The Captivity Journey

The Holy Head in the House of Khewalli Al-Assbahi

Khewalli Bin Yazeed Al-Assbahi hastened to deliver the Holy Head to Obayd Allah Bin Ziad, he stopped on his way by a house called "Al-Hannanah", and when he reached the reign’s castle in Kufa, the door was closed, so he headed to his home. He put the Head under a bowl then went to his wife, Annawwar Bint Malik Bin Aqrab. She asked him about the news, so he answered her happily: "I came to you with the wealth of all times; this is the Head of Hussain with you in the house". She went insane and yelled: "Woe to you, people had come with gold and silver and you came with the Head of the Prophet’s grandson (P). By Allah, I shall never live in the same house with you, be happy! As your enemy tomorrow (Resurrection Day) is His Grandfather, Muhammad P!"

It was narrated that she helped in killing him when Al-Mukhtar took revenge from the killers of the Master of Martyrs (Q)