapters do not do us any good? We think the Almighty is much greater than that and much more Clement. We think He is more ready to forgive sinning Muslims (like ourselves) who repent and regret than to punish them..."

The great mentor of the nation al-Saduq, may Allah have mercy on his soul, is quoted by al-Majlisi on p. 337, Vol. 89, of Biliar al-An war, as saying, "Anyone who recites Surat al-Feel in one obligatory rek’a ought to recite Surat Qura~sh in the other, for they both are like one Sura, and one should not recite only one of them in his obligatory prayers." This is also stated on p. 114 of Thawat A ‘ma!. "Anyone" implies that the Almighty’s mercy is spaci enough to include everyone, even sinners who deeply and sincej regret and repent their sins.

Our martyred Imani Abu Abdullah Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) written once in his own hand-writing: "When you face your foe, ought to look at him and recite Surat al-Eeel," as we are told by bi al-Tibrisi and al-Majlisi.

Chapter 106 (Quraysh)

AI-Majlisi has indicated that this Sura has the same merits as its SISI above; therefore, he did not add anything while discussing the mer of Qur’anic chapters in Vol. 89 of his book Bihar al-Anwar. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that whoever recites will be granted ten good deeds for each and everyone who circled the Ka’ba (made tawaf) and took to seclusion (i’tilcaJ) therein. Ima Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement conveyed on one of the conveyances of Paradise till he is seated at the light tables in Paradise. The reader is reminded that there are numerous things awaiting us in the life come for which there are no words in our limited human vocabulary. An analogy of such vocabulary, when it comes to the life hereafter is like the sophisticated human vocabulary, in its numerous language and countless dialects, compared to the vocabulary of an animal whose share of sounds and motions is the most modest.

There is also so much reference to light when it comes to life after death, including the waiting period known as the barzakh during which the dead wait for the Resurrection, and during which their life in the grave is world of its own. If Allah Almighty grants me life, health, and Hi divine assistance, I will insha-Allah write a three-volume book oi death, the Judgement Day, and life after death (i.e., on Paradise anc hell), a volume for each. A chapter in Vol. 1 will Insha-Allahj dea with the most fascinating subject of angels. If you wish to see such book written and published, I need your prayers.

Chapter 107 (al-Ma’un or al-Been)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that Allah will forgive the sins of whoever recites it, and he will be regarded as having paid his zalcat. Al-Bataini traces the isnad of this Sura to Isma’eel ibn al-Zubayr who quotes ‘Arur ibn Thabit quoting Imam Abu Abdullah Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) as saying that if someone recites it in his obligatory and optional prayers, Allah will accept his prayers and fast and will not try him about what he did in the short life of this world.

Chapter 108 (al-Kawthar)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that Allah will let everyone who recites this Sura drink of the rivers of Paradise and will give him of the rewards the equivalent to the number of all sacrifices offered by the servants of Allah on the Day of Sacrifice (Ed al-Adha) or any other sacrifice intended to seek His Pleasure. Imam Ja’fer alSadiq (as) is quoted saying that one who recites this Sura in his obligatory and optional prayers will be given to drink of the Pool of Kawthar; he will converse with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and will be at the very fountainhead of Tuba. The same is recorded in Thu wab al-A ‘mat.

Chapter 109 (al-Kafirun)

On pp. 339-340, Vol. 89, of Bihar al-Anwar, the author quotes alMufeed quoting Abdullah ibn Abu Shaykh quoting Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Alimed al-Hakeemi quoting Abdel-Rahman ibn Abdullah quoting Wahab ibn Jareer quoting his father quoting Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Bashshar quoting Sa’eed ibn Meena saying that a number of Qurayshi notables, including ‘Utbah ibn Rabee’a, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, al-Waleed ibn al-Mugheerah, and al-’As saying once to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), "O Muhammad! Let us worship what you worship while you worship what we worship, so we wiJI all share common grounds, and you will still be in charge; so, if what we follow is right, you will have thus obtained your share of it, and if you are right, we will have obtained our share of it," whereupon Allah, the Praised One, the Glorified, brought down Surat al-Kafirun.

The author goes on to tell other incidents related to this Chapter, filling more than four pages of his voluminous book and providing the reader with page numbers of as many as eight references for those who would like to research it further. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that one who recites this Sura will be regarded as though he has read one quarter of the Holy Qur’an, and the most wicked of Satans will be kept away from him, and he will be cleared from shirk and will be exempted from having to go through the horrors of the Day of Terror (Resurrection Day). He (pbuh) has also said that whoever recites it before going to bed will sleep secure from shirk. Imam Ja’fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that whoever recites this Chapter and the Chapter of Ikhlas in one of his obligatory prayers will be forgiven, and so will his parents.