The New Scientific Case For God

The New Scientific Case For God

The more we advance on the road to science in all directions, micro and macro, the arguments in favor of an intelligent designer become increasingly eloquent. The origin of the "laws" of nature and the precise values of the "constants" necessitate intelligent design. The precision in the "mix" of constants that were necessary preconditions for the universe to evolve and for life to emerge provide mathematical evidence in support of the "God" hypothesis.

The odds of obtaining these "constants" without putting "intelligent design" in the equation is one out of 10,000,000 to the power 124. To see how impossible it is, compare this number to the total amount of subatomic particles in the whole universe, which has been calculated to be 10 to the power 80 (Hoyle, Wickramasinge 1985).

Given the exact "mix" of these "constants", we can logically deduce from inductive premises that they were "intelligently" set by one source, i.e. one God. The "oneness" of this source is observed by the uniformity in the workings of these laws of nature all through the universe, the common origin of everything in the universe and the blueprint of life all across the species.

Faced with such scientific evidence, justice demands that we acknowledge the creator. These facts make clear the assertion that Atheism is a "faith" based religion, with blind "belief" in nature as the "deity" to be evoked as an excuse for every "cause" that cannot be empirically explained. In this age of science, God is a fact. .

This paper DOES NOT present in any way the Christian Creationists position on humankind's origin. The Koran does not set a time of 6000 years for the creation of the world neither does it support the unscientific ideas in the Bible.


The Universe consists of billions of galaxies and each galaxy has a vast number of stars. To study a galaxy, scientists record light from it on a strip of film. If the galaxy is moving away from our galaxy, the lines on the spectrum will be towards the red end of the film, this is called red shift. By this mechanism scientists conclude that with the exception of a few nearby galaxies, all the galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away they are the faster they are moving away.

The Universe's expansion, discussed above began with an explosive event, called the "big bang". In 1965 a type of radiation called the "Cosmic Background Radiation" was discovered (also called the microwave background radiation) by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. All regions of the sky send the same amount of this radiation to the earth. This was the breakthrough for the big bang theory.

Long before 1965, scientists had predicted that we should be able to find energy remaining from the Big Bang. They had now factually confirmed the faint remnant of the energy produced during the explosive birth of the universe. This radiation has a temperature of 3K (therefore it is also called 3K radiation) and it is very close to the value predicted by scientists before it was discovered.

This radiation is much different to the radiation coming from a particular portion of the universe since it cannot be increased or decreased by pointing an antenna and is uniform from all locations to the earth.

In 1948, the "steady state theory" was advanced which now has fallen out of favor and which was completely knocked out by the above discovery of 3K radiation. Scientists today accept the Big Bang theory as being the most reliable with the most evidence to back it up. However, they do not know what CAUSED the big bang. The standard big bang theory does not explain what caused the big bang. Thus, scientists face a reality. Without God, the Big Bang is an impossibility.

"Do not the unbelievers see that the skies and the earth were one unit (joined together), then we split them apart..." Koran 21:30 To clarify some terms: If it is said that the universe is OPEN, it means it will expand forever. If it is said that it is closed, it will not expand forever. Whether a universe will expand, depends on if its average density is less than or equal to its critical density.

Our universe at present according to estimates has less than 20% of the density of matter to stop it from expanding. Essentially, it will continue to expand.

The universe is not beginning-less. It was "born" out of the big bang and had a beginning. Some people maintain the unscientific idea that the universe is beginning-less like the steady-state theory.

This has been proven wrong according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In a closed system (by closed here we mean one which does not take energy from the outside- this is different to the closed definition given above), entropy (a measure of the degree to which a systems energy is unavailable to perform useful work) increases with time. To restate this: In a system which doesn't take energy from the outside (like our universe), entropy increases with time.

If the universe had existed forever, we would see maximum entropy (complete disorder) which we do not see at all, something referred to as the fate of excessive expansion.