Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults


Issue 33: The Mutahhirat are those things which make Najis things, Tahir. Some of which include the following:

  1. Water

  2. Ground

  3. Sun

  4. Islam

  5. Removal of the Najasat (by the conditions which will be explained)

The Rules of Water

Water has many different divisions, and knowing them will help us better understand the rules related to them.

Issue 34: Water is either Mixed or Pure.

Mixed Water: That water that has been taken from something, for example apple juice, or watermelon water, or water that has been mixed \with something in such a way that it can no longer be called water, like juice.

Pure Water: That water which is not mixed.

Issue 35: Mixed Water:

• (With Mixed Water) it is possible to make something that is dirty, clean, but it can never make something that is Najis, Tahir (And because of this, it is not counted as one of the Mutahirat).

• If mixed water comes into contact with a najasat, it will become Najis - however small an amount the najasat is, and even if the smell, colour or taste of the water has not changed.

• Wudhu and Ghusl done with this water are void.

The Divisions of Pure Water

Issue 36: Water - either springs forth from the ground, falls from the sky, or neither gushes, nor falls.

• Water that comes from the sky is called Rain Water.

• The water that springs forth from the ground flows like the water of a well or river is called Running Water; and that which does not flow, is called Still Water.

• As for the water that does not gush out from the ground nor does it come from the sky, if it is in the amount (that will be mentioned in the next rule), then it is called Kurr (large quantity of water). If it less than this specified amount, it is called Qaleel (small quantity of water).

Issue 37: An amount of water, which if put into a container whose length, width, and breadth are, according to Ihtiyat, 3½ hand spans each becomes filled, then it is considered a Kurr. In addition, if its weight is 128 Min Tabriz, less 20 Mithqal[^1], it will also be counted as a Kurr.

Qaleel Water

Issue 38: Qaleel Water (less than a Kurr) will become Najis as soon as it comes into contact with a najasat, unless it is applied with force onto a Najis thing. In this event, only that amount that comes into contact with the najasat will become Najis. For example, if a container contains water, and this water is poured onto an object from above, then only that amount of water that comes into contact with the najasat will be Najis, and the water in the container, will remain Tahir.

Issue 39: If Kurr or Running Water is connected to an amount of Qaleel water that is Najis, and if it becomes mixed, then the Qaleel water will become Tahir. For example, if a small container full of water is Najis, and water from a tap that is connected to a Kurr is made to flow into the container and this water mixes with the water in the container, it becomes Tahir. However, if the smell, colour or taste has changed due to the najasat, that amount of water that has taken on the smell, colour or taste of the najasat must be removed.

Kurr, Flowing and Well Water

Issue 40: All the divisions of Pure Water, with the exception of Qaleel Water, are Tahir, as long as the smell, colour or taste has not changed due to the najasat. In addition, if because of coming into contact with a najasat, the smell, colour or taste of water takes on that of the najasat, then that water will become Najis. (Flowing Water, Well Water, and Kurr Water and even Rain Water all share this same ruling.)

Issue 41: The water in the pipes of buildings that are connected to a supply of Kurr Water, fall into the category of Kurr Water.

Issue 42: Some of the specialties of Rain Water:

• If rain falls on something Najis that does not contain an ‘Ayn Najasat[^2] one time, then it will make it Tahir.

• If it falls on a Najis rug or Najis clothing, then it is not necessary to squeeze the water out; it will automatically become Tahir.

• If it falls on Najis ground, then the ground will be made Tahir.

• Any time rainwater collects in a place, even if it is less than a Kurr, it will have the ruling of Kurr Water. Therefore if a Najis item is washed in such water while it is raining, then as long as the smell, colour or taste of the water does not change, the object will become Tahir.

How to wash something Najis in Water

Issue 43: To make something Tahir that has become Najis, the najasat must first be removed, and then it must be washed in water in the way which will be explained in the following rules.

Issue 44: A Najis utensil: It is sufficient that once the najasat has been removed, if it is washed in Kurr water, then it is sufficient to wash it once, but if it is being washed with Qaleel Water, then it must be washed three times.

Issue 45: A Najis utensil can also be washed in the following manner:

• Kurr Water: Dipping it in and taking it out of the Kurr water once.

• Qaleel Water: Fill the utensil with water, and empty it out and repeat this three times. One can also pour an amount of water in the dish/utensil three times, and after each pouring, shake the dish in such a way that the water reaches to all the Najis parts, and then empty it out (after every pouring, and shaking).

Issue 46: Rugs, clothing and items like these that absorb water, and that can be squeezed or wrung out can be made Tahir by using Qaleel Water (by the following method) that after each washing, the item must be squeezed so that the water that has absorbed in, is removed. This can also be done in any other method (that allows the water that has been absorbed to be removed), but if Kurr Water or Flowing Water is used, then it is not necessary to squeeze out the water.

The Ground

Issue 47: If while walking, the bottom of the feet or the bottom of the shoe becomes Najis, then by walking or rubbing it on the ground, it once again becomes Tahir, with the condition that the najasat is removed.

The Ground must be:

• Tahir

• Dry, according to Ihtiyat Wajib

• (Made of) Dirt, Brick, Rock, and things like this.

Issue 48: If by walking or rubbing on the ground, the najasat on the bottom of the shoe or foot is removed, then it will become Tahir, but it is better that a minimum of 15 steps are walked.

The Sun

Issue 49: The sun (with the conditions mentioned below) will make the following things tahir:

• Ground

• Buildings and the things that are used in the buildings like the doors and windows.

• Trees and plants.

Issue 50: With the following conditions, the sun is a purifier:

• The Najis thing is wet, in such an amount that if it comes into contact with something else, then it will make that thing wet too.

• By the rays of the sun, the Najis thing is dried; and if any wetness remains, then it will not be made Tahir.

• Things such as the clouds or a curtain should not prevent the sun from shining (onto the Najis item), unless it is so thin such that it does not prevent the sun from shining (onto the Najis item).

• The sun itself dries the item such that it is not with the help of the wind that the item is dried.

• While the sun is shining, there is no ‘Ayn Najasat on the item, therefore, if a najasat remains, it must be removed before having the sun shine on it.

• The part outside and inside of the wall or the floor must all be dried at one time. Therefore, if the outside dries one day, and the inside part the next day, then only the outside will be Tahir.

Issue 51: If the ground or things like this become Najis, but there is no wetness remaining, it is permissible to pour some water or something else on it to make it wet, then when the sun shines on it, and it dries, it will be Tahir.


Issue 52: The non-Muslim is Najis, but if he or she recites the Shahadatain, he or she will become a Muslim. For example, one says:

“ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاّ اللهُ وَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُوْلُ اللهِ ”

(I testify that there is no god except Allah,

And I testify that Muhammad is His Messenger.)

Moreover, by saying this, one's complete body is becomes Tahir.

Removal of the ‘Ayn Najasat

Issue 53: In two instances, the removal of the ‘Ayn Najasat makes something Tahir, and it is not necessary to wash it with water.

  1. The body of an animal: For example, a beak of a chicken who is eating a najasat, once the najasat is removed from the beak, the beak is Tahir.

  2. The inside of the body: Parts like the mouth, nose and ear. For example, if at the time of brushing ones teeth, blood comes out from the gums, then the inside of the mouth will be Tahir, and it is not necessary that the it be washed with water. However, if the toothbrush itself comes into contact with the blood, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it will be Najis, even if it is inside the mouth.

[^1]: This unit of weight is equal to approximately 377.419 Kilograms. (TR.)

[^2]: An ‘Ayn Najasat is something that in itself if Najis, like urine or blood, and a Muta-Najis is something that in itself is not Najis, but has become Najis.