The New Scientific Case For God

The Speed of Light

The speed of light is set at 3X(108) meters per second. It is an important constant which figures in Einstein's famous formula E=mc2. "E" is the energy produced when matter is converted to energy in thermonuclear reactions in stars.

If the speed of light had been just a tiny fraction higher (and there is no natural reason why it isn't) then thermonuclear reactions would produce over 10,000 times more energy and all the fuel in the star core would be used up much quicker. Stars would die out much sooner than the 3 billion years it took for life to emerge on earth. Hence life would never have happened.

On the other hand if it was just a little tiny fraction lower, the early universe expansion would have been much slower and long ago the universe would have suffered a gravitational collapse. So both ways there would be no life. An intelligent designer who had life as the goal set the constant.


Neutrons have a constant mass of 1.67 X 10-24 grams. When outside an atom a neutron is very unstable and quickly decays into a proton and electron. Inside the nucleus it is stable and does not decay. Suppose that the mass of the neutron was 2% greater than what it is now (and why should not it have been?) neutrons would rapidly decay and an atom would become unstable. As a fact, no higher elements would exist which are necessary for life. The only element in the entire universe would be hydrogen.

On the other hand, if the neutron had a mass less than its current mass by a tiny fraction, the protons would become unstable. This is because now the protons would have a higher mass than neutrons in the nucleus and they would decay into neutrons or positive positrons or pions. According to physicists, if the neutron mass was 0.998 of its present mass, the decay of protons would make the existence of atoms impossible. There would be no life. The designer had life in mind when He set the balance. "...He (God) has set the balance." Koran 55:7

Donald Page of the Princeton Institute of Advanced Study has calculated the odds against the formation of our universe without God putting in the necessary constants. And the figure comes out to be one out of 10,000,000 to the power 124. To see how impossible it is compare this number to the total amount of subatomic particles in the whole universe, which has been calculated to be 10 to the power 80.

Beginning-less is illogical, philosophically speaking

If the universe was not created then it must have existed for an infinite time in the past. However, us being in the present make such a statement preposterous. It is not possible to cross an actual infinity. No matter how much you count or how much time passes, there would still be more to count or more time to pass. This is what the definition of actual infinity is. It is nonfinite it has no room for growth.

If the past were infinite, then to get to the present moment, we would have had to cross an actual infinite. In the language of math and logic this is gibberish. It is just like saying that you can jump out of a bottomless pit. This concept throws light on the attributes of God, the creator also. The one who started this, himself must have had to be logically speaking, timeless and unchanging.

The Odds:

Roger Penrose in his book, The Emperor's New Mind (1989) states: This now tells us how precise the Creator's aim must have been, namely to an accuracy of (1010)123. This is an extraordinary figure. One could not even possibly write the number down in the ordinary notation: it would be one followed by 10123 successive 0's.

Even if we were to write a zero on each separate proton and each separate neutron in the entire universe- and we could throw in all the other particles for good measure- we should fall far short of writing the figure needed (as quoted by Denton 1998:9) The Koran informed us of this century earlier: "If you were to COUNT the blessings of God towards you, you can never encompass them (14:34)"

DNA: Mark of the Creator:

Some atheist scientists who were unaware of the wonderful program, the complex mechanism of RNA and DNA were of the "outmoded" opinion that due to favorable physical influences, chemical compounds were able to spontaneously combine in an organized fashion and hence, were by magic, able to produce the fantastic complex which we call a cell, and then even more fantastic complexes like rudimentary living organism.

Wow, given that all their intelligence and directed efforts to date have been unable to form one single living cell in the laboratory, shows how much credibility we need to give to this fairy tale.

Indeed for the smallest macromolecules of a cell to form as a result of repeated attempts, such enormous quantities of matter would have been processed that they would have filled colossal masses on the scale comparable to the volume of the earth itself. Contrary to this we see beauty and harmony in nature and variety of all created things. Chance is totally inconceivable.

Oparine a modern Russian biologist who is a well-known materialist, rejects outright the theory of chance in the formation of life. An article:"The current state of the problem of the origin of life and its future perspectives" states from him, "The entire network of perpetual preservation and reproduction of the totality of conditions set by the external environment. This highly organized orientation characteristic of life cannot be the result of chance (as quoted by Bucaille 1987)."

The statement atheists make is tantamount to saying: "Iron ore and coal at high temperatures spontaneously formed steel particles and then those steel articles without any intelligence involved by magic formed the Eiffel Tower and other structures (Bucaille 1987)." This statement sounds stupid, but saying that a cell formed by itself is even more atrocious because a cell is much more complex than any steel structure that human intelligence (not chance) has built.

In his book, The Origin of Life, Oparine draws particularly relevant comparisons to convince the lay man of the illogical nature of theories pointing towards chance. In 1954, he wrote: "It is as if one jumbled together the printing blocks representing the twenty-eight letters of the alphabet, in hope that by CHANCE, they will fall into a pattern of a poem that we know. Only through knowledge and careful arrangement of the letters and words in the poem however, can we produce the poem from the letters (page 52)."

Each cell in the human body has a "program" analogous to a computer program written down, so well organized and regulated so as to function properly, the slightest malfunction leads to deformities and monstrous growths [cancer is the case in point]. Each cell functions like a computer programmed to perform specific functions. It is common knowledge that a computer will only function if it has been programmed.

Without programming, you would never see what you see on this page. A fact that implies the existence of a programming intellect, that provides the information necessary to operate the system. The programming intellect for the billions of living cells, unvarying and uniform in his essence of programming is the One God.

"He (Moses) said (to pharaoh), "Our Lord is He who gave to everything its creation, moreover guided it." Koran 20:5 There is a genuine enigma among the community of biologists: The origin of the genetic code and how it increases in information which leads to more and more complex structures. The only valid explanation given the intelligent nature of the messages contained in the DNA is that an intelligent designer was involved. We call him Allah, the God.