The Fourteen Infallibles

Imam Al-hasan (a.s.)


AL-HASAN is the son of Ali son of ABI TALIB the son of ABDIL MUTTALIB. His mother is Fatima the daughter of Mohammed the son of ABDILLAH, the son of ABDIL MUTTALIB (peace be upon them all). He was born on the 15th of the month of Ramadan, in the 3rd year of HIJRAH (immigration of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) from holy Mecca to YATHRIB (AL-Medina AL-MUNAWARA), and enjoyed martyrdom on the 28th of SAFAR (Lunar Calendar) in the 50th year of HIJRAH, in Al-Medina and was buried in AL-BAQIE (a suburb of Al-Medina).


The pre-Islamic era was stamped with ignorance and oppression. The most oppressive people were also the most arrogant and the most deceiving. Such people enjoyed a complete control over others and were respected by others who only wished to avoid their injustice.

The most oppressive family of the era of ignorance was the UMAYYAD family of ABI SUFYAN. MU'AWIYAH, his brother YAZID, ABU JAHAL, ABU LAHAB, and their likes controlled the affairs in holy Mecca and throughout the Arabian Peninsula. As soon as Islam spread its bright light, the arrogant ones' injustice came to an end. Good morals replaced bad ones, the humble common people regained their dignity, and human rights were achieved. The arrogant ones no longer had a say in the affairs. It was the advent of the new religion of Islam, and the era of the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and the righteous among his companions.

As the party of Allah achieved victory against the idolaters and infidels, the arrogant ones such as ABU SUFYAN and his likes had no other way but to articulate acceptance of Islam and the leadership of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H). This took place in the 8th year of HIJRAH (more than twenty years after the beginning of the message), following the invasion of Mecca. However, those arrogant ones were never true in their belief in Allah and His Messenger, hence they harbored hidden hostilities towards the Prophet and his household, peace be upon them all.


Following the demise of the Messenger of Allah, ABU SUFYAN and his infidel party conspired secretly against Islam. Their infidelity was still in hide, while their great concern was to halt the achievement of political and financial power by AHLUL BAYT (the Prophet's household). They strove to keep such power within their own control. Through plots, they achieved their goal, hence MU'AWIYAH IBN (son of) ABI SUFYAN proclaimed his domination over the country of AL-SHAM (greater Syria: Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon plus today's Syria). He accumulated a great wealth and forced his authority on the Muslim world.

Following the assassination of the third Caliph, OTHMAN IBN 'AFFAN, people swore allegiance to the Prophet's cousin and son-in-law Ali (as), father of AL-HASAN and AL-HUSAIN. As soon as Ali (as) became the Muslims' Caliph, the hypocrites and the deviated openly unveiled their hostility towards Ali (as) and waged wars against him. Thus, within a short period of time during his caliphate, he had to fight in the Battle of the Camel, the Battle of SIFFIN and the Battle of AL-NAHRAWAN.

It was the irony of fate to see the "followers of the camel" siding with "the followers of ABI SUFYAN" along with the misled KHARIJITES. The enemies of Islam and those of AHLUL BAYT mobilized their forces and raised their swords in the face Imam Ali (as). During the course of those events, three deviated men conspired under the claim of sparing the Muslims the perils of the deteriorated situation which they thought was the result of the confrontation of three dangerous men: MU'AWIYAH, AMRO IBN AL-'AS and Imam Ali (as). They though that they would reform the Muslim community if they killed all three of them at one and the same time. The result of their sick mentality was the martyrdom of Imam Ali (as), the pious and just caliph, while the other two survived.


At such situations, when MU'AWIYAH'S mercenaries were in control of the Muslims' affairs, IMAM AL-HASAN'S (as) became the Muslims' Caliph. He had to face the worst officials the majority of whom belonged to the UMAYYAD clan. They had been in office since OTHMAN'S rule when they devoured the Muslims' wealth just as cattle devour Spring's fresh buds.

Imam AL-HASAN'S Caliphate covered large areas of the Muslim world including: Persia, KHURASAN, Yemen, HIJAZ, KUFA and BASRA (Iraq). Although the people of those countries had sworn allegiance to the Imam (as), the area suffered unrest as a result of MU'AWIYAH'S conspiracy. They Imam knew that MU'AWIYAH was personally making preparations to fight him, so he sent his envoys to the governors of the region to get ready to fight back. He (as) also sent a letter to MU'AWIYAH to warn and to advise him through reasonable facts relevant to the Imam's right to the caliphate. He confirmed his concern about the Muslims' unity and the safety of Islam, demanding an end to fights and quarrels. He wanted him to be wise enough to accept his advice and to avoid divisions that would lead the Muslim community to destruction. He informed him of his decision to fight him if he did not comply.


MU'AWIYAH, whose concern was only to achieve power and seize the caliphate, lent a deaf ear to Imam AL-HASAN'S letter. MU'AWIYAH was ready to commit every crime in order to be the leader. He sent his spies and got in touch with the Imam's army leaders. He bribed some leaders and promised others with high offices if they abandoned their Imam and joined him. Many accepted the bribes and joined the enemy's camp in broad daylight. Others conspired even to lay their hand on their legitimate Imam and hand him over to MU'AWIYAH. Thus, they violated their vows of allegiance and betrayed their sublime leader. MU'AWIYAH, the cunning fox, advised them to stay in office till the battle time, then to leave their Imam alone to face his defeat.

Within few months of secret plots, MU'AWIYAH managed to have most of the tribes' chiefs on his side. Those tribes' chiefs knew that Imam AL-HASAN'S rule would be similar to his father's, hence they expected no gains from him, while MU'AWIYAH was flooding them with gifts, they preferred this world to the hereafter and sold their religion for this life's pleasures.


The army of MU'AWIYAH made its way towards KUFA, the then capital of Imam AL-HASAN'S (as). The Imam, in turn, encouraged his army to fight, but his efforts were in vain. Only a few were ready to obey him. The majority were in groups of different opinions. This made it difficult for him to unite them or to fight the enemy. IMAM AL-HASAN entrusted his cousin UBAYED-ALLAH IBN ABBAS, with the leadership of his army. Everyone knew him as one of the first QURAYSHIS to swear allegiance to Imam AL-HASAN. He was very highly respected and obeyed. Moreover, he greatly hated MU'AWIYAH whose mercenaries killed both of his children.

UBAYD-ALLAH'S army numbered 12,000 as IMAM AL-HASAN led another army towards Al-Medina (Iraq) and camped there. He planned to defeat the large army of MU'AWIYAH. MU'AWIYAH was still suffering from his bitter defeat at the Battle of SIFFIN when Ali's brave men were about toe defeat MU'AWIYAH who escaped though a trick. MU'AWIYAH, therefore, decided to apply more tricks to avoid the war. He secretly contacted UBAYD-ALLAH and offered him a million DIRHAMS if he refrained from fighting him. MU'AWIYAH was ready to pay him half a million at KUFA and the other half later only if he joined his camp.

UBAYD-ALLAH was at a loss few days. He knew that very few tribes came to help IMAM AL-HASAN while many of them joined MU'AWIYAH'S camp. He was sure of MU'AWIYAH'S victory, so why should he hesitate? The offer was quite tempting, hence he made his shameful decision to accept it. at mid-night, along with a few of his men, he made his way to MU'AWIYAH'S camp. He made his choice and sold the religion of Allah, the Messenger of Allah, and his Imam, for such a petty price.

The people gathered at dawn to pray at the mosque. They waited for UBAYD-ALLAH to it in its fight against the enemy. They waited and waited only in vain! UBAYD-ALLAH did not attend the prayers, and the secret was made public! They heard someone from the enemy's camp calling: "O people! Go home! UBAYD-ALLAH and his men are in MU'AWIYAH'S camp! They have chosen reconciliation! There is no good in brothers fighting each other!" UBAYD-ALLAH was the second important man after the Imam himself in leading the army, hence his treason was a major blow. He was a religious scholar; therefore, many were fooled by his call for peace, so they deserted the army.

A group of the Imam's supporters realized the trick and tried to bring the others back, but they failed in their attempt. Only a few decided to die in defense of the religion and for the sake of the truth. They informed the Imam of their readiness to help. The cowards and the deserters even spread the rumor that MU'AWIYAH had achieved victory against the Imam's army, hence the others found it a good excuse to return to their homes in KUFA. That was the story repeated with Imam AL-HASAN (AS): the KHARIJITES had by then found an excuse to give up the fight and even assassinate their own Imam Ali (as).

Could such people be Muslims or claim to defend Islam while they helped the enemies of Islam achieve their devilish goals? Throughout history, hypocrites play the same role. They are not sincere in their faith, so they turn away rather than face death. The real believers are always firm in conviction and ready to die for the sake of their religion.


The Imam (as) had to either to fight and sacrifice the very few good believers with him or yield to a compromising reconciliation and endure the painful outcome. The Imam followed his father's footsteps when, 25 years ago, he rejected the hatful quarrel and tolerated the situation of being deprived of his right. The Imam through reconciliation could spare his righteous companions from a useless death. He accepted re-conciliation on special honorable conditions.

It was a bitter experience for the IMAM who was ready to fight since he was never afraid of death. But he was quite sure that his dear family would sacrifice first to defend him. His companions were ready to die before him. However, their death would not change the situation. Most people were misled and knew nothing about the real situation between the infidel MU'AWIYAH and IMAM AL-HASAN (AS), the Muslims' legitimate caliph. MU'AWIYAH managed to fool the people and claim to be the defender of Islam. People believed him because his real infidelity was hidden. They did not know that his only concern was to achieve power for his own clan under the cover of Islam. Had IMAM AL-HASAN been killed that day, no one would have come to know the truth. It would have been senseless bloodshed. Even such bloodshed of the infallible Imam would not have awakened the community from its coma.

Due to such a crucial situation, IMAM AL-HASAN (as) agreed to reconcile. Thus, the confrontation was postponed till the day when the true face of MU'AWIYAH would be exposed and people would know the truth and fight for it.

Many of the Imam's followers were vexed at the outcome, and some were even rude, except IMAM AL-HUSAIN (AS) who approved of his brother's decision. In fact, many are heedless of the fact that objection to the Imam's or Prophet's decisions is objection to the QUR'ANIC instructions which confirm the infallibility of these figures. Hence, their decisions should always be accepted, in wars and in peace. Rejection of the Imams' decision means rejection of the Prophet's (P.B.U.H) decision. A Prophetic tradition says: "AL-HASAN and AL-HUSAIN are leaders of the believers, whether they are in office or not".

However, it is the people's nature to make hasty conclusions without a deep insight or sound thinking. On achieving victory, MU'AWIYAH went to KUFA, the residence of IMAM AL-HASAN (as) and his followers. He got on the pulpit of its grand mosque and started slandering IMAM ALI'S companions and degrading the tribes' chiefs. He betrayed them and violated the covenants he had previously made to them. He called them names, thus disgracing them in public. Those who betrayed the Imam could not even enjoy the least gratitude from MU'AWIYAH.

In the wake of those events, IMAM AL-HASAN (AS) and his household made their way towards Al-Medina where they settled while the UMAYYAD clan dominated Al-KUFA. On the pulpit of IMAM ALI (AS), ZIYAD IBN ABIHI (a bastard) and later his son ruled the country. Those who sought excuses to justify their stance regarding IMAM ALI'S rule and later rejected his pious son's rule bowed their heads in front of MU'AWIYAH'S bloody swords. They at last came to know- thought too late- the important advice of the legitimate Imams. They perceived the great calamity that befell them. They regretted their own actions but such regret was of no use.

Those who, during five years of Imam Ali's rule and a few months of IMAM AL-HASAN'S, disobeyed the infallible Imams for trifle reasons or excuses, no longer offended MU'AWIYAH'S agents who had a free hand to do whatever they desire. None of them uttered a word of objection. No figures such as TALHA and AL-ZUBAYR raised the banner of confrontation. Not a single KHARIJITE made a show of sedition or disobedience. The hypocrites had their golden opportunity to play their role.

At the dark era of history, Ali's companions and followers were the only ones who confronted the tyrannical rule and were blessed with martyrdom. As for those on his pay list, they crept on their bellies and praised the unjust rulers. They never forgot to slander Imam Ali (as) in order to please the tyrants. How wonderful it is to confront the tyrants of history, yet it is impossible to oppose the One worshipped by all!


When MU'AWIYAH'S end came near, he feared the caliphate might be entrusted to IMAM AL-HASAN (AS), thus all his efforts of many years might go in vain, and the Prophet's household might return right back to the Muslims' caliphate. To MU'AWIYAH, that would be the greatest calamity, so he decided to poison IMAM AL-HASAN and get rid of him. With the help of the Imam's wife, he achieved his aim. Through this crime, MU'AWIYAH accomplished most of his devilish plan. The enemies of Allah and of His Messenger such as MARWAN IBN AL-HAKAM and his likes rejoiced and shamelessly threw their arrows at his holy coffin at the Imam's funeral.

MU'AWIYAH proceeded with his plan. He vested authority on his notorious son YAZID, the wine-drinker, the doer of evil, and the indecent infidel. MU'AWIYAH first made the people of AL-SHAM swear the oath of allegiance to his son, then he went to holy Mecca and to Al-Medina and achieved his goal without the least resistance; thus, the UMAYYAD clan survived in power. There was none like TALHA or AL-ZUBAYR to raise the banner of war. History repeats itself and people hesitate in time of need to support the truth. This hesitation encourages the tyrants to increase their oppression and aggression.

So was it when Imam Ali (as) tried to lead the people to the right path. Likewise, IMAM AL-HASAN (as) did his best to lead them to the right path. However, it is only Allah's will that helps one go along the right path. The holy QUR'AN says: {Surely you cannot guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He pleases, and He best knows the followers of the right path}. [AL-QASAS: 56]. The Imam was quite aware of the Prophet's mission which was: to convey the Message of Allah to the people and to keep on preaching and advising them, whether they accept it or not; it makes no difference. Similarly, the Imam's task was to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet and to safeguard the religion of Allah: Islam.

IMAM AL-HASAN (AS) tried his best to show the truth to all people and make them aware of being misled by the false claims of rulers and by leaders who articulated Islamic beliefs while remaining infidels, enemies of the religion. The Imam (as) taught his followers to be patient and to tolerate injustice when it is for the sake of Allah. Through, he nurtured the seeds of revolution through the heroic role of his brother IMAM AL-HUSAIN. IMAM AL-HASAN'S achievement was part of IMAM AL-HUSAIN'S revolution. Thus, the Prophetic tradition regarding both of them is a clear evidence of their roles. The said tradition says:

"AL-HASAN and AL-HUSAIN are two Imams (leaders) whether they are in office or not"



AL-IMAM AL-HUSAIN (AS) is the younger son of IMAM ALI IBN ABI TALIB (AS). His mother is FATIMA AL-ZAHRA, daughter of Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon them all. He was born on the 3rd of SHA'BAN (Lunar Calendar) in the 4th year of HIJRAH, in Al-Medina AL-MUNAWARA. He enjoyed martyrdom on the 10th of MUHARRAM, in the year 61 of HIJRA in KERBALA (Iraq) and was buried there.


On the 3rd of SHA'BAN, the 4th year of HIJRAH, Fatima gave birth to her second blessed baby.

ASMA, one of Fatima's attendants, wrapped the newly born baby with a clean white cloth and carried him to his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H), who took him in his arms and kissed him warmly. He embraced him and uttered in his ears: "There is no god but Allah. Allah is the Greatest. Prayer is up". He called him HUSAIN, kept him long in his arms, looked sadly at him, touched his limbs then burst in tears. Being surprised at the prophet's sudden sadness, ASMA said, "May my parents be your sacrifice, what has caused your crying?"

Still his eyes full of tears, he said, "I am crying for this - my son". She could not comprehend what he said, so she asked him, "He has just been born!" He (P.B.U.H) said, "The aggressive party will kill him. They are deprived of my intercession". He handed her the baby and said, "Do not tell Fatima this. She is still in birth labor". While AL-HUSAIN was growing up, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) often looked after him and was really concerned. He was already informed by Allah of what his grandson would suffer. AL-HUSAIN was chosen by Allah to keep the bright torch of Islam spreading its light against infidelity and hypocrisy. It is one of Allah's bounties bestowed on His Messenger's offspring, though the hypocrites do not perceive.


We are quite aware of the unjust people's reaction to the demise of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H). they were careless of the Prophet's last will, though they had often heard every word of it and had known its significance. At his demise, they forgot every word and betrayed the Prophet's holy household. They entrusted the Muslims' affairs to the enemies of Islam, thus preferring blindness to clear insight and darkness to the bright Divine light. The holy QUR'AN says: {And as to THAMUD, We showed them the right way, but they preferred blindness to guidance}. [FUSSILAT: 17].

Had they obeyed Allah's order, they would have enjoyed His bounties and achieved a great might and knowledge. They disobeyed Him, so they suffered loss and were unjust to their own selves. Due to their blindness and utter ignorance and violation of their covenants, Imam HUSAIN (as) enjoyed martyrdom while MUAWIA and his clan assumed the caliphate along with an aggressive policy against all the righteous believers. Many suffered imprisonment, torture, and even death through poison or other means.


During IMAM AL-HASAN'S life, IMAM HUSAIN respected his brother's peace treaty (with MUAWIA) and did not confront the ruling clique. However, MUAWIA not only violated every item of the said treaty, but he also entrusted the caliphate to his infidel son YAZID to succeed him after his death. The cursed son ordered the governor of Al-Medina AL-WALID to summon IMAM HUSAIN and force him to swear the oath of allegiance to YAZID'S authority. At midnight, the governor summoned the Prophet's grandson and said to him, "May Allah rewards you! At the death of MUAWIA, there are no members left of the Prophet's household (AHL AL BAYT) except you. You are quite aware of your sublime office among the Muslims. You must be the first to swear allegiance to the new caliph, YAZID, and be a good example for others. You are then son of the daughter of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) of all Muslims. You must strive for their welfare".

IMAM HUSAIN (AS) listened carefully and was deep in thoughts. He knew that everything had come to its end with YAZID'S evil intentions. He (as) did not rebel against MUAWIA only to conform to his brothers' stance. Could he be silent now that MUAWIA was dead and YAZID is the caliph? Could he keep silent at YAZID'S infidelity, immorality and deviation, thus to demonstrate acceptance of his evils? IMAM HUSAIN was sure that all the Muslims were watching his actions vis-à-vis YAZID. If he ever agreed to YAZID'S leadership, it meant that he accepted all his (YAZID'S) indecency. He was quite aware of the crucial situation, so he said to AL-WALID, "I am not of those who vow behind walls (secretly). If you call the people tomorrow to make their vows, you can call us as well".

AL-WALID IBN UTBA IBN ABI SUFFIAN was a peaceful man, so he agreed to the Imam's suggestion and postponed the affair until the next morning. However, the infidel MARWAN IBN AL-HAKAM, who was present there and then, said to AL-WALID, "If you let him go now without taking his vow, you will never have the chance to get it again. Keep him in prison and kill him if he does not swear the oath of allegiance". IMAM AL-HUSAIN (AS) shouted at him, "You son of the … are you going to kill me?! By Allah, you are a mean liar".

IMAM HUSAIN then turned to AL-WALID and said, "O governor! I am the Prophet's grandson, the core of the religion of Islam, the sacred landing of angels and the source of Mercy. Allah stated (His creation) with us and sealed it with us. YAZID is a transgressor, a wine-addict, a killer of the innocent and an open defer of Allah's instructions. A man of my qualities does not swear the oath of allegiance to one of his like. Tomorrow morning, we will meet and see to it".


That night, IMAM HUSAIN (as) decided to leave Al-Medina for holy Mecca. He immediately set out in the company of his family and relatives. They made the journey amid the risk of being chased by YAZID'A mercenaries. The people of Al-Medina were indifferent regarding the situation. They offered no support or protection to the Prophet's grandson. They took refuge in their homes for fear of YAZID'S oppression. IMAM HUSAIN'S caravan reached Mecca, the holy city of Allah, which is supposed to be the most secure place since old ages. Arabs used to respect the land of Allah, hence refuges were never killed in the holy place. Wars and quarrels were also avoided in that town. IMAM HUSAIN did not stay long in the holy town because YAZID'S mercenaries came under the cover of pilgrimage to kill him and then claim that he killed in a dispute over personal matters by someone.

IMAM HUSAIN stayed for a while in holy Mecca. He warned the pilgrims of the dangerous impact on Islam as a result of YAZID coming to power. On the 8th of DHIL HIJJA, he performed the HAJJ rituals in haste and left Mecca without any delay. He said to his half-brother Mohammed IBN AL-HANAFIYYA, "If I stayed, YAZID'S mercenaries would assassinate me and my blood would be shed in vain.


The hen city of KUFA was a heavily inhabited area whose people enjoyed Imam Ali's rule for a few years. They were familiar with his justice and sublime morals. The KUFIANS were religious people, supporters of the Prophet's household while other towns' people knew nothing of Islam except through the deviated rulers and court theologians' instructions. They were indifferent regarding whoever ruled them be it HUSAIN (AS) or MUAWIA, be it HUSAIN (AS) or the infidel YAZID.

Due to such a situation, and receiving thousands of letters from the people of KUFA in support of his cause, IMAM HUSAIN (AS) sent his cousin MUSLIM BIN AQIL to KUFA to mobilize his supporters and prepare them to fight as they had promised in their letters since MUAWIA'S lifetime. Now that MUAWIA was dead, the Imam made his march towards AL-KUFA to accept the people's allegiance and announce his Islamic caliphate. YAZID felt the danger of mobilizing the people of KUFA by Imam HUSSAIN'S envoy, so he appointed IBN ZIAD, a cruel man, the son of an indecent woman called MARJANA, as the governor of KUFA. He was a stone-hearted man of a cunning talent. He inherited hostility of the Prophet's household form his father, besides his indecent upbringing. The people of AL-KUFA planned to kill IBN ZIAD who was invited to the house of one of the city nobles. It was decided that Muslim IBN AQIL should come out suddenly and attack him with his sword. Muslim did not agree to that plan. He did not want his supporters to be the party that started the war.

IBN ZIAD left the house and ordered his mercenaries to chase and arrest Muslim and all his supporters. Some were arrested and some were killed. HANI IBN URWA, who hosted Muslim IBN AQIL in his house, was killed and later Muslim himself was martyred. The city gates were locked and no one was allowed to leave the town to inform IMAM HUSAIN of the actual situation in AL-KUFA or of the martyrdom of the Imam's cousin, Muslim IBN AQIL.


IMAM HUSAIN was still in Mecca, waiting for news from his envoy in KUFA. Before getting any news, he performed the HAJJ rituals and decided to leave the holy city. Prominent figures in Mecca tried to make him change his mind and stay with them. They said to him, "You are quite aware of the people of AL-KUFA. They had refrained from supporting your father and your brother after him. They will as well refrain from supporting you. They are of no firm faith. They may articulate readiness to support you, but they will soon raise their swords in your face. Do not leave the holy city'. IMAM HUSAIN (AS) did not change his mind, insisting on performing his Divine mission: To die for the sake of Allah and the Truth. He performed the rituals of HAJJ (pilgrimage) in haste without staying to the end of the HAJJ season.

Thus, YAZID mercenaries did not have the chance to shed his holy blood in the holy city. He set out towards Iraq along with his nearest and dearest family members accompanied by righteous followers. He had no news from his envoy, as previously mentioned, due to IBN ZIAD'S strict control over KUFA along with other measures he undertook. He put spies along the roads to inform him of IMAM HUSAIN'S approach.


IMAM HUSAIN'S caravan approached AL-KUFA but IBN ZIAD mercenaries, led by AL-HUR IBN AL-RIAHI, halted his approach and forced him to camp at a barren sandy area called KERBALA. When the Imam (as) heard of its name, he went in deep thought then said, "This is the land of tragic hardship. This is our landing, and here is the place where our blood will be shed". He (as) ordered the caravan to set up the tents. On hearing about IMAM HUSAIN camping near AL-KUFA, IBN ZIAD gathered the KUFIANS in the grand mosque then addressed the attendants. He praised the "qualities" of the infidel YAZID and his order to increase their salaries if they joined YAZID'S army to fight IMAM HUSAIN.

Otherwise, they would suffer punishment and he would deprive them of all their rights in life. They would put at risk their families, their properties, and their own selves if they refrained from fighting the Prophet's grandson. With such threats and temptations, many stupid and simpleminded citizens joined the aggressive army. They chose the party of falsehood, the party of Satan, against the party of the Truth, the party of Allah.


During that night, darkness wrapped the whole area. IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) gathered his followers and relatives, praised Allah the Almighty then said, "Surely I know not of better and sincere followers than you are to me. May Allah reward you with His best rewards. I believe tomorrow is our day to meet those enemies. Now you are all in relief of your allegiance to me. Night is dark, so take it as a cover and go home. The enemies want only me. If they get me, they will be satisfied with their catch".

The holy Imam made it clear to them that whoever stayed with him would surely be killed. He encouraged them to leave in the darkness to spare them the feeling of shame as they retreated, if they preferred to withdraw. But as soon as he had finished his words, the righteous relatives and followers made their brave decision clear to him. At the head of the speakers was hi half-brother AL-ABBAS who said, "Why should we leave you? Is it to survive at your own expense? We pray to Allah never to let us see such a day". Then others spoke, all preferring death to life for his sake. The brave followers such as HABIB IBN MUDHAHIR, Muslim IBN USAJA, ZUHAIR IBN AL-QIN and the others welcomed death in his defense and said, "Praise is due to Allah Who has honored us in being at your side, fighting your enemy and dying in your presence".

They were overwhelmed with Divine tranquility and were most truthful, most sincere. On that dark night, in the camp of the holy Imam, nothing could be heard but the utterance of glorification of Allah and the praising His will. All were ready to enjoy martyrdom, eager to meet death.

IMAM HUSSAIN now and then talked with them and filled their hearts with true faith. They all longed to meet their Lord, hence they tuned to Him for forgiveness. They murmured: "Our Lord! Surely we have heard a preacher calling to faith saying: 'believe in your Lord', so we did believe. Our Lord! Forgive, therefore, our faults and pardon our wrong deeds, and make us die with the righteous. Our Lord accept the sacrifice of Your purified servants (the Prophet's household, the AHL AL BAYT), and let people hear our call, and turn towards us; You are all-Knowing, all-Hearing". On the other side of the field, in the enemy's camp, IBN SA'AD'S troops enjoyed eating and drinking just as cattle enjoy their food. Songs and music could be heard. They were sure of their victory against the handful strugglers in IMAM HUSAIN'S camp, hence they rejoiced at their victory before hand.


At sunrise on the day of ASHURA (the 10th of MUHARRAM), the year 61 of HIJRA, the small army in defense of the Truth faced the big army in defense of falsehood. UMAR IBN SA'AD, the enemy army's leader, gave his orders to start the fight and immediately arrows were thrown at IMAM HUSAIN'S camp. Moreover, the court theologian in AL-MEDINA issued his religious verdict justifying the big crime against the Prophet's grandson (peace be upon both). The deviated jurist said, "AL-HUSAIN has left his land and involved himself in politics, thus causing dispute and division among the Muslims. He should be killed with the Muslims' sword to rid Islam of him".

What a horrible statement it was! What a heinous crime it was! To justify the murdering of the sublime figure along with the most righteous believers if the pretext of his involvement in politics! It was the ugliest crime of the self-claimed Muslim theologians.

The bodies of the righteous martyrs were torn under the hooves of the horses at IBN SA'AD'S orders. Could it be involvement in politics or malicious hatred towards Allah, the Messenger of Allah and his household? It was mere hostility towards Allah, His Prophet, His religion, and His Book. The battle was over, and everyone resorted to rest in his own home except the Prophet's household: Women and Children along with the young sick Imam, who were all captives in chains, were transported from one place to another. While the name of Allah and of His Messenger echoed on top of minarets in calls for daily prayers, the sublime figures of the Prophet's household suffered every kind of oppression and persecution. Could not those so-called Muslims read the QURANIC verses in favor of the Prophet's household? The holy QURAN says:

{Say (Oh, Mohammed): I ask you no recompense at all save love for my relatives…} [AL-SHURA: 23].

SA'AD'S troops were not satisfied with their dirty performance against the martyrs' holy bodies, so they put the Imam's dearest and nearest women and children in chains and led them to the city of KUFA which once was Imam Ali's residence during his caliphate. All the city's inhabitants knew Imam Ali's noble daughter Lady ZAINAB, daughter of the sublime Lady Fatima AL-ZAHRA, the Prophet's only daughter. They had often seen her in her father's house while their women visited her and attended her meetings and listened to her talks.

Now they saw her at the head of the arrested women and children. The KUFIAN women and men felt a great shame. Stifled in tears, they cursed IBN SA'AD and IBN ZIAD. Could that be enough? Could they be forgiven for turning away from the Imam's call for help? Could their men, who sent the martyred Imam letters calling him to their country to lead them along the right path, then withdrew their help, be ever forgiven? Lady ZAINAB ordered them to stop crying and in a speech exposed their shameful deeds. Her words were lashes inflicted on their backs. Could her words awaken the sleeping masses and revive in them the fading awareness?

History tells us that her words were the most effective, next to the sublime martyr's blood that brought YAZID'S tyrannical rule to an end.


The captives were brought from AL-KUFA (Iraq) to Damascus (Syria) which was celebrating YAZID'S so-called victory against his enemy, the Prophet's grandson.

The mercenaries who carried the martyrs' head on their lances were ordered to bring Imam HUSAIN'S holy head on a tray to the infidel YAZID IBN MUAWIA (the curse of Allah is on YAZID and on his father MUAWIA). History tells us that at the orders of an Israeli prostitute named SALOMI, the head of Prophet YAHYA son of Prophet ZAKARRIA was brought on a tray to the infidel ruler of the idolaters.

YAZID rejoiced on seeing the holy head and in false pride of the era of ignorance expressed his rejoice through lines of poetry, Would that my seniors of BADR (the battle when the infidels were defeated) were here, To laugh, rejoice and to say:

Hail, YAZID, cease not killing, proceed! The HASHIMI plaything of kingship is over, No revelation, nor news from heaven has ever come; never. In Damascus, IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN (IMAM ALI son of IMAM HUSAIN who was spared the massacre through Divine care) had the chance to speak to the people who stood on both sides of the roads. He discloses to them the actual facts and cleared away their wrong illusions. The infidel YAZID tired to mislead the people through spreading rumors that the captives were only KHARIJITES, enemies of Islam. Now IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN refuted YAZID'S claims and told the people that he, his martyred father and brothers, and his family were Prophet Mohammed's offspring. He said to the crowed, "…if there is someone who knows me, it is alright, but if others do not know me, then I will inform them who I am. I am the son of Mohammed AL-MUSTAFA (the chosen Prophet), I am the son of ALI AL-MURTADHA (Allah is pleased with him), I am the son of FATIMA AL-ZAHRA, the head of all women, I am the son of the one wrapped in blood, slain in KERBALA.

IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN went on making clear to the attendants his actual status till everyone who heard him started crying and cursing YAZID. The people of Damascus were stunned at the actual truth. Could those captives be the Prophet's dearest and nearest? What a heinous crime YAZID had committed! What a big lie he had spread!

On knowing the truth, a great unrest spread in the city, a revolution was about to start and shake YAZID'S firm control of AL-SHAM. He immediately ordered the departure of the captives to Al-Medina, and the martyrs' heads to be buried. The people were ordered never to utter IMAM HUSAIN'S name if they wanted to avoid imprisonment and killing.


The first one to pay homage to IMAM HUSAIN'S grave was the righteous companion of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H), JABIR IBN ABDILLAH AL-ANSARI. He visited the holy grave few days after the battle of KERBALAL. He shed hot tears near the grave. His tears scattered throughout the ages and brought countless lovers to the martyred IMAM (AS). Since then, visitors have never stopped visiting the holy shrine of IMAM HUSAIN (AS) nor shedding hot tears on the events that took place that ASHURA. They, wherever they, are curse the infidel YAZID and his likes of infidel rulers, enemies of Islam. With the passage of years, the holy shrine has become the center of freedom lovers who swear to tread the same road of the sublime martyrs, IMAM AL-HUSAIN and his family and followers.

They swear to keep his revolution alive so that future generations may keep on struggling against all oppressors and aggressive rulers. For such an important reason, the UMMAYADS and after them the ABASSAIDS tried to prevent people from visiting KERBALA and renewing the tragic event. However, their desperate attempts were in vain. The holy shrine has become a bright landmark. On that piece of land a house for the worship of Allah is set up. The bright torch of martyrdom had become an ever-burning light illuminating the road for those who wish to walk on the right-path.

IMAM HUSAIN'S martyrdom teaches us many lessons:

" The bloodshed of the defeated small group has achieved victory against all tyrants. " The small party achieved victory against the big party though following principles and high morals. " Imam HUSAIN (as) is a school of thought from which lovers of freedom learn how to rebel against the arrogant and the tyrants. " Imam HUSAIN comes at the head of all strugglers of the world who strive to achieve justice and dignity and equality for mankind. It is a unique revolution in the lengthy human history.