The Philosophy of Marriages of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)


In the early part of eighteenth century, the Christian writers started with new tactics of atta- cking Islam.

They aimed, through publications full of lies and slanders, at diverting attention from the noble framework of Islam and degrading the exal- ted person of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May peace be on him and his progeny).

the basis of that adverse propaganda werr he books written by Christian writers of the fifteenth century.

A writer had written a book under the title 'Refutation to the Religion of Muhammad', which became the source of later writers against Islam.

These writers were unacquainted with the real facts about Islam, due to their ignorance of the Arabic language in which Islamic history and holy books were then available.

It is not strange, therefore, to see them wri- ting against the Prophet of Islam, accusing him of lust because he had married a number of wives, whilst other Muslims were restricted to a maxi- mum of four at a time.

(They perhaps forgot that the writers of the present Bible have openly accu- sed their own Prophets of having committed adultery!)

Of course, by misinforming their Christian brothers, and slandering the Prophet of Islam, they hoped to cause a set-back in the fast progress of Islam.

But these tactics did not succeed much. We find a number of learned and fair-minded Chri- stian writers defending the Holy Prophet against such slanders, in apologetic language.

Undoubtedly these stories of slanders are totally unacceptable to the Muslims, since part of their faith is to believe in the infallibillity ('Ismat or Sinlessness) of the Prophets.

But at the same time it is imperative to acquaint the non-Muslims with the true facts.