The New Scientific Case For God

Suitable Constants

The numerical values that nature has assigned to the fundamental constants, such as the charge on the electron, the mass of the proton, and the Newtonian Gravitational constant, may be mysterious, but they are critically relevant to the structure of the universe that we perceive. As more and more physical systems from nuclei to galaxies have become better understood, scientists have begun to realize that many characteristics of these systems are remarkably sensitive to the precise value of the fundamental constants.

Had nature opted for a slightly different set of numbers, the world would have been a very different place and we would not be here to see it (Davies 1982).

All the constants in the heavens and earth have been subjected to make sure that life and humanity came to be. This is a fact given the current state of evidence. There is no natural explanation as to why the constants have the values they have.

They have been set with a purpose in mind, with intelligence and subjected to make sure that the universe evolved in the way that it did and life and humanity came to be. Do they [the disbelievers] not see that God has subjected for them whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth.. (Koran 31:20) i) All protons in the universe have a positive charge of 1.6 X 10 to the power -19 coulomb. This causes the various protons in the atoms to repel one another, but at the same time they stay together since the attraction is 100 times stronger than the repulsion.

Now the proton has a mass that is 1836 times that of an electron. YET for some mysterious reason the charge on the electron is the same as the proton, 1.6X10 to the power -19 coulomb. Suppose the proton had a lesser charge than what it actually does, there is no reason why it shouldn't have, there is no natural explanation on why it does, then the attraction between protons would be much more than we see with present figures and they would collide more.

This, scientists say would lead to the stars using up their thermonuclear fuel in their cores much faster and dying out in about 100 million years. On our planet it took about 3 billion years for life to appear. If the lives of stars were 100 million years then life could exist nowhere on the universe. An intelligent designer put the figures where they were supposed to be, at 1.6X1019.

ii) The Strong Force: The neutrons and protons in the nucleus of the atoms are referred to as nucleons, since they exist in the nucleus. If the neutrons and the protons are separated by more than a hundred billionth of a centimeter, there is no mutual attraction between them. However when separated by a distance of less than ten trillionth of a centimeter, the feel a strong force of attraction. This is termed as a Strong Force or Strong Nuclear Force.

Scientists calculate that during the first few minutes after the expansion began, roughly 25% of the hydrogen in the universe was converted to helium. Scientists say that if the strong force had been any more intense (which requires a shift in a trillionth of a centimeter or less), all of the universe's hydrogen would have been converted to helium. In such a case life would never exist for 3 reasons:

i) No water without hydrogen.

ii) Hydrogen is necessary for proteins and nucleic acids needed for life.

iii) Stars that have only helium are extremely short lived and could never reach the three billion years figure that our system took for life to appear.

What if the strong force were a little weaker by a trillionth of a centimeter or less, things just wouldn't exist as the protons could not stay together in the cores of atoms. It is an acknowledged fact that if the Strong force was not between 0.1 f and 2 f (where f is the strong force constant) life would not exist and nor would any order like we see it.

The difference between the two figures is less than microscopic and there is no explanation on why the numbers were where they were. That happening by chance is by itself, other things being constant, and one in one million. When you take into account all the other constants, the figure gets so small that to believe that life originated without an intelligent designer becomes more absurd than a myth.

The law of conservation of mass and energy discussed earlier makes it impossible to attribute a natural cause to the start of the universe. The energy had to come from somewhere. God provided the energy whose radiation we still receive. "...Whenever He (God) decrees a matter, He says Be and it is. (Koran)." After exhausting all the other alternatives, the only hypothesis that is supported by facts is that God created the heavens and the earth.

At Planck time (which is 10 to the power of negative 43 seconds, i.e. 10-43) which was a microscopic fraction of the first second after the universe began to expand, all the matter that we observe in the universe was less than a tenth of a millimeter across in volume. According to the black hole theory, the gravity of this singularity would be so massive that apart from a faint type of quantum radiation nothing at all could escape from it.

Astronomers know that no natural cause could have caused the explosion of energy given the gravity of the singularity. No known natural force could have overcome even a tenth of the gravity of the singularity at the time of the big bang. "...and We split them apart." (Koran 21:30).

Consider this law in science:

Occam's Razor

: "When giving explanations, it is better to give a simpler explanation that assumes the existence of fewer unproved things." Apart from providing even more credibility to what we've established above this idea throws more light on:

i) Why there is just one God and not "gods" given the organization and the uniformity in the universe. The fundamental postulate of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity states this unity of law phenomena in nature. Consider what the Koran says in 21:22.

: "If there were in them (the heavens and the earth) other gods beside GOD, there would have been confusion in both." (Koran 21:22) ii) If there were more than one God then different parts of the universe would not have worked with such uniformity as they did and as is always the case (when two or more create something), parts of the matter in the universe would have originated at different times. Yet scientists and laws are agreed on that the big bang was when all energy and matter originated in the universe. Koran 23:91 states:

" There has never been any other god besides God (Allah). Otherwise, each god would have declared independence with their creations, and they would have competed with each other for dominance. GOD be glorified; far above their claims." (Koran 23:91) .

Who Created God?

After exhausting all the other alternatives, the only hypothesis that is logically deduced from empirical evidence provided by nature, is that an intelligent being created the heavens and the earth. This being cannot be "human" or like anything in the natural world, so to speak. The attributes of the universe that "necessitate" design (discussed above) as well as the attributes in us that "necessitate" design (discussed below) cannot be the attributes of a creator otherwise "it" would need a creator as well.

Thus, if the creator is "different" than creation, in the attributes that "it" possesses, the question "Who created God?" becomes logically meaningless. Intelligent design would apply only to things that were non-existent and then came into being and contain specific attributes that necessitate design. Thus God has to be eternal, unchanging and unlike creation.

"Say: He is Allah (the God) the One. God, the eternal, absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten and there is nothing like Him (Koran 112)."


The Planck Constant is fixed at 6.6 X (10 to the power of -23) erg per second. It is a figure that shows up in all major equations used by nuclear physicists. The energy used by anything is always some multiple of Planck's Constant. There is no natural reason why the Planck's Constant is where it is, it could be a lot higher or a lot lower, but it has been balanced at this level without any natural reason.

The PC (Planck's Constant) appears in an important formula used to determine the "Fine structure Constant." The formula is e2/hc where "e" is the electron charge, "h" is the PC and "c" is the speed of light.

If the Planck's constant had been greater by just 0.00000001, all the stars in our system would be red. If it was lower by just 0.00000001 all the stars in our system would be blue. The problem with red stars is that they never erupt as supernova and if there are no supernova there are no higher level elements that are necessary for life. If there were no supernova, there would be no Carbon to start carbon-based life like us.

Blue stars on the other hand burn only for a short time, i.e. around 150 million years. However, it took nearly 3 billion years or more for life to emerge on earth. 150 million just would not cut it. The constant was set by the designer to make sure that life emerged when and where He decided.