The Ghadir Declaration


[1]. Tirmidhī has declared it fair, sound and weak (hasan sahīh gharīb ) inal-Jāmi‘us-sahīh , b. ofmanāqib (merits) 6:79 (#3713), and Shu‘bh, in the manner of Maymūn Abū ‘Abdullah, has also related it on the authority of Zayd bin Arqam (RA). Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it inFadā’il-us-sahābah (2:569 # 959); Mahāmilī,Amālī (p.85); Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (5:195, 204 # 5071, 5096); Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (pp.603, 604 # 1361, 1363, 1364, 1367, 1370); Nawawī,Tahdhīb-ul-asmā’ wal-lughāt (p.318); Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:163, 164); Ibn Athīr,Asad-ul-ghābah fī ma‘rifat-is-sahābah (6:132); Ibn Kathīr,al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (5:463); and ‘Asqalānī inTa‘jīl-ul-manfa‘ah (p.464 # 1222).

It has been related from ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Abbās رضي الله) عنهما) in the following books:

Hākim,al-Mustadrak (3:134 # 4652).

Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (12:78 # 12593).

Khatīb Baghdādī,Tārīkh Baghdad (12:343).

Haythamī,Majma‘-uz-zawā’id (9:108).

Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:77, 144).

Ibn Kathīr,al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (5:451).

This tradition has been related on the authority of Jābir bin ‘Abdullāh رضي الله عنهما)) in the following books:

Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (p.602 # 1355).

Ibn Abī Shaybah,al-Musannaf (12:59 # 12121).

This tradition has been reproduced from Abū Ayyūb al-Ansārī (RA):

Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (p.602 # 1354).

Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (4:173 # 4052).

Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-awsat (1:299 # 348).

This tradition has been related by Sa‘d (RA) in the following books:

Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (pp.602,605#1358,1375).

Diyā’ Maqdisī,al-Ahādīth-ul-mukhtārah (3:139 # 937).

Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (20:114).

The following narrated it through Buraydah (RA):

‘Abd-ur-Razzāq,al-Musannaf (11:225 # 20388).

Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-us-saghīr (1:71).

Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:143).

This tradition has been reproduced from Ibn Buraydahرضي الله عنهما)) in the following books:

Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (p.601 # 1353).

Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:146).

Ibn Kathīr,al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (5:457).

Hindī,Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:602 # 32904).

The following transmitted it through Hubshā bin Junādah (RA):

Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (p.602 # 1359).

Hindī,Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:608 # 32946).

This tradition has been related from Mālik bin Huwayrith in the following books:

Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (19:252 # 646).

Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:177).

Haythamī,Majma‘-uz-zawā’id (9:106).

Tabarānī related it from Hudhyfah bin Usayd al-Ghifārī (RA) inal-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (3:179 # 3049).

Ibn ‘Asākir has narrated it through Hasan bin Hasan inTārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (15:60,61).

Ibn ‘Asākir related it from Abū Hurayrah, ‘Umar bin al-Khattāb, Anas bin Mālik and ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Umar (RA) inTārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:176, 177, 178, 178) respectively.

Ibn ‘Asākir related it from Buraydah (RA) with slightly different words inTārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:143).

Ibn Athīr narrated it through ‘Abdullāh bin Yāmīl inAsad-ul-ghābah fī ma‘rifat-is-sahābah (3:412).

Haythamī narrated it through Abū Burdah رضي الله عنهما)) inMawārid-uz-zam’ān (p.544 # 2204).

‘Asqalānī said inFath-ul-bārī (7:74): Tirmidhī and Nasā’ī narrated the tradition and it is supported by numerous chains of transmission.

Albānī says inSilsilat-ul-ahādīth-is-sahīhah (4:331 # 1750) that its chain of authorities is sahīh (sound) according to the conditions of Bukhārī and Muslim.

[2]. Tirmidhī narrated it inal-Jāmi‘-us-sahīh, b. ofmanāqib (merits) 6:78 (#3712); Nasā’ī with the sound chains of transmission inKhasā’is amīr-il-mu’minīn ‘Alī bin Abī Tālib (pp.77, 92 # 65, 86), andas-Sunan-ul-kubrā (5:132 # 8484); Ahmad bin Hambal inFadā’il-us-sahābah (2:620 # 1060), and the last words of the tradition narrated in hisMusnad (4:437, 438) are:

وقد تغير وجهه, فقال: دعوا عليا, دعوا عليا, إن علي مني وأنا منه, وهو ولي كل مؤمن بعدي.

And his face flashed. Then he said: give up (opposing) ‘Alī, give up (opposing) ‘Alī. Surely ‘Alī is from me and I am from ‘Alī and after me he is the guardian of every believer .

Ibn Kathīr also narrated it with these words inal-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (5:458).

Hākim inal-Mustadrak (3:110,111#4579) has declared this tradition sound according to the conditions laid down by Imām Muslim while Dhahabī has kept silent about it.

Abū Ya‘lā has narrated it inal-Musnad (1:293 # 355) and its narrators are men of integrity while Ibn Hibbān has also called it sound.

The tradition in Tayālisī’sMusnad (p.111#829) also contains these words: The Prophet (SAW) said:

ما لهم ولعلي؟

Why are they so concerned about ‘Alī?

Ibn Hibbān narrated it with a firm (qawī ) chain of transmission inas-Sahīh (15:373, 374 # 6929).

Ibn Abī Shaybah narrated it inal-Musannaf (12:80 # 12170); Abū Nu‘aym, Hilyat-ul-awliyā’ wa tabaqāt-ul-asfiyā’ (6:294); Muhib Tabarī, ar-Riyād-un-nadrah fī manāqib-il-‘ashrah (3:129); Haythamī, Mawārid-uz-zam’ān (p.543 # 2203); and Hindī in Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (13:142 # 36444).

[3]. Ibn Mājah transmitted thissahīh (sound)hadīth in the preface (al-muqaddimah ) to hisSunan (1:90 # 121); Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (p.608 # 1386); Mizzī,Tuhfat-ul-ashrāf bi-ma‘rifat-il-atrāf (3:203 # 3901); and Nasā’ī reproduced it with slightly different words inKhasā’is amīr-il-mu’minīm ‘Alī bin Abī Tālib (pp. 32,33 #91).

[4]. Ibn Mājah narrated this soundhadīth (tradition) in preface (al-muqaddimah ) to hisSunan (1:88 # 116); Ibn Kathīr,al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (4:168); Hindī,Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:602 # 32904); Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:167, 168); and Ibn ‘Abī ‘Āsim briefly mentioned inas-Sunnah (p.603 # 1362).

[5]. Ahmad bin Hambal related it from Barā’ bin ‘Āzib through two different chains of transmission inal-Musnad (4:281); Ibn Abī Shaybah,al-Musannaf (12:78 # 12167); Muhib Tabarī,Dhakhā’ir-ul-‘uqbā fī manāqib dhawī al-qurbā (p.125),ar-Riyād-un-nadrah fī manāqib-il-‘ashrah (3:126, 127); Hindī,Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (13:133, 134 # 36420); Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (5:167, 168); Ibn Athīr,Asad-ul-ghābah (4:103); and Ibn Kathīr inal-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (4:169; 5:464).

Ahmad bin Hambal in his bookFadā’il-us-sahābah (2:610 # 1042) has added the following words in the tradition related to ‘Umar bin al-Khattāb (RA). The Prophet (SAW) said:

وعاد من عاداه, وانصر من نصره, وأحب من أحبه.

قال شعبة: أو قال: و ابغض من أبغضه.

(O Allāh!) Be the enemy of one who is his (‘Alī’s) enemy, and help him who helps him, and love him who loves him.

Shu‘bah says that the Prophet (SAW)said in its place, “Bear malice towards him who bears malice towards (‘Alī).”

Manāwī has written inFayd-ul-qadīr (6:217) that when Abū Bakr (RA) and ‘Umar (RA) had heard the Prophet’s saying - One who has me as his master has ‘Alī as his master - they said to ‘Alī (RA) : O son of Abū Tālib! You have become the master of every male and female believer, morning and evening (for ever).”

Dhahabī has said inSiyar a‘lām-in-nubalā’ (2:623, 624) that ‘Umar (RA) uttered the words:

هنيئا لك يا علي!

O ‘Alī! Congratulations.

[6]. Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it inal-Musnad (5:361), andFadā’il-us-sahābah (2:563 # 947); Ibn Abī ‘Āsim,as-Sunnah (pp.601, 603 # 1351, 1366); Hākim,al-Mustadrak (2:131 # 2589); Ibn Abī Shaybah,al-Musannaf (12:57 # 12114); Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (5:166 # 4968),al-Mu‘jam-ul-awsat (3:100, 101 # 2204); Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:143); Haythamī,Majma‘-uz-zawā’id (9:108); and Hindī inKanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:602 # 32905).

The same tradition has been reproduced by Hindī inKanz-ul-‘ummāl (15:168, 169 # 36511), using slightly different words and he says that it has been narrated by Ibn Rāhawayh and Ibn Jarīr.

Ibn ‘Asākir narrated it through Fātimah (رضي الله عنها) also inTārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:142).

[7]. Hākim narrated it inal-Mustadrak (3:109 # 4576); Nasā’ī,as-Sunan-ul-kubrā (5:45, 130 # 8148, 8464); Tabarānī,al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (5:166 # 4969); and Ibn Abī ‘Āsim related it briefly inas-Sunnah (p.644 # 1555).

Nasā’ī related it with a sound chain of authorities inKhasā’is amīr-il-mu’minīn ‘Alī bin Abī Tālib (pp.84, 85 # 76).

Abū Mahāsin copied it inal-Mu‘tasar min-al-mukhtasar min Mashkal-il-āthār (2:301).

[8]. Hākim related it inal-Mustadrak (3:109, 110 # 4577); Hindī,Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (1:381 # 1657); Ibn ‘Asākir,Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:164); and Ibn Kathīr inal-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (4:168).

[9]. Hākim graded itsahīh (sound) according to the conditions of Bukhārī and Muslim inal-Mustadrak (3:533 # 6272) and Dhahabī confirmed its soundness. Tabarānī transmitted it inal-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (5:171,172 # 4986); and Hindī inKanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:602 # 32904).

[10]. Nasā’ī narrated it with sound chain of trasmission inKhasā’is amīr-il-mu’minīm ‘Alī bin Abī Tālib (pp.33, 34, 88 # 10, 80); and Hindī related it inKanz-ul-‘ummāl (15:163 # 36496) through ‘Āmir bin Sa‘d with the addition of a few words.

Shāshī narrated it through ‘Āmir bin Sa‘d bin Abī Waqās inal-Musnad (1:165, 166 # 106).

Ibn ‘Asākir narrated it through ‘Āmir bin Sa‘d and Sa‘d bin Abī Waqās inTārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:88).