The Captivity Journey

Um Salama Knows of the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (Q)

Sayyeda Um Salama, the wife of the Prophet (P) who gained an honorable rank of knowledge and became the confidant of the Prophet (P), had fulfilled her great role in this tragedy, as the Prophet (P) had trusted her with some of Karbala’s soil many years before the killing of Imam Hussain (Q), and he (P) said to her: Q: "put this soil in a urn, and keep it with you, and when you see it becoming like thick blood that means that Hussain (Q) was killed," and it, and its red color became a sign that the tragedy had came true.

Thus Um Salama had kept two urns of the soil of Imam Hussain (Q), one of them was given to her by the Messenger of Allah (P), and the other was handed to her by Imam Hussain (Q) before he left Medina when he said to her: "…if they both flood with blood, you shall know that I was killed".

It appears that Sayyeda Um Salama had mixed the soil that was given to her by Imam Hussain (Q) with the one she had; that is because after she had seen the Prophet (P) in her dreams with his head and beard covered with sand, she asked him: "what is wrong with you O Messenger of Allah P?"

So he (Q) answered her: "I had just witnessed the wrongful killing of Hussain!"

Then she woke up scared from her sleep and she opened one urn and found that if is flooding with blood.

Accordingly, Um Salama was the first one to scream in Medina, so all men and women of Medina headed to her house where they found her screaming: "O Hussain! O son of the Prophet!" so the ladies started howling from every direction of Medina until the whole medina heard the loud squeal that was never heard like it before.

Abdu Allah Bin Al-Abbas Learns about the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (Q) Bin Abbas was one of the people who knew about the destiny of Imam Hussain (Q) and it was natural for him to await the news about his martyrdom, and it was narrated about Bin Abbas that he said: "When I was sleeping in the middle of the day, I saw the Prophet (P), he was disheveled while holding an urn full of blood in his hand, so I said: "I love you more than my father and mother O Messenger of Allah, what is that?" he said: "This is the blood of Al-Hussain and his companions, I am still collecting it since this day".