
The Publishers

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is one of the valueable works of 'Allamah Tabataba'i which is being printed and presented to its admirers, by the help of Allah, for the fifth time. The fifth edition is being published at the time when 'Allamah Tabataba'i has accepted the call of Allah and is no more among us, and no doubt his death has grieved everyone.

'Allamah Tabataba'i was a great and unique person, free from want, fefined and a commentator of the !ur'an. He was one of the shinning stars of the Islamic world, a man whose profound and gnostical ideas and valueable works had a deep influence in clearifying the Islamic teachings. In the Islamic world in general and among the Muslim scholars in particular he was known

as 'Allamah (the most learned), Philsuf (philosopher), Mufassir (the interpretor of the Qur'an), Ayatullah (the sing of Allah). But as the days pass it is becoming more manifest that these words of respect are not able to reflect the great persona lity of the 'Allamah in all of its dimen sions. If someone studies his behaviours, his way of life, his scientific works, his profound ideas, his sincerity and his unprecedent knowledge, he will surely come to the conclusion that without real connection with the al-Mighty Allah, His Pro phet and the Ahlu'l Bayt no one can have such a grace and favour. "He (Allah) gives the Wisdom to whomsoever He will, and who so is given the Wisdom has been given much good." (Qui'an 2:269)

Imam Khomayni mourned the 'Allamah in the following words: "I express my sorrow at the loss which occured for the Hauza-e Ilmia (the centre of Islamic Studies, Qum) and the Muslims by the death of the late 'Allamah Tabataba'i9 I pay my condelences to you the nation of Iran and the Hauza-e Ilmia. May Allah rise him (on the day of Resurrection) among the servants and help ers of Islam, and may He bestow patience to his family and his students."

'Allamah Tabataba'i had trained many students each of whom is an Islamic think er and an able writer. To have a deeper insight of the 'Allamah's personality, we shall present the views of a number of his students:

al-Ustad ash-Shahid Murtaza Nutahhari says: "'Allamah Tabataba'i is a man whose exalted thoughts deserve to be studied, analysed and evaluated for the next hundred years. Really he is one of the great servants of Islam. He is truelly a symbol of piety and spirituality. In purification of soul and piety he has ascended high peaks. For inany years I have been benefit ing from his blessed spirituality and I still continue to benefit. His exegesis of the Qur'an al-Mizan is one of the greatest interpretations of the Qur'an. of course, he is not only famous in Iran, he is well- known in the Islamic world and also in the like Europe and America. The orientalists who were familiar with Islamic teachings regarded himas a great thinker and used to visit him in Iran."

Shaykh Ibrahim Amini, an Islamic scholar and a writer of many books, says that: "'Allamah Tabataba'i was a refined, good- natured, free from want, kind, humble, sincere, calm and pleasant man. I had the honour of attending his lectures for nearly thirty years. I even used to attend his private classes on thursday nights. In all this period I can never remember even onee that he might have become angry or even speak in insulting manner; he always taught calmly and behaved very kindly even with the most humble students as if they were his long-time friends. He listened to every question and objection. I had never seen him praising himself, he was never miser in imparting knowledge which he possessed and training the students. He never left anyone's question unanswered. In reading

and thinking he had an extra-ordinary power to consentrate on one subject for a long time. The great teacher was a symbol of noble ethics,healways listened to what others said and if a truth was uttered to him, he would accept it. He refrained from polemic dicussions."

Ustad Muhammad Taqi Misbah, a famous teacher of Qum, says: Allamah Tabataba 'i was a symbol of tranquillity, diginity, self-respect, relying on Allah, sincerity, humbleness, kindness and noble ethics. One could see the sign of spiritual perfection enlightment of heart and the connection with the heavenly world on his angelic visage. His gatherings was surrounded by such an atmosphere that the audience was forced into spiritual contemplation. In the course of thirty years in which I had the honour to attend his lectures, I have not heard the word "I" from him; whereas l do not know" was heard many times from him. This was his humbleness. one af the remark able qualities of this spiritual man is his superabundance love and faith for the Ahlu'l Bayt. His day and night activities in the field of knowledge did not stop him from paying respects to, and asking help from, the Prophet and his family; and for all his success he considered himself ob liged to these great personalities.

"Although 'Allamah Tabataba'i was an unknown gem, who did not have any desire for fame and spent an simple life, he immediately attracted the seekers of truth and pre-eminence personalities, and started to teach and train them, and thus planted the first deed for a cultural and ethical move ment. Although he didn't have any material sources at his disposal, he confronted all

the problems with the faith in Allah and the strength of personal merits. He continued his march on the path which he had chosen without any self-fishness or desire for material gains or position. He was not alone in this way, he guided all his students and disciples to the ultimate goal. Today we are witnessing the movement which was started thirty five years ago by this great person. Today we are benefiting from the fruits of a tree which was planted by this great man, and in future by the grace of Allah it will provide more fruits for the Islamic society."

The Publishers