The Book of Occultation


In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate

Praise belongs to Allah, Who conveyed the Word to His servants through an Imam after an Imam, so may they remember; and completed the religion through His entrusted subjects and representatives, in every time and age, for a people who believe. And blessings and greetings be unto the one that apostles and prophets gave the happy tidings of his and his successors, Muhammad the master of the creation, and his Household the lights of darkness, until the Day they shall be resurrected. Divine damnation be on their enemies so long as the heavens and the earths endure.

Here is the thirteenth volume from the book Bihār al-Anwār expounding the history of the Twelfth Imam, the Awaited Guide, the Victorious Mahdi, the Light of Lights, the Representative of the Almighty, Hidden from the view of the eyes, Present in the hearts of the virtuous, the Pillar of Faith, the Remover of Sorrows, the Representative of the All-Merciful, al-Hujja Ibn al-Hasan, the Imam of the Age, blessings of Allah be unto him and his infallible forefathers as long as the ages come and go, from the authorships of the servant of the traditions of the Virtuous Imams and the dust of the threshold of narrators, Muhammad the son of Muhammad Taqi, may Allah resurrect them both with their pure masters and make them in their governance of their supporters and aides.