The Attraction and Repulsion of Ali (a.s.)

Democracy of Ali

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Amir-ul-Momineen dealt with Kharijites in an extremely liberal and democratic manner. He was their ruler and they were his subjects. They, to their capacity, indulged in all political activities without his sending them to prison, nor he lashed them. So much so he did not even cut the stipends of the impudent from the public exchequer. He viewed them in the same manner as he viewed all others. Such instances may not be foreign in Ali's biography, but they are no doubt found less elsewhere in the world. They were everywhere free to express their beliefs. Ali himself and his companions faced them without any curb on their freedom of belief. They held moots. The parties argued their own cases and rebutted the other side's arguments.

Perhaps this much of liberty that a government should be so democratic to its opponents goes in -the world without a precedent. They would come to mosque interfere in the sermons and discourses of Ali. One day Ali was on the pulpit a man came there and posed a question to which Ali gave a prompt reply. A kharijite from 'amongst the people cried out, "God may kill him, what a wise he is". Others wanted to manhandle the Kharijite but Ali said, "Leave him. He has abused me alone".

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Kharijites would not offer their prayers if Ali led the congregation, because they held him to be an infidel. They would come to mosque and would not offer prayers with Ali, and thereby caused him anguish. One day Ali was leading the congregation, a Kharijite with the name of Ibn-i-Kawa came there and with insinuations at Ali loudly recited the verse of the Quran which addresses the Prophet, "It has been revealed to you and to your precursors that if you get Polytheists all your achievements will be ignored, and you will be from the losers". By reading this verse Ibn-i-Kawa warned Ali, "I am aware of your antecedents in Islam. You are the first Muslim. The Prophet opted you as brother. On the eve of migration your dedication was inspiring, when you slept in Prophet's bed. You left yourself at the mercy of the swords. Finally your services in the cause of Islam cannot be ignored. But God has warned the Prophet himself, 'If you go Polytheist your achievements will be ignored'. As you have now become infidel, so you have effaced your past record".

What was Ali's reaction? He assumed silence till Ibn-i-Kawa recited the verse to its end. As soon as the verse was complete, Ali continued with the prayers. Inb-i-Kawa once again repeated the same verse, and Ali instantly resumed silence. Ali would keep silent because the Quran says: "When the Quran is being recited, lend it your ears and be silent". For this very reason during the prayers the led are supposed to be silent and attentive when the Imam is busy reciting.

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After repeating the verse, a few times Ibn-i-Kawa wanted to disturb the formation of the prayers. Ali recited this verse, "Be patient. Allah's promise is true. It must materialise. These men devoid of faith and conviction cannot harass you, nor they can impair your determination". He took no further notice and continued the prayers.