The Captivity Journey

The Role of Sayyeda Zeinab (O) in the Continuation of the Message

The great Sayyeda Zeinab (O) did not abandon the Hussain message till the end of her life in many places, and one of these places were the Holy Medina, as she had performed her great role towards that tragedy. She used to incite people to avenge Al-Hussain (Q), and to renounce Yazeed Bin Muawiya. She used to make speeches in front of the people with that content. These speeches had a strong influence on the people to a point that the authority could not tolerate her presence in the Medina anymore. So Omar Bin Saad was informed of that, and he wrote to Yazeed to inform him. The latter wrote back to him that he should separate her from the people. Then he gave his orders to her to leave the Medina and reside wherever she wants, so she said: "Allah had known what happened to us, the best one of us was killed, and we were driven from town to town like they do with herds, and we were forced to ride on the camels’ backs, So By Allah, I would never leave even if they kill me".

Then Zeinab the daughter of Aqeel said to her: "O cousin, Allah had fulfilled his promise, and he inherited us the earth to live wherever we please, so take it easy and do not worry and Allah will punish the oppressors, So do you want after this high rank to be humiliated, do travel to a safe place…".

Then the Hashim’s ladies gathered around her to soft talk her and tried to comfort her…

All this indicates the influence of Sayyeda Zeinab (O) on the society to a degree that made the corrupted gang feels the danger of her presence and they had to expel her from Medina.

When Sayyeda Zeinab (O) had left the Medina of her Grandfather (P), many of the Hashim’s women had left with her along with her sister Sukaina and her cousin Fatima…

And that was the path of the victorious procession, and that was the history of the noble Hussain convoy. Thus Bani Harb did not enjoy kingdom after Karbala till God had took away their kingdom, vanished them, and inherited them shame and disgrace till the end of time. Abdu Al-Malek Bin Marwan had written to Al-Hajjaj Bin Yousef: "Do spare me the blood of Ahlu El-Bait, as I had seen the people of Harb had lost their kingdom when they killed Al-Hussain".


1- "Ziyarat Al-Naheya Al-Moqaddasa" - for Muhammad Bin Al-Mashehadi, Al-Mazar 501, and Al-Majlesy, Al-Behar 98-320

2- References: "Kamel Alzeyarat", "Maqtal Imam Hussain (Q)” for Al - Khawarezmi- "Tareikh Bin Asaker", "Sharih Almawaheb Alludniyah" for the Zarqaw, "Almujam Alkabeer", "Mujama Alzawaed", "AlsawaeqAlmuhriqa", "Tareikh Alkulafaa","Yanabei Almawadda", "Tahtheebu Altahtheeb", "Al-Hadaeq Alwardeyya", "Fotouh Bin Al-Aatham Alkufi", "Alkashef wa Albayan" for the Thaalabi, "Dalael Alnubowwa", "Thakhaero Alaqabi", "Tareikh Madinat Demashq", and etc….

3- An Arabic term used for the elite family of the Prophet (R).

4- A term used to show uselessness, just like when you decorate a dead body with silver.

5- Hujjatu Allah: an Arabic term used for the Imam of the time, who is the guide of the people to Allah, where people can come to him if they need any ruling or guidance.

6- meaning most beautiful and handsome

7- An Arabic term used for the people who had migrated to preserve their Islamic believes from the torture of the disbelievers during the first years of the Islamic revelation.

8- An Arabic term used for the supporters of the Prophet (P), who had resided in Medina and were among the first believers.

9- A sign of humiliation as they used to do this to slaves.

10- It looks from many narrations that there was a direct path between Sham and Iraq, which a traveler can usually pass it in one week, and the Arab Aqeel used to take this path. As for the Arab of Saleib, they used to go from Hooran to the Najaf in about eight days. So, if we assume that Bin Ziad had wrote to Yazeed about the Al-Taff battle as soon as it ended, and the mail man moved with his letter on the night of the eleventh or on the eleventh day, thus we can presume, on a basis that the mailing period is one week, that the letter reached Damascus approximately on the seventeenth day of Muharram.

And if we suppose that the mail moved from Damascus to Kufa with Yazeed’s reply on the same day, so it is also possible that it would have reached Kufa on the twenty fourth day of Muharram.

11- Surat Al-Shura, verse:  23

12- Surat Al-Israa, verse:  26

13- Surat Al-Anfal, verse: 46

14- Surat Al-Ahzab, verse: 33

15- Or Ummaya

16- Surat Aal-Imran, verse 26

17- Surat Al-Shoura, verse: 30

18- Surat Al-Hadeed, verse:  2223

19- As it was narrated by Bin Tayfoor (T: 280)

20- Surat El-Room, verse: 10

21- Surat Al-Omran, verse: 178

22- Surat Al-Imran, verse: 169

23- Batoul: an Arabic nick name used to describe how Sayyeda Zahra (O) used to isolate herself for the worshiping of Allah.

24- Surat Hud, verses 50, 61, 84

25- Jaber Al-Ansari was the last one of the remaining companions of the Prophet (P), he witnessed Bader and eighteen other battles with the Prophet (P), and was one of the elite companions of the Prince of believers Ali (Q), and he was loyal to the family of the Prophet (R), he used to sit in the mosque while wearing a black turban and calling in a loud voice: "O Baqer Al-Elm" and he used to lean on his cane while wandering the streets of Medina and saying: "Ali is the best person" and he was old so Al-Hajjaj did not harm him. He had visited the grave of Imam Hussain (Q) many times and he was a very old and blind man.

26- Ateiah Al-Awfy was one of the well known scholars for their knowledge and Hadith (narration of the Prophet’s sayings), and he had narrated many sayings about the merits of the Prince of Believers (Q).

27- Surat Al-Qamar, verse: 5

28- An Arabic term used to call bad women.

29- Mourning clothes: clothes made from sackcloth, formerly worn as a sign of mourning or penitence.

30- An Arabic nick name usually said to the women who had many sons, which is a sign of strength and confident.

31- Surat Yousuf, verse: 85