The Prophet's Last Prayer

Imamate of Abu Bakr in the Historical Sources

All these questions are related only to the reports mentioned in the Sahih, Sunan, and Musnads books, which are considered authentic by the Sunni scholars! But when we refer to the correct historical sources we find more information than the ones mentioned earlier.

In Ans?bul Ashr?f it is narrated from Aysha that the holy Prophet said: "Take me to Aysha's house." Aysha says, "When I heard this, I stood up. I didn't have a servant. I swept the house and spread a carpet for him and kept a pillow below his head; the pillow was filled with dry grass. At the time of Prayer, the Prophet asked me to send someone to call Abu Bakr so that he may lead the people in Prayer.

Aysha continues: "I sent someone to call Abu Bakr." But he replied "I am old and aged, and do not have the capacity to take the responsibilities of the holy Prophet and stand in his place. The holy Prophet should tell Umar to do this, and for this take the help of Hafsa."

Aysha said that she performed that work, but the Prophet said: "You are like the women around Joseph! Send someone to call Abu Bakr."1 In Tabaq?t of Ibn Sa'ad there is a tradition from the holy Prophet that in the state of illness, he said to Abu Bakr: "Lead the people in Prayer."

Then the Prophet felt better. When Abu Bakr was leading the people in Prayer, the Prophet came out of the room, but Abu Bakr did not see him, until the holy Prophet touched the shoulder of Abu Bakr.

Abu Bakr returned backwards and the holy Prophet sat on the right side of Abu Bakr. He prayed and the Prophet followed him! When the Prayer got over, the Prophet said: "Always before the demise of a Prophet a person from his nation has done Imamate for the Prophet."2

Yet we find in Tabaq?t Ibn Sa'ad and Ans?bul Ashrâf of Balazari (From Fuzail Ibn Amr Faqimi) that Abu Bakr three times led the Prayer during the life of the Prophet.3 Ibn Sa'ad and Balazari have narrated a similar tradition from Akrama.4

In other traditions it has come that Abu Bakr

Ans?bul Ashrâf, Vol. 1, P. 553-554 Tabaq?t Ibn Sa'ad, Vol. 2, P. 222, European Edition Vol. 2 Part 2 P. 22

3Tabaq?t Ibn Sa'ad Vol. 2 P. 224, European Edition Vol. 2 Part 2 P. 23, Ans?bul Ashrâf Vol. 1 P. 555

4Tabaq?t Ibn Sa'ad Vol. 3 P. 180, European Edition Vol. 1 Part. 2 P. 127

prayed seventeen times with the people.1 Balazari has related from Minhal Ibn Umar, from Suwaid Gafla, from Hazrat Ali that the holy Prophet chose Abu Bakr for leading the Prayer of the believers, and during the life of the holy Prophet, Abu Bakr prayed for nine days, and after that the Prophet expired.

Ibn Sa'ad had quoted from Muhammad Ibn Qays that the holy Prophet was sick for 13 days. Whenever he felt better he lead the prayers, and whenever he felt heavy, Abu Bakr prayed in front of the people!!

The true history

Duty of Abu Bakr and Umar to the command of Usamah and the necessity to obey him Many traditions in the Sahih, Sunan, and Mosnad books, life sketches and histories have come to the scholars of the Caliphate school. There are beautiful and strange anecdotes in them; but none are authentic!

The reason is that at that time the holy Prophet had sent Abu Bakr, Umar and many other elder muslims for the expedition to Rome, under the command of Usamah. How then did he had repeatedly asked them to join the army Tabaq?t Ibn Sa'ad, Vol. 2, P. 223, European Edition, Vol. 2, Part. 2 P. 23, Ibn Kathir Vol. 5, P. 235 and Mohammad Ibn Umar have narrated that Abu Bakr prayed 20 times with people.

of Usamah. The holy Prophet cursed these who would disobey the army of Usamah.1

On the day of 26th Safar, 11 years after Hijrat, the holy Prophet ordered the people to get ready for the expedition to Rome. On the next day he called Usamah bin Zaid and said: "Go towards the place where your father was killed. Raise an army for them as I have made you the commander of this army."

On the next day, which was Wednesday, the Prophet became ill. He had fever and headache. On Thursday the Prophet gave the flag to Usamah and told him: "By the name of Allah and in the way of Allah, fight with those who disbelieve in God." Usamah came out with the flag, and gave it to Burida Ibn Hasib Aslami, and arranged the army in groups, so that no earlier muslim (Mohajirs and Ansars) were left but were recalled to the war.

They included Abu Bakr, Umar Ibn Khattab, Abu Ubaidah Jarrah, Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqqas, Sa'eid Ibn Zaid, Qutada Ibn Noman, and Salma Ibn Aslam.

Some persons remarked about the Usamah and said: "This young has been made the Commander over the elders! So the holy Prophet became very angry. He came out while he had wrapped a cloth on himself. Then he went on the pulpit and said: "The talk of some people about the selection of Usamah as a commander has reached me.

They Extracts from Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad Vol. 2, P. 190, Uyoon-ul- Aasar, Vol. 2 P. 281- it has come are reproaching him. On the selection of his father, they had also reproached him. After that he came down from the pulpit and went home. Those Muslims, who had came out of the army of Usamah, said farewell to the holy Prophet and went away towards the army.

On the same day the illness of Prophet became severe. He constantly said; "Obey the commands of Usamah." On Monday, Usamah returned to the holy Prophet from where the army was stationed. The holy Prophet had a better feeling that morning. Then he said to Usamah: "Move under the shade of Mercy and Grace of Allah."

Usamah bade farewell to the holy Prophet and returned to his army. He gave them orders that they should set out for war. When he was about to mount the horse a messenger came from his mother, Umme Aiman, and said: "The holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is in his last moments."

Usamah returned to Medina just before sunset. Umar and Abu Ubaidah also returned at the time when the Prophet had passed away from this world.

The Muslims who had gathered in groups (army) entered Medina and Buraida bin Hasib entered Medina with the flag of Usamah and fixed it in the ground near the Prophet's house. In the tradition of Jawhari we see that Usamah requested the holy Prophet to postpone his departure, so that he could be assured about the Prophet's health. The Prophet said to him: "Act upon whatever I have told you."1 Then the condition of the Messenger became serious. Usamah stood up and prepared to return.

When the holy Prophet's condition got better he asked about Usamah and the army. He was told that the army was ready for departure. The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) repeatedly said, "Obey the commands of Usamah and may Allah curse those who go against the orders of Usamah." He repeated this many times.

Usamah came out of Medina with the standard of war in his hands and the companions were moving ahead and behind him till that they halted at Jaraf. There were Umar, Aseed bin Hazeer, Bashir bin Saad and other elders of the muslims. A messenger of Umme Aiman (mother of Usamah) arrived and told Usamah: "Keep patience and do not proceed for war. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) is on the deathbed." Then the flag, which was with him, entered Medina…

Yaqubi says: Never in their lifetime did Abu Bakr and Umar address Usamah by his name; they always called him "commander" or "Amir"! When Abu Bakr became Caliph, he gave order to Usamah bin Zaid to move the army, and asked him to leave Umar in Medina as the Abu Bakr administration Tradition of Ibn Abil Hadid that which is in Sharh Nahjul Balagha advisor. Usamah said: What do you say about yourself?

Abu Bakr replied: "O son of my brother! you see what people have done. They have selected me to rule over them; leave Umar for my help and you proceed on your task."1

Critical analysis of the traditions

The holy Prophet had sent Abu Bakr and Umar for the war against Rome. He had sent them under the command of Usamah. And whoever went against his order were cursed by him! The Messenger of Allah emphasized it many times. The subject that the holy Prophet had selected one of them for leading the prayer is not true because he (p.b.u.h.) had cursed those who went against the orders of Usamah. So they must have been with the army of Usamah. Can a cursed one by the Prophet be eligible to become the Imam? Furthermore, how can we conclude the successorship and caliphate from the Imamate of Prayer?