The Light

How Can Kerbala Bring a Revoluton in Our Lives?

"I am not rising (against Yazid) as an insolent or an arrogant person or a mischief-monger or tyrant. I have risen (against Yazid) as I seek to reform the Ummah of my grandfather. I wish to bid the good and forbid the evil."(Imam Hussein (a.s)).

Imam Hussein (a.s) left Medina on the 28th Rajab 60 A.H with his family which includes the ladies and children.

When he asked as to why he was taking his family. He replied, "The Lord has willed that they should suffer captivity."

After the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (a.s), the ladies and children were taken as captives, and it was through them that the sacrifice of Imam Hussein was spread, which brought love of the Ahlulbayt in people's heart.

Of Islam, so firmly he re-established the truth so that never again should it be shaken by any one until the Day of Judgment. No wonder the Quran refers this sacrifice as Dhibhe-Azeem from all the sacrifices.

Since imam Hussein has made such a big sacrifice for us, we should be thankful to him for saving the true Islam and answering his call which he made on the By Zaynab Thawar battlefield, "is there any supporter to support?

Is there any helper to help me?" On the day of Ashura, the battle was of blood and so the answer ended with shed of blood in the way of Allah (s.w.t). However the battle today is with our Nafs.

So only if we learn how to control our Nafs then we shall answer the call of imam if we love him from the depths of our heart so that the aims and values for which the Imam shed his pure blood and the blood of his sons, brothers and companions do not die.

The fact that "everyday is Ashura and every land is Karbala" means that the life itself is battle against evil forces, that is, the internal forces like jealousy, anger, pride, backbiting e.t.c and external forces like western influence, media, peer pressure e.t.c.

Hence when the Imam called for help, he was asking the Shias of the future generation to help him in his mission which was to preserve the true Islam.

As regards to our crying on Imam Hussein (a.s), when the tragedy of Karbala is related our emotions are aroused and so we cry. This crying helps to link us to the Imam emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.

The crying should help us remember the aim of Imam Hussein and awaken our conscience to come on the right path.

The tear has a great value when it makes us live like Hussein, fight like Hussein for the truth and sacrifice and die like Hussein for the removal of falsehood from all the spheres of life.

Imam Hussein (a.s) has said, "I am the one who will be killed in a manner that tears will be shed upon me and my remembrance will not but awaken the conscience and impart lessons." Hence this Hadith shows that Karbala should bring a revolution and a remembrance within us.

We also learnt the importance of having good friends just the way Imam Hussein had friends like Habib Ibn Mazaher who stood up for him in times of need and sacrificed his life. Imam Hussein has taught us the importance of praying Namaaz on time.

In spite of being on the battlefield, he stopped fighting and performed his prayers of Zohr and Asr. So we must try our best to say our prayers on Fadhilat time.

taught us to preach the religion of Islam through our actions and this can only be done by gaining Islamic knowledge in various fields.

We have learnt from Imam Hussein how to be a good and just leader and bring about a revolution and rise up against oppressive rulers. Mahatma Gandhi the renowned Indian leader said, "I learnt the lesson of leadership from Hussein, for he was wronged and hence loved."

We have also learnt from this great event to be steadfast in our faith and be proud to call ourselves Muslims. We have learnt that Islam means total submission to the will of Allah (s.w.t) and all our actions and deeds should be for the pleasure of Allah (s.w.t). From the shining personalities of Karbala we have learnt how to be ideal daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers.

The initial step is for an individual to change, for it is said: "be the change you want to see in the world." Bibi Zainab has taught us the importance of piety, self sacrifice, controlling the Nafs from worldly things, modesty and Hijab.

Through the sermons that she delivered in the courts of Ibn Ziyad and Yazid, she has In conclusion, from the tragedy of Karbala, I have learnt many lessons which if implemented can surely change and bring a revolution in our lives as the holy Quran says in Suratul Asr, "Surely man is in a loss except for those who believe and do good and enjoin each other truth and enjoin each other in patience."