Sciences of Hadith

Chapter 15 : Meeting 14: Alphabitical Ahadith

Meeting 14: Alphabetical Ahadith

I would like to bring this course to an end by quoting twenty six Hadith in the English alphabetical order.


الغضب مفتاح كل شرّ.

"Anger is the key to all evils." [al-Behar, vol.73, p.263]


الشجاعة صبر ساعة.

"Bravery is to be patient for an hour." [al-Behar, vol.78,p.11]


اوحي الله الي اخي العُزير: يا عُزير! ان اصابتک مصيبة فلا تشکني الي خلقي.

"The Almighty Allah revealed to my brother Ozair: O Ozair! Should any calamity inflict you, then do not complain against Me to My creation." [Kanzul-Ommal, H. 32341]


ما احلّ الله شيئا ابغض اليه من الطلاق.

"Allah has not made any Halal more despised to Him than divorce." [Kanzul-Ommal, H. 27871]


شرّ الناس من باع آخرته بدنياه و شرّ من ذلک من باع آخرته بدنيا غيره.

"An evil man is one who sells his hereafter for his Donya and more evil than him is the one who sells his hereafter for the Donya of someone else." [al-Behar, vol.77 p.46]


صحبة الاشرار تکسب الشرّ کالريح اذا مرّت بالنتن حملت نتنا.

"Friendship with evil people earns evil; like the wind when it blows over stink it will carry its evil smell." [Mizanul-Hikma, vol.4, p.1584]


السخي قريب من الله، قريب من الناس، قريب من الجنة.

"The generous are close to God, close to people and close to Paradise." [al-Behar, vol. 73, p.308]


ان اعتي الناس علي الله عز و جلّ من قتل غير قاتله و من ضرب من لم يضربه.

"Verily, the most tyrannical person in the sight of the Almighty God is the one who kills he who did not kill him, or hits he who did not hit him." [al-Kaafi, vol.7 p.274]


لاشفعنّ يوم القيامة لمن کان في قلبه جناح بعوضة ايمان.

"Surely I will intercede on the Day of Judgment for whoever there is faith in his heart even (as little as) the weight of the wing of a fly." [Kanzul-Ommal, H.39043]


اياکم و الحسد فانه يأکل الحسنات کما تأکل النار الحطب.

"Avoid jealousy, for surely it destroys good deeds as fire destroys firewood." [Jame'ul-Akhbar p.451]


اطلبوا العلم و لو بالصين.

"Seek knowledge even in China." [Kanzul-Ommal, H.28697]

Love (for Allah)

يقول الله عزّ و جلّ: اذا کان الغالب علي العبد الاشتغال بي جعلت بُغيته و لذّته في ذکري. فاذا جعلت بغيته و لذته في ذکري عشقني و عشقته فاذا عشقني و عشقته رفعت الحجاب فيما بيني و بينه و صيرت ذلک تغالبا عليه لايسهو اذا سها الناس.

"The Almighty Allah says: 'When a devotee spends most of his time for Me, I make his wish and desire in Remembering Me. Then when I make his wish and desire in Remembering Me, he will love Me and I will love him. When he loves Me and l love him, I will remove the veil between Me and him and make that (condition) most of the time for him that he does not become absent minded when people are absent minded." [Kanzul-Ommal, H. 1872]


ما بني في الاسلام بناء احبّ الي عزّ و جلّ و اعزّ من التزويج

"No construction has been built in Islam more favorable and dearer to the Almighty Allah than marriage." [al-Behar, vol.103, p.220]


اعقلوا الخبر اذا سمعتموه عقل رعاية لا عقل رواية فانّ رواة العلم کثير و رعاته فليل.

"When you hear a narration hear it to guard (practice) it not for just merely narrating it. For surely the narrators of knowledge are many but those who guard (practice) it are few." [Nahjul-Balagha, Words 98]


انا و کافل اليتيم کهاتين في الجنة اذا اتقي الله عزّ و جلّ- و اشار بالسبابة و الوسطي.

"The sponsor of an orphan and I are (so close) like these two if he fears Allah." The Prophet (P) then showed his index finger and the middle one." [Noorul-Thaqalayn, vol.5 p.597]


يا ابن مسعود! اياک ان تشرک بالله طرفة عين و ان نشرت بالمنشار او قطّعت او صلبت او اُحرقت بالنار.

"O Ibn Mas'oud! Don't ever associate any partner with Allah even for a blink of an eye, even if you were sawed by a saw or mutilated or crucified or burned by fire." [Makaremul-Akhlaq vol.2 p.357]


ينبغي للمؤمن ان لا يموت حتي يتعلم القرآن او يکون في تعلّمه.

"It is the duty of a believer to learn the Quran before he dies or be in the process of learning it."


يا نوف انه ليس من رجل اعظم منزلة عند الله من رجل بکي من خشية الله و احب في الله و ابغض في الله.

"O Nouf! No one has greater position with the Almighty Allah than the one who cries in reverence of Allah and loves for Allah and dislikes for Him." [al-Behar, vol.87, p.201]


الفتن ثلاث: حب النساء و هو سيف الشيطان و شرب الخمر و هو فخ الشيطان و حب الدينار و الدرهم و هو سهم الشيطان.

"The trials are three: Love of (non-Mahram) women which are the sword of Satan, drinking alcohol which is the trap of Satan and loving dollars and cents which are the arrows of Satan." [al-Khesal, p.113]


اوحي الله الي اخي العُزير: يا عزير! اعصني بقدر طاقتک عن عذابي.

"Allah revealed to my brother Ozair: O Ozair! Transgress (disobey) Me inasmuch as you can tolerate My torment!" [Kanzul-Ommal, H.32341]


من اکل الربا ملاء الله عز و جلّ بطنه من نار جهنم بقدر ما اکل.

"Whoever earns through usury the Almighty Allah will fill his stomach with hell-fire inasmuch as he has earned from usury." [Thawabul-A'mal, vol.2. p.336]


بالصبر يتوقع الفرج و من يدمن قرع الباب يلج.

"Victory is expected by patience and whoever knocks on a door it will eventually open." [al-Behar, vol.71:p. 96]


العبودية خمسة اشياء: خلاء البطن و قراءة القرآن و قيام الليل و التضرع عند الصبح و البکاء من خشية الله.

"Worshipping is five things: empty stomach, recitation of the Quran, standing at night (for prayer), supplication at dawn and crying in reverence of Allah." [Mostadrakul-Wasa'el, vol.11 p.244]


ليس کل اصحاب رسول الله (ص) يسأله عن الشيء فيفهم. کان منهم من يسأله و لايستفهمه حتي ان کانوا ليحبون ان يجييء الاعرابي و الطاري فيسأل رسول الله (ص) حتي يسمعوا.

Imam Ali (a.s): "Not all those who were asking the Prophet (P) would understand his answers. There were some who would not understand the Prophet (P) until a Bedouin or a Xen arrived and asked the Prophet (P) so that they could understand it. [al-Kaafi 1:64]


ان احبّ الخلائق الي الله عز و جلّ شابّ حدث السن في صورة حسنة جعل شبابه و جماله لله و في طاعته ذلک الذي يباهي به الرحمن ملائکته يقول: هذا عبدي حقا.

"Surely, the most favorable people to Allah is a youth with a nice face who makes his youth and beauty for Allah's sake and His obedience. That is the one the Merciful Allah vies in glory with him to His angels saying: This is truly My devotee." [Kanzul-Omal, h. 43103]


من تعصب او تُعصب له فقد خلع ربقة الايمان من عنقه.

"Whoever is zealous or is a zealot for him he has removed the lasso of faith from his neck." [al-Kafi, vol.2p.308]


  1. You may obtain the audio lectures of this course by sending your order to

  2. Al-Majlesi; Beharul-anwaar, vol.96,p.252

  3. Al-Majlesi, Beharul-Anwaar, vol.2, p.150

  4. Al-Majlesi, Beharul-anwaar, vol.2, p.184

  5. Ibid

  6. Al-Majlesi, Beharul-anwaar, vol.2, p.145

  7. Al-Hendi, Kanzul-Ommal

  8. Al-Majlesi, Beharul-anwaar, vol.2, p.152

  9. Al-Majlesi, Beharul-anwaar, vol.2, p.153

  10. Ibid

  11. Sobhi Saleh, Uloomul-Hadith, p.47

  12. Al-Bukhari, al-Sahih

  13. Al-Kolayni, al-Kaafi 8:108

  14. Note that the different wordings in this Hadith are another example of narration not quotation.

  15. Al-Ghadir 5:291

  16. Sharhe Nahjul-Balagha 3:15

  17. For the references of this Hadith please see:

  18. Al-Sawaequl-Mohreqah, p.34

  19. Ibn Majah 1:36 Hadith No. 95

  20. Ibn Abil-Hadid, Sharhe Nahjul Balagha 1:358

  21. Muslim 1:232

  22. Ibn Kathir, Al-Bedayah and Al-Nihaya 8:120

  23. Abu Rayyah; Adhwaun Ala-Sunnatil-Muhammadiyah, p.207

  24. Bukhari, Sahih 6:190, the Book of Nafaqat, ch. 1

  25. Al-Kaamil 6:7

  26. Adhwa' al-Sunnatil-Muhammadiyah, p.121

  27. Ibid p.125

  28. Sonan al-Darami 1:136, al-Tabaqatul-Kobra 2:354, Bukhari; al-Sahih 1:161 (in brief).

  29. Al-Majlesi; Beharul-Anwaar 42:121

  30. Ibid 42:133

  31. Al-Kolayni: al-Kaafi 1:62-63 Among the Sunni historians Ibn Sa'd (died 230 AH) has narrated the Hadith in short in the chapter of the virtues of Imam Ali (a.s): 2/2/101. Similarly, Nasa'i in his Sonan 1:178 has narrated the gist of the Hadith.

  32. Al-Kolayni: al-Kaafi 7:40

  33. In some versions of his book it is written 'Mokreman' (honourably) whereas in other version it is 'Mokrehan' (aversely).

  34. Al-Najashi: Rejal 2:261

  35. Al-Majlesi: Beharul Anwaar 48:22

  36. Al-Saffar: Basa'erul-Darajat p.301

  37. Bukhari: al-Sahih 1:36

  38. Ibid 2:221

  39. Ibid 4:67

  40. Ibn Hajar: Fathul-Bari 1:215

  41. Al-Najashi, Rejal 1:64-65

  42. Al-Khoei: Mo'jam Rejalul-Hadith 8:216-228

  43. Al-Kolayni, al-Kaafi 1:53

  44. Al-Khoei, Mo'jamul-Rejal al-Hadith 14:279

  45. We shall explain about As-Habul-Ejma' in lesson

  46. For further information about the for hundred origins see Agha Bozorg: al-Thari'a Fe Tasanifa al-Shi'a 2: , al-Sadr: Ta'sisu Shi'a , and Sharafu-Ddin: Mokhtasarul-Kalam Fe Mo'allefi-Shi'a.

  47. We shall introduce these sects in the coming lessons.

  48. Those who believed in the Imamat of Abdullah al-Aftah after Imam Sadiq (a.s).

  49. Al-Tahzib 7: under Hadith 435 [an example of a Hadith that is narrated only by Ammar is his narration concerning the value of the ring donated by Imam Ali (a.s) whilst he was in the statue of Roku'. See Tafsir al-Borhan 2:487 under the interpretation of the Ayah 55 Surah 5]

  50. As we will explain in the coming lessons being a mere Sunni is not a reason for the weakness of a Hadith.

  51. For further information see lesson five of 'the Science of the Quran' from the author.

  52. The Traditionalists (al-Akhbariyoun)- a margin group amongst the Shi'a scholars - believe in the authenticity of at least the Four Books of Hadith, specially al-Kaafi. In the next lesson we shall cite some vivid examples of the false Hadith narrated even in al-Kaafi.

  53. Undoubtedly Imam Sadiq (a.s) was not amongst those to whom he had presented his work.

  54. Abu-Rayyah: Adhwa'un Ala-Sunnatil-Mohammadiyah, p.299

  55. Al-Soyouti: Tadribul-Rawi 1:67

  56. an ancient Iranian city- today it is part of the republic of Torkamanestan

  57. The authors of all the Six Books were Iranians. Yet, ignorantly some biased Sunni scholars claim that Shiaism is an Iranian phenomenon. We shall learn in the next lesson that the authors of the best four books of Hadith of Shi'a were also Iranians. As a matter of fact, Iranians whether Shi'a or Sunni have for long contributed to the Islamic heritage.

  58. Bukhara was one of the ancient cities of Iran. Today it is in the republic of Ozbakistan.

  59. Ibn Khalkan: Wafayatul-A'yan 3:330

  60. Al-Thahabi: Ershadu-Sari Fe Sharhe Sahih al-Bukhari 1:28

  61. Sharh Al-Nawawi: 1:15

  62. Bukhari 8:179

  63. Bukhari 8:182

  64. We mentioned earlier that some Sunni scholars count al-Mowatta' the sixth authentic book instead of Ibn Majah.


  66. Al-Dorrol-Manthour 2:423

  67. Al-Sadooq: Elalu-Sharaye', p.29, al-Bahrani: Tafsir al-Borhan 2:155,156

  68. Kolayn is a village near Rey on the left side of the Tehran-Qom highway-Iran.

  69. Al-Mamaqani: Tanqihul-Maqal 3:203

  70. Sobhani: Kolliyat Fi Elmel-Rejal, p.360

  71. Haeri: The Shi'a Encyclopaedia 6:148

  72. Nahjul-Balagha, Words 81

  73. Al-Bayaan Wal-Tabyeen 1:83. al-Jahiz stated that in spite of the fact that he was not very fond of Imam Ali (a.s).

  74. See Nahjul-Balagha, Sermon 193

  75. Such as al-Thahabi in Mizanul-E'tedal 2:201 and Ibn Hajar in Lesanul-Mizan 4:223

  76. Al-Bayan 1:172

  77. 'Elalu-Sharaye', p.144

  78. Jawaherul-Kalam 13:295


  80. Al-Re'ayah Fi Sharhel-Derayah, p.45

  81. Al-Majlesi: Beharul-anwaar 2:184

  82. In lesson ten we shall introduce this science.

  83. Al-Mamaqani: Meqbasul-Hedayah, p.114

  84. Al-Amini: al-Ghadir 1:14-61

  85. Mir Hamed Husain: 'Abaqatul-anwaar vols. 1& 2

  86. Shahid Thani: al-Derayah, p.15

  87. Al-Horr al-Ameli: Wasa'elu-Shi'a

  88. Al-Horr al-Ameli: Wasa'elu-Shi'a

  89. The above argument is on the basis that the verdict of the majority of jurists compensates the weakness of a Hadith.

  90. Ibn Jonayd is the only jurist who is reportedly disagreed with this verdict. [al-Bahrani: al-Hadaequl-Nadhera 13:144]

  91. Al-Horr al-Ameli: Wasa'elu-Shi'a

  92. Al-Kaafi 4:110 Hadith No.3

  93. Man La Yahdhor 2:69 Hadith No. 292

  94. Al-Majlesi: Beharul-Anwaar 71:386 from al-Khesal

  95. See an example of his narration in Wasa'elu-Shi'a

  96. See the Hadith in Wasa'elu-Shi'a 1:34 Hadith No. 51

  97. Tousi: 'Oddatul-Osoul 1:149

  98. For an example of his invalid Hadith see Wasa'elu-Shi'a

  99. Tafsir al-Kashaf: Introduction p.11

  100. For an example of a valid Modhmar see: Wasa'elu-Shi'a the Hadith is narrated from Bazanti who was an eminent companion of Imam Redha (a.s) and hence it is valid. However the Modhmar Hadith narrated by Solayman Ibn Hafs [Wasa'elu-Shi'a ] is invalid because of the narrator.

  101. Ibn Majah: al-Sonan 1:114, al-Termethi: al-Sonan 3:274

  102. Al-Majlesi: Beharul-anwaar 2:233

  103. See Tafsir Tabari and al-Dorrul-Manthour for instance under the Ayaat 23 & 24 of Surah Saad. This accusation is taken from the perverted Bible: 2 Samuel chapter 11

  104. Al-Bayhaqi has narrated all the narrations in al-Sonanul-Kobrah 7:324, 325

  105. Al-Kaafi 3:94

  106. Al-Tahtheeb 1:385

  107. Scientifically the difference between the blood of menses and the injury blood is that menstrual blood does not clot.

  108. Needless to say these conditions are for the narrators not the Ma'soomin.

  109. 'Oddatul-Osoul 1:152

  110. On this science I am immensely indebted to my expert teacher the great Ayatollah Sayyed Musa Shobair Zanjani

  111. Sobhani: Kolliyatun Fi 'Elme-Rejaal, p.9

  112. In lesson 8 we mentioned the references of the Hadith.

  113. Al-Kolayni: Al-Kaafi 1:62-64 We quoted the Hadith in lesson 4.

  114. Al-Horr al-Ameli: Wasa'elu-Shi'a 27:75

  115. Rejaal al-Kashi, p.195

  116. Ibid

  117. Kash is a village in Gorgan province-Iran or in Samarqand Province-Uzbakistan

  118. Ma'alemul-Olama' p.91

  119. Abdullah al-Najashi was the governor of the Ahwaz Province-Iran. Imam Sadiq (a.s) wrote a letter to him recommending him to 'Make your brother Happy and God will make you happy'. He kissed the letter of the Imam and acted upon it. You may site the full story in al-Kaafi 2:190

  120. Rejaal al-Kashi, p.496

  121. Sobhani: Kolliyyat, p.163

  122. There is a little disagreement about the number of the group. However, the number and the names mentioned in the text is according to the majority of scholars especially Kashi.

  123. Al-Dorrul-Manthour 8:589

  124. Tahzibu-Tahzib 9:355

  125. Al-Melal Wal-Nehal vol. 1 p.166

  126. Tousi: al-Ghayba, p.42

  127. Al-Allama al-Majlesi has claimed that they are Motawater. Mer'atul-Oqoul 8:113

  128. Al-Kaafi 2:87

  129. Ibid

  130. Mo'jam Rejaal al-Hadith 21:45

  131. Ibid 21:47 and 20:75

  132. Al-Majlesi: Beharul-Anwaar 2:183

  133. Ibid p.184

  134. These Ahadith are quoted in many sources. For instance see Wasaelu-Shi'a 27:pp 106-123

  135. I said 'seem' because there could be some far justifications for their meanings.

  136. Wasaelu-Shi'a 18:55

  137. Wasaelu-Shi'a 29:87

  138. Al-Kaafi 1:531 In lesson seven we explained that these narrations are perverted or misspelled.

  139. Al-Kaafi 3:94, al-Tahtheeb 1:385

  140. Al-Dorrul-Manthour under 1st Ayah of Surah al-Nisa.

  141. Al-Bukhari 4:102

  142. Beharul-Anwaar 36:193

  143. Wasaelu-Shi'a 3:52

  144. Wasaelu-Shi'a 9:53-60

  145. Wasaelu-Shi'a 19:252-253

  146. Wasaelu-Shi'a 9:543

  147. Wasaelu-Shi'a 29:126

  148. Wasaelu-Shi'a 3:418

  149. Sahih Muslim 1:822

  150. Wasa'elu-Shi'a vol.10 p.411

  151. Al-Tabresi: al-Ehtejaj vol.2 p.258

  152. Nahjul-Balagha, Sermon 228

  153. Al-Majlesi: Beharul-Anwaar 22:326

  154. Al-Seerah 3:235

  155. The Book of Seeking permission, chapter of greeting 2:59

  156. The book of Paradise and its blessings, chapter of those who enter the Paradise

  157. Beharul-Anwaar 4:11

  158. Ibid 76:98

  159. Nahjul-Balagha, Words of Wisdom No.17

160.Taqiyyah literally means to protect. It is an Islamic and logical means of defence when one's life is in danger that by uttering a statement without meaning its content can rescue his life.

  1. Al-Kaafi 1:65

  2. Abu-Rayyah: Adhwa'un Alal-Sunna al-Nabawiyyah, p.51

  3. See chapter 7 of our lessons on Usulul-Fiqh =

  4. Al-Faqih vol.3 p.467

  5. Al Kaafi vol.5 p.338

  6. Al-Tabresi: Al Ehtejaj vol.2 pp.499-500