The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community, Book Five: The Economic System of the Virtuous Community


The principles that the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) formulated for this system can be summarized in the following points:

(1) The Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) laid special emphasis on work, making use of all possible opportunities and prospects that are permitted by the general economic system of the Muslim community, such as cultivating unused lands; pursuing economic activities like trade and agriculture; owning real estate; adopting professions and careers as well as other economic activities; and avoiding banned activities, such as working with and assisting tyrannical rulers against the virtuous community (with particular exceptions).

(2) The Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) instructed their followers to maintain equilibrium—between financial and religious duties imposed on them and between social and individual duties. For instance, they specified that paying zakat to the ruling authority releases the people from liability in this matter. Likewise, they exempted khums (one-fifth) from spoils of war, extracted minerals and profits on diving, but levied it on the profit of earnings, to be paid as an equivalent of zakat of commercial profits as is specified by non-Shi’ite Muslims.

(3) They regulated economic and financial activities in both earning and spending. In addition to emphasizing general alms, the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) instructed that religious dues must be spent on the individuals of the virtuous community exclusively.

(4) They utilized the common economic legislations of Islam, such as khums, in domains that served the individuals of the virtuous community, in particular, to maintain self-balance and self-sufficiency.

(5) They deemed specific financial measures to be obligatory to bring about social solidarity through fulfilling the rights of one’s brethren-in-faith by, for example, aiding them financially to meet their needs.

(6) They put forward certain economic policies and guided the individuals of the virtuous community to work, economize, do business with their money, and use their property in the most appropriate ways. They also took much interest in the moral and spiritual aspects regarding earning profits and avoidance of dependence on others through working and doing business.