Shia Political Thought


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  24. Hor al-A’meli, Muhammad Hassan. 1412 AH, Wasael al- Shi’a, Qom: Ahl ul-Bait Institution.

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  53. Shaikh Muhammad Hassan, 1398 AH, Jawahir al-Kalam, Tehran: Dar al-Kotob al-Islamiya.

  54. Shaikh Hur al-A’meli, Muhammad ibn Hassan. 1412 AH Wasael al-Shi’a, Qom: Ahl ul-Bait Institute.

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  58. Watt, Montgomery. 1968, Islamic Political Thought, Edinburgh University Press.

  59. Zalloom, Abdul Qadeem. Democracy is a System of Kufr, London: Al-Khilafah Publication.