
Justification of the Salafiyyah on Non-Permissibility of Tawassul

Ibn Taymiyyah in Qa'idah Jalilah, Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab in Kashf al-Shubahat and Muhammad Rashid Rida in Tafsir al-Manar, opine that although during the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A.), his companions would address him for their needs, after his death they never approached his tomb for their needs. They even forbade those who intended to supplicate beside the Prophet's (S.A.W.A.) tomb.


It is interesting to note that a review and analysis of these opinions brings out different historical facts. First of all, the predecessors, whether the companions or the first and second generation of Muslims, never deniedtawassul to the Prophet (S.A.W.A.), either during his lifetime or after his passing away. It has been mentioned in the narrations of the Ahl al-Sunnah even the first created man, Adam, implored ALLAH (SWT) for forgiveness throughtawassul to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A.) with the words:"O ALLAH (SWT)! for the sake of Muhammad (S.A.W.A.) I beseech you to forgive my faults." [^20]

Secondly, prominent Sunni scholars such as Bayhaqi and Ibn Abi Shaybah as well as Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan in his Khulasah al-Kalam, have cited a sahih (authentic) hadith, that during the caliphate of 'Umar ibn Khattab when a severe famine occurred, Bilal bin Harth approached the Prophet's (S.A.W.A.) tomb and said: "O Messenger of Allah (SWT), pray to God to send rains for your ummah, since we are all facing annihilation." The Prophet then appeared in Bilal's dream and gave him the tidings of rains.

Similarly during the caliphate of 'Uthman ibn 'Affan, a needy person approached the Caliph and told him of his needs. 'Uthman asked him to make wudu, offer prayer in the mosque and then supplicate in the following manner:

O Lord! through thewasilah of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A.), the Messenger of Mercy, I turn my face to You. O Muhammad (S.A.W.A.)! through yourwasilah I am facing Your Lord and I request you to grant me my wish. The person attained his goal.[^21]