The Attraction and Repulsion of Ali (a.s.)

Elimination of Kharijites

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This faction emerged towards the end of the fourth decade of the first Hijra Century as a consequence of the Formidable Fraud. They did not remain in field for more than one and a half centuries. Because of their recklessness and desperation they were victimised by the Caliphs, and this brought themselves and their religion to elimination and liquidation. They were totally eliminated in the initial period of the Abbasid rule. Their dry and lifeless logic, their aridity and harshness of manners, the divergence of their ways from life and last of all their courage which shunned dissimulation even in its true logical sense, wrought their elimination. The Kharijites school was not a school which ought to have survived. However, it has left its imprints. Their thoughts and their ideas have influenced all Islamic denominations. Even now-a-days many 'Nahrwanis' are available. Exactly, as it was in days and time of Ali, they are the internal, and the most dangerous, enemies of Islam. As the Mo'awiyahs and Amr bin 'Ases had been and are always present, they exploit, to their own benefit, the existence of the Nahrwanis though they are considered to be their enemies.