The Hajj As Worship and Education

Talbiyah - the Soul's Response To Allah's Call

Since the Qur'an calls on Muslims to perform Hajj, worshippers respond to this eternal call. They begin by humbly repeating the call of love, loyalty, and faithfulness to Allah:

"Labbaika Allahumma labbaik. Labbaika La sharika laka labbaik. Innal hamda wan ni mata laka wal mulk. La sharika lak"

(Here I am, my Lord. Here I am. Here I am, You have no partner.

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Here I am. Praise, grace, and the kingdom is for You. You have no partner.)

Thus was the call of Muhammad (s.a.w.), which he taught his ummah. It is a call recited by the hearts that faithfully respond to Allah's call. By so doing, they display their loyalty, and good intentions, bravely challenging all the troubles and hardships.

They sincerely express their love and longing to Allah, the Exalted, for visiting the holy lands. The pilgrim calls, along with the others Here I am, my Lord, here I am.' I have responded to Your call and command, and Tam under the cloak of Your mercy, because of my love and loyalty to You. You are the One Who has possessed my soul, feelings and life. Nothing except You can prevent me from coming to You. You have granted me the honor of being Your servant. You love me, that is why You have embraced me with your mercifulness. How can I decline your invitation?

Are not the creatures and the worlds Yours?

Are not You the source of all graces, deserving of our deep thanks and praise...? Am I not indebted to you? I, the servant, who always praises and glorifies you?

Here I am before You, I have left all of what You have bestowed on me: My family, wealth, social status and pleasures, in seeking of Your pleasure, out of my great desire to come to You. O my Lord, accept me as You have accepted Your servant. Accept my prayer, and grant me Your blessings and mercy. Accept me, for I have forsaken all disobedience to You.

Objectives and Benefits

"And proclaim among people the Pilgrimage; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel coming from every remote path. That they may witness advantages for them and mention the name of Allah during the stated days over what He has given them of the cattle quadrupeds, then eat of them and feed the distressed one, the needy". Holy Qur'an (22:27-28)

Hajj is a great Islamic conference. It is and ideal demonstration of faith in which diverse groups of every race, class, and nationality join together at a given time and in a specific place. They repeatedly recite a single call, and proclaim the same slogan. They gather for one purpose.

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To declare their servitude and loyalty to Allah alone, freeing themselves from any trace of polytheism and ignorance, in a deeply effective, collective way, which fills the soul with feelings of faith, and uniterism.

As the Holy Qur'an proclaims, and the Prophetic traditions bespeak, it is not only worship and a way of getting closer to Allah, but is a way of granting the pilgrim social, educational, economic and political benefits. Combined together these bounties are conducive to improvement within an Islamic society, increase its awareness, recti1~' problems, and activate its movement.

During Hajj, Muslims witness the most excellent example of equality, submissiveness, and human brotherhood. This is accomplished by removing the outer difference and donning the dress of unity Ihram. The result is that all feel a oneness among the human race, brotherhood and equality.

While performing Hajj, Muslims feel a oneness with the earth and the people. The invalidate all the artificial boundaries established by human, regional, national and racial superiority complexes and egoism. Traveling across thousands of miles, they penetrate all barriers, and rise above all-man-made hurdles, in order to respond to Islam's call of faith.

During Hajj, Muslims meet each other in a magnificent communion. They relate to each other's domestic and regional affairs. They consult each other concerning their life and religion. They exchange experiences, opinions, and good habits. They become acquainted with each other's problems.

They learn of each other's viewpoints. This interchanging of ideas increases their awareness, knowledge grows, and the impetus to reform is invigorated. As a result, plans are proposed, projects designed, educational, political, social and economic centers are established. The Muslims support each other, as if they are one body and one soul.

Since Hajj is a large and impressive human gathering, it attracts millions of Muslims from different countries. It also stimulates an economic movement, which is beneficial to the world of Islam.

During Hajj, the pilgrim imbibes ethical and educational lessons which reduce his faults. He enquires patience through hardship. He becomes humble, generous, and tender. He renounces lying, backbiting, animosity, and pride. He learns from his journey through mixing with other. Within him, positive social tendencies grow and morals are refined.

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Imam Ja'far bin Muhammad al-Sadiq (a.s.) has talked about Hajj and its benefits, eloquently answering the question of one of his followers, (Hisham bin al-Hakam). Once he asked Imam Ja'far (a.s.), Why does Allah order His servants to perform Hajj, and circumambulate around the Ka'ba?

The Imam (a.s.) replied:

"Allah has created His servants and instructed them how to obey Him through the performance of religious duties. He has made (Hajj) a gathering in which people from the East and the West participate and become acquainted with one another. Every' single one of them benefits from the experiences of others who come from different places. Memories of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), and his life will never be forgotten...etc." 9

This explanation is completely congruous with that of his nephew, Imam Au bin Musa al-Ridha (a.s.) on the benefits of Hajj and its social effects. Imam al-Ridha (a.s.) says:

"People are ordered to perform Hajj so that they remain the guests of Allah, the Most High, gain divine rewards and win the remission of whatever wrong they have committed through repentance, and preparing for the future. During Hajj people spend of their wealth and selves, leave their families and children, refrain from pleasures travel inhospitable weather and are filled with determination to complete Hajj, while being continuously humble, calm and submissive.

During Hajj benefits abound for all people every where, from the East and the West, on land and sea, for those who perform Hajj and for those who have not.

All people profit from Hajj, whether merchant, seller, buyer, the poor, and the destitute. Whenever the pilgrims get together the inhabitants of that place prosper. They in crease in knowledge, while spreading the statements of the Imams to every corner of the earth. As Allah, the Most High says:

"... Why should not then a group of every party from among them go forth in order to master religion so that they may warn their people when they return to master religion so that they may warn their people when they return to them that they may beware?"10, and that they may witness advantages for them"11

Allah, thus willed that Hajj be a place of prayer and devotion, a season for worship and enlightenment, and a bounteous field for the fulfillment of man's social interests.

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Some Useful Terms

Wajib (واجب ) - obligatory, necessary, incumbent. An act which must be performed. You will be rewarded for performing it and punished for neglecting it, e.g., the daily prayers, the Hajj (pilgrimage), Jihad (holy struggle for the sake of Allah), the fasting of Ramadhan.

Haram ( حرام ) - forbidden, prohibited, It is necessary to abstain form the acts which are haram. If someone performs a haram act, he will be punished, e.g. eating pork, drinking wine, lying, betraying.

Mustahab ( مستحب )- recommendable, desirable. An act whose neglect is not punished, but whose performance is rewarded, e.g. the call for prayers (adhan), saluting others, making ghusl (bathing) for Friday. Makruh (مكروه)- reprehensible, disliked. An act whose performance is not punished, but whose avoidance is rewarded, e.g. sleeping till sunrise, urinating in stagnant water, eating in the state of janabat.

Halal (حلال)- permitted, allowed, lawful, legal. An act or the thing which is permitted and lawful. An optional act on which Allah has given us the right of doing or leaving it, e.g., drinking water, eating food, choosing one's work or house.


The following is a concise set of religious regulations concerning Hajj. It is recommended to refer to the more detailed books of jurisprudence, or to a religious authority in order to gain a thorough understanding of the religious rules which the Muslim pilgrim is duty-bound to seek.

The following diagram makes clear the direction of circumambulating the Ka'ba:

  1. Hijr Ishmael ( semi-circular wall of Ishmael,).
  2. The circumambulation must be performed around the outside of the wall.
  3. Indicates the nearly 30 meters from the Ka'ba to the limited area of circumambulation.
  4. Direction of tile pilgrim in circling the Ka'ba.
  5. The Station of Ibrahim.
  6. The Black Stone, marking the starting point for circumambulation.
  7. The door of Ka'ba.

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Conditions Under Which Hajj Becons Compulsory

Islam sets certain conditions under which it becomes compulsory for a Muslim to perform Hajj. 1. One mud possess: Physical wad mental capability wad assurance of his family's safety.

Hajj is incumbent on the Muslim who can provide for his family while he is away on pilgrimage. He should be physically capable of traveling to Mecca and enduring the journey's hardships. He should be financially stable even after his return. Furthermore, he has to feel secure personally, financially, as well as concerning his family. Time must also be considered i.e. he must have enough time to travel to Mecca, perform the rites of Hajj, and return without undue haste.

  1. Puberty: Hajj is compulsory on the adult Muslim who has reached mental and physical maturity.
  2. Sanity.
  3. Freedom.

Lawful Stated Time of Hajj:

  1. The time in which Hajj is to be performed is specified during the three months of Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'da, and Dhul-Hijjah. Thus if a Muslim attains the specified conditions under which Hajj becomes compulsory during this period of time, he should perform Hajj. If he does not perform Hajj during the first year while being to do so, he is obliged to do so the following year.

  2. The person obliged to perform Hajj can make his intention for performing Hajj on any day of this specific period of time, should he want to enter Mecca, from whichever Miqat (the five places of the appointed time), he passes through while entering Mecca.

Hajj in Islam :

Hajj in Islam is of three kinds:

  1. Hajj Al-Ifrad.
  2. Hajj Al-Qiran.
  3. Hajj Al-Tamattu.

The difference between both Hajj al-Ifrad, Hajj al-Qiran, and Hajj al-Tamattu, is that the first two are incumbent on the inhabitants of Mecca, (those who do not live a distance of more than l6 farsakhs (nearly 86 Kilometers from Mecca). However, Hajj al-Tamattu is incumbent on the Muslims who live more than 86 kilometers away from Mecca.

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This Hajj consists of two compulsory rites:

  1. Umrah al-Tamattu .
  2. Hajj al-Tamattu .


This umrah must be preformed before Hajj aI-Tamattu.This piligrim should perform umrah before the advent of Hajj's time. Umrah al-Tamattu consists of five acts:

  1. Ihram
  2. Circumambulation (Tawaf) 3.The Ritual Prayer of Circumambulation 4.Walking seven times between Safa wad Maree'ah (Sa'y)
  3. Cutting maw of the hair or nails (fingers or toes) (Taqsir).

Here is a brief explanation of the above-cited Hajj acts:

  1. Ihram :

It begins from one of the following stated Miqats: Masjid Al-Shajarah, Juhfah, Wadi Aqiq, Yalamlam, Oarn Manazil (according to route the pilgrim takes when traveling to Mecca). Ihram consists of three acts:

A. Intention: Stated thus, "1 make Ihram of Umarh aI-Tamattu of Islamic Hajj to bring me closer to Allah, the Exalted."

B. Talbiah: (the saying of Labbaik). It is:

Labbaika Allahumma Labbaik لبيك اللهم لبيك Labbaika La sharika Laka Labbaik لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك Innal kamda wan ni'mata Laka wul Mulk ان الحمد والنعمة لك والملك La sharika Lak لا شريك لك

(Here I am, my Lord, Here I am. Here Jam. You have no partner. Here I am. Praise, grace and the kingdom is for You. You have no partner).

Note: It is obligatory to cease Talbiyah (the saying of Labbaik), whenever the pilgrim sees only the houses of Mecca.

C. (Only for men) Wearing the two articles of Ihram (the waist-wrapper and the clock) which should cover the part of the body between [ 20 ]

the navel and the knees while the clock should cover the shoulders.

Note: As a precautionary measure, the pilgrim has to wear his attire before making his intention and Talbiyah (the saying of Labbaik). Otherwise, he should repeat his intention and Talbiyah once more.

Abstinence During Ihnzm:

Upon making Ihram, several things are forbidden for the pilgrim:

  1. Hunting land animals, or helping others to hunt, slaughter or eat them, with the exception of harmful animal (such as snakes scorpions...etc.).

  2. Sexual intercourse, kissing, looking or touching with desire.

  3. Masturbation.

  4. Marriage for himself, for others, or being witness for others in their marriage.

  5. Smelling aromas.

  6. The application of antimony to the eyes, as an adornment.

  7. Anointing the body.

  8. Looking at a mirror for the sake of beautifying oneself, wearing a ring as an ornament. It is forbidden for women to wear jewelry as adornment (but she can have what she ordinarily wears with the stipulation that she does not display it to anyone, even the male relatives who are mahram, (marriage is forbidden).

  9. Wearing sewn clothes (for men).

  10. Wearing footwear that covers the upper part of the foot, forbidden (for men).

  11. Telling lies, cursing.

  12. Swearing to emphasize an argument, by saying "By Allah..

  13. Killing insects that usually live on the human body, like fleas.

  14. Shaving, or plucking hair from the body.

  15. Drawing blood from the body, extracting teeth, cutting the nails.

  16. Walking or traveling under moving shade, forbidden (for men).

  17. Covering the head forbidden (for men).

  18. Covering the face forbidden (for women).

  19. Preventing oneself from smelling unpleasant smells.

  20. Cutting (unearthing) or uprooting trees, plants or grasses that grow in the haram (sanctuary).

  21. Carrying weapons.

Note: Should the pilgrim while in Ihram disobey and do what is forbidden (with the exception of few of them), he has to pay expiation as

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per the case. For further details, please refer to the books of jurisprudence, or consult a religious authority to understand the judgment specified for individual cases.

2- Circumambulation (Tawaf):

Tawaf is the second duty of umrah. It literally means to circumambulate around the Sacred Ka'ba beginning from the Black Stone and ending at it.


Tawaf is correct only when the following conditions are met:

a. Intention: The pilgrim should intend: I make Tawaf of umrah al-Tamattu' of the Islamic Hajj seven times seeking the pleasure of Allah, the Exalted. When making the intention the left side of the pilgrim should face the black stone.

b. Purity from all major and minor impurities through ablution or obligatory bathing (Ghusl).

c. Clothes and body should be free of any impurities (Najassat).

d. Circumcision in the case of men.

e. Covering private parts during Tawaf.

Duties to be Observed During Tawaf:

It is obligatory for a pilgrim to observe the following points:

  1. Starting from the Black Stone for each of the seven Tawafs.
  2. Ending at the Black Stone.
  3. The left side of the Ka'ba should be always on the left side of the pilgrim during Tawaf.
  4. The pilgrim should circumambulate around Ismail's Hijir (a semi-circular short wall facing Ka'ba from the west that is consider a part of Ka'ba) without entering it.
  5. The pilgrim should make Tawaf around the Ka'ba and away from the place called Shadhrawan (the lower part of the walls of Ka'ba).
  6. One should circumambulate around the Ka'ba seven times continuously.
  7. Tawaf should be performed between the Ka'ba and Ibrahim's station (which is about 13 meters away from Ka'ba)


  1. Circumambulation is invalid if it is done more than seven times or if the pilgrim considers the additional turns as a part of his/her obligatory Tawaf (circumambulation); otherwise he/she should start once again.

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  1. Likewise, when the pilgrim comes out of the area of circumambulation, his circumambulation is invalid.

  2. During circumambulation, if the pilgrim doubts the number of circumambulation he has performed is more or less than seven, his circumambulation is invalid.

  3. The Ritual Prayer of Circumambulation (Tawaf):

  4. Ii is obligatory for the pilgrim, after finishing the circumambulation, to perform its two-cycle prayer like the morning prayer, with the intention of seeking Allah's nearness.

  5. One must immediately perform the two-cycle prayer without any delay.

  6. It is recommended to recite after Sura al-Hamd, Sura al-Tawhid in the first cycle and Sura al-Kafirun in the second; unlike the ritual prayer in which one may recite any sura (chapter) of the Holy Qur'an except those which require a prostration.

  7. This particular prayer can be recited, either aloud, like mourning prayer, or quietly like the noon prayer.

  8. Any doubt that may arise during performing this prayer, makes it invalid and it should be recited once again from the beginning.

  9. It is obligatory to recite this kind of prayer alongside Ibrahim's station.

  10. Walking Between the Hills of Safa & Marwah (Sa'y):

  11. After performing the prayer of circumambulation, one should complete Say between Safa and Marwah.

  12. Sa' y consists of going from the hill of Safa to Marwah and vice versa.

  13. It is obligatory to make Sa y seven times. Note here that going from Safa to Marwah, is considered as one time and going from Marwah to Safa, as another.

  14. While performing Say, one is free to do it either on foot or riding though the first is better.

  15. It is recommended but not obligatory to have ablution while performing Sa'y.

  16. It is permitted to sit for a rest either on the route of Safa or Marwah or on the way between them.

  17. It is recommended but not obligatory to perform Sa'y immediately after circumambulation; in other words, one can delay it until night with

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or without any excuse. However, it is not permitted to delay it for the next day without an excuse like sickness.

  1. Sa'y is a form of worship and should be performed with the pure intention of obeying Allah's Command and seeking His nearness.

  2. Cutting Some Hair or Nails (Taqseer):

It is obligatory for the pilgrim, after performing Sa'y, to cut some of his/her nail or hair (the head, moustache or beard) with the intention of seeking Allah's nearness.

It is forbidden to shave one's head instead of doing Taqseer, and the cutting of a piece of hair or nail is a form of worship. If it is done to show off, a person's umrah will be invalid unless it is repeated. After the cutting of a piece of hair or nail, everything which was forbidden for the pilgrim will be lawful except for hunting and cutting (unearthing) trees, plants or grass that grows in the sacred area.