The Prophet's Last Prayer

Refusal of the Holy Prophet From the Umar's Leading

In Sunan Abu Dawood - Chapter about the successorship of Abu Bakr, Musnad Ahmad, Sirah Ibn Hisham, Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad, and Ansabul Ashrâf of Balazari it is narrated (We quote Sunan Abu Dawood from Abdullah Ibn Zam?) that when the illness of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) got severe, he was with a group of Muslims near the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). Bilal informed the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) about the time of Prayer. He said: "Tell someone to lead the people in Prayer."

When he got out of the group, Umar was among the group but Abu Bakr was absent. I (Abdullah Ibn Zam?) said: Umar get up and lead the people in Prayer. "Umar got up and said the Takbiratul Ihram of the Prayer." When the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) heard his voice, which was very loud, he said: "Then where is Abu Bakr? Allah and Muslims do not accept this!"

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) repeated this; then sent someone to Abu Bakr. He came after the Prayer led by Umar was over and prayed again with the people!1 Anxiousness of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) over the Imamat of Abu Bakr In another tradition it has come, "When the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) heard the voice of Umar, he brought his holy head out of the room and said:

No! No! No! Son of Abu Qahafa (Abu Bakr) should lead the people in Prayer. The holy Prophet said these words in anger."

In Musnad Ahmad, it has come that Abdullah Ibn Zam? said that Umar told him: "Woe upon you, O son of Zam?, what are you doing with me, by the promise of Allah?" When you gave me orders to pray, I was thinking nothing but that the holy Prophet had ordered so, and if it was other than this, I would not have prayed with the people.

He told Umar; "By the promise of Allah, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) has not told me that you should pray with the people, but when I did not see Abu Bakr, I saw you more eligible from Sunan Abu Dawood Vol. 2, P. 115, Kitab-us-Sunnah, Musnad Ahmad Vol. 4, P. 322, 330, Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad Vol.

2, P. 222, 223, Ansabul Ashrâf Vol. 1, P. 554, Tarikh Ibn Kathir Vol. 5, P. 232 with many narrators in the tradition of Ibn Sa'ad and Balazari has come like this: (Then the rows for Prayer got ready and Umar returned, after sometime we saw that Ibn Abi Qahafa came forward and led the Prayer for the people.) amongst those who were present for leading the Prayer."

In Sunan Ibn Majah it is narrated from Sâlim Ibn Abid that, When the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) was in his deathbed, his condition was acute. Then he got somewhat better and said: "Is it time for Prayer?"

We said: "Yes."

He said: "Ask Bilal to inform the people that it is time for Prayer."

Again the condition of the Prophet got severe. When his condition got better he said, "Is it time for Prayer?"

We replied affirmatively.

He said: "Call Bilal so that he can make people aware of the time of Prayer and call Abu Bakr, that he lead the people in Prayer."

Aysha said: "My father is mild and soft hearted. When he stands in your place, he would weep and would not have the capability to pray. So it would be better if you order someone other than him."

After that again the condition of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) got bad. After sometime his condition got better.

Again he said: "Ask Bilal to make people aware of the time of Prayer. You are like the woman around Joseph." Sâlim Ibn Abid says: "Bilal gave Adhan. Then Abu Bakr prayed with the people."1 Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, P. 390 H. no. 1234 Another tradition quoted by Anas says; "When the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) got ill and in that illness he died; Bilal came to the Prophet and told him about Prayer time.

He said: "Bilal I became aware (of Prayer time). Then whoever wants he may pray, and whoever wants he may leave."

Bilal returned to the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, my parents be sacrificed for you, who will lead the people in Prayer?" He replied: Give order to Abu Bakr, that he may lead the people in Prayer. While Abu Bakr was ahead, the illness of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) went away…1 Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, P. 202

Pray of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) behind Abu Bakr

In Musnad Ahmad it is narrated from Aysha that the Messenger of Allah in his deathbed said, "Give order to Abu Bakr to he lead the people in Prayer."

Then Abu Bakr prayed and the holy Prophet sat behind Abu Bakr and prayed.1 In Musnad Ahmad and Ansabul Ashrâf it is narrated (We quote the tradition from Musnad Ahmad by Aysha): "When the Messenger of Allah was on the deathbed he sat behind Abu Bakr and prayed."2

Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 6, P. 159

Musnad Ahmad, Ansabul Ashrâf, Vol. 1, P. 555, Tarikhul Islam Zahabi, Vol. 1, P. 312, Ibn Kathir Vol. 5, P. 234. Ibn Kathir in his Tarikh Vol. 5, P. 234 from Baihaqi narrated from Anas that the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) sat behind Abu Bakr with the people prayed in one dress. Ibn Kathir says: And this is a good certificate, on the basis that is right and this rule that the last Prayer of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) prayed with the people is a good legislation.

Balazari in Ansabul Ashrâf Vol. 1, P. 555 has narrated four traditions in this context and Tarikh Ibn Kathir Vol. 5, P. 234 two traditions and in Tarikhul Islam Zahabi Vol. 1, P. 313 one tradition and in Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad Vol. 2, P. 220, Happiness of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) by the leading of Abu Bakr Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Moslem, and Musnad Abu Avana narrate (We relate the tradition from Sahih Bukhari from Zohari, who said):

"Anas Ibn Malik Ansari, who was from the companions of the holy Prophet informed us that Abu Bakr used to pray during the illness of the Prophet. At the time of his death, people were in rows for Prayer and the holy Prophet pulled aside the curtain of the room (which was between his room and the mosque) and looked at us. After that the Prophet smiled.

I could not understand the reason of his happiness at that moment. Then Abu Bakr wanted to come back so that he could take place in the rows of the congregation. He thought that the holy Prophet had come out to lead the Prayer. Then the holy Prophet gestured him to finish the prayers and put down the curtains and died on the same day.1

223 and European Edition Part 2, Vol. 2, P. 20, 22-23 from Umme Salma and Abu Saeed Khudri, narrated by them that the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in the morning prayers prayed behind Abu Bakr. He prayed one rakat (units) with him, at the time when Abu Bakr said the Salaams of the Prayer. The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) prayed the last rakat on his own and then changed. Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, P. 87, Musnad Abu Avana Vol. 2, P.

  1. 119, Fathul Bari, Vol. 2, P. 305, Sahih Moslem, Vol. 2, P. 24, Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad Vol. 2, P. 217, European Edition Part 2, Vol. 2, P. 18, Ibn Kathir Vol. 5, P. 235,

Bukhari, Abu Avana, and Balazari have narrated from Anas Ibn Malik (we are quoting from Sahih Bukhari) that the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) did not come out of his house for leading us in prayers for three days. When it was time for Prayer he pulled aside the curtain and said…till the end of the tradition.1

In another tradition Anas says: The Muslims had gathered on the morning of Monday to pray when Abu Bakr was leading the prayers.2 All the traditions mentioned so far were according to Sahih Bukhari. But five were from Sunan Abu Dawood, one from Sunan Ibn Majah, two from Musnad Ahmad and they are used to prove the caliphate of Abu Bakr. (Very soon these traditions will be analyzed).

Hasan Basri says that the holy Prophet was ill; Abu Bakr was ordered to lead the people in Prayer. He (Hasan Basri) explains the reason of Abu Bakr's Imamate in this way: People come to know, by Ansabul Ashrâf Balazari, Vol. 1, P. 561, Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, P. 110 and 163

1 Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, P. 87, Musnad Abu Avana Vol. 2, P. 119, Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, P. 211 and in Ansabul Ashrâf two traditions from Anas Ibn Malik and Fathul Bari, Vol. 2, P. 306

2 Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, Pg. 145, Vol. 3, P. 64 Musnad Ahmad Vol. 3, Pg. 196-197, Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad Vol. 2, P. 217, European Edition, Vol. 2, Part 2, Pg. 19, Fathul Bari, Vol. 9, P. 209

Allah, that he is the master and leader after the holy Prophet.1 Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz sent a person to Hasan Basri to ask if the holy Prophet had appointed Abu Bakr as his successor?

Hasan Basri replied: Does your Master and friend have any doubt? By Allah he chose him for his successorship. Because he ordered only him, and not others, to lead the Prayer and Abu Bakr was afraid of Allah, that he should sit on that seat.2 Balazari, Ansabul Ashrâf, Vol. 1 P. 560 Balazari, Ansabul Ashrâf, Vol. 1, P. 561

Imamat of Abu Bakr is the proof of his Caliphate

Abu Avana (d. 316) after narrating some traditions in his Musnad which were quoted earlier, has said: "This tradition makes apparent the caliphate and successorship of Abu Bakr after the demise of the holy Prophet." It is because the Prophet said: "The most aware about the recitation of Qur'an should lead the prayers; and from the companions of the holy Prophet were some persons, who were more learned than Abu Bakr and more aware than him.

Even from the companions were some persons whose voices were louder in reciting the Qur'an. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had told many times, "Tell someone, other than Abu Bakr, to lead the people in Prayer. Abu Bakr is not capable for this job, and he is a mild and soft hearted person and he cries in his Prayer."

After all these discussions the Prophet didn't order anyone other than Abu Bakr, and was not happy in this matter with anyone except Abu Bakr. On this basis, according to the narration of Abu Masood, the holy Prophet said: "A man in his period of power and kingship should not pray behind another person."1 This proves that he is the caliph and successor after the Prophet.

Ibn Kathir2 after bringing many sections of the traditions, and after finding solution for the contradiction of those traditions said, "the holy Prophet gave preference to Abu Bakr for leading the Prayer over all the companions. Prayer, which is one of the greatest pillars of practical Islam."

Shaykh Abul Hasan Ashari said: "The holy Prophet preferred Abu Bakr for leading the Prayer, which in Islam is a clear and illuminated matter." He says: Giving preference to Abu Bakr for leading the Prayer is the proof that he was the most knowledgeable and most aware about the recitation of Qur'an amongst the companions!!3 The Conditions of Imamat of Prayer in the school of Caliphate There is a tradition that all the scholars unanimously have accepted as "correct", in which the holy Prophet said: One who is most knowledgeable about the recitation of Quran will lead the prayer.

Then if two are similar in recitation of Qur'an, the more knowledgeable about the traditions of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) will lead. If they are similar in sunnat also, then that person who brought Islam earlier will lead the Prayer. Ibn Musnad Abu Avana Vol. 2, P. 120 Ibn Kathir, Vol. 5, P. 236

  1. Al Bedayat wal Neh?yat, Vol. 5, P. 236.

Kathir says: It would have been better if this statement of Ashari was written with gold. Anyhow, all the conditions were gathered in Abu Bakr!!!1

Imamat of Abu Bakr in the traditions of the Caliphs The Sunni scholars bring a tradition from Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.), which could not be true. Hasan Basri has narrated from Ali that the demise of the holy Prophet was not sudden.

He died due to illness. During the illness Bilal came to him and told him about the Prayer time. Then he said: "Call Abu Bakr, so that he could lead the people in Prayer." The Prophet said it while he saw me."

When the holy Prophet passed away, the Muslims saw that the holy Prophet gave Wilayat (mastership) to Abu Bakr in the matter of religion. They gave Wilayat to Abu Bakr in the worldly matters too.2

In another tradition it is stated that Hazrat Ali (p.b.u.h.) said: At the time when the soul of the holy Prophet departed, he gave preference to Abu Bakr in Prayer. We also, in the worldly matters, gave preference to the one who was given preference by the holy Prophet in the matter of religion, we preferred him!! Then we gave . Ibid.

Ansabul Ashrâf, Vol. 1. P. 558

preference to Abu Bakr for the Imamat of Prayer in congregation!!!1 Anas has narrated from Ali, "The holy Prophet was ill; looking at us, he ordered Abu Bakr to lead the Prayers. When the Messenger passed away, the Muslims, in worldly matters chose that person, with whom the holy Prophet was happy in the matter of religion. So the Muslims accepted the leadership of Abu Bakr and by the promise of Allah, Abu Bakr was fit for leadership (Wilayat).

What factors could undermine the position given by the holy Prophet to Abu Bakr? Ansabul Ashrâf, Vol. 1, P. 560