The Complete Edition of the Treatise On Rights

About The Author 14 16

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This book is authored by the fourth Imam who is Ali ibn al-Hussein (a). He is the son of Imam Hussein (a) and Shah Banu. According to some narrations, he was born on Sha'ban 5, 38 AH and became martyred on Muharram 12, 95 AH by Walid Ibn-e Abdol Malik. When he was born, his grandfather Imam Ali (a) was controlling the affairs. He experienced three years of

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Alavi caliphate and a short period of Imam Hasan's government, which lasted for only several months. He witnessed the saga of Karbala that took place in 61 AH and survived the day of Ashura, which took place in 61 AH. In accordance with the Divine decree, Imam Hussein (a) appointed him the people's next leader when Imam Hussein (a) was martyred at Karbala. Imam Sajjad (a) who was also present there was ill and unable to join the fight against the forces of Yazid. Thus he was not martyred. During his journey from Karbala, he delivered speeches in the towns of Kufa and Damascus, and he informed the people of his father's holy intentions. In this way he disgraced Yazid. Imam Sajjad (a) liked orphans, the poor, and the handicapped to come to his house and be his guests. He used to give food and clothing to many families who were poor and needy. Imam Sajjad (a) was so earnest in worshipping God that he was called "Zayn al-'Abidin", which means "the adornment of the worshippers", while his title "al-Sajjad" means "one who prostrates long and often". He lived for fifty-seven years, and devoted most of his efforts to revive the spiritual aspects of the society. Hence, Imam Sajjad's life and statements were entirely devoted to asceticism and religious teachings. His religious teachings are in the form of invocations and supplications. Having witnessed the unpleasant social situation of that era during which religious values were deviated and changed, Imam Sajjad (a) attempted to establish a divine relationship between the people and God. Consequently, he was able to touch the

hearts of the people and the people were deeply

influenced by his words and his life style. His

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famous supplications are well known as Sahifeye Sajjadieh. About three decades of the Imam's life were devoted to the revival of spiritualism in the society. This book is one of his most outstanding teachings. It is a master document on Islamic human rights, which not only cover human rights, but they also include the rights of God, our parts, and our deeds. To any intelligent reader who ponders deeply about the contents of this valuable document on rights, it immediately becomes clear that Islam has already established the first document on rights nearly fourteen centuries ago. But unfortunately in our modern world there are those who claim to respect human rights but they do so only superficially.