The Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) At Ghadir Khumm

Part 7 : Mentioning Imam Al-mahdi (pbuh)

Know that the seal of the leaders from among us shall be the Qa’im, the Mahdi.

He shall, most certainly, prevail over (all) religious (methods of life).

)He shall definitely be the avenger against the oppressors.

He shall surely be the conqueror of the strongholds and their demolisher.

He shall be, indeed, the destroyer of every polytheistic group.

He shall be the attainer of vengeance for the blood of all representatives of Allah, the mighty and the majestic.

He shall be the supporter of the religion of Allah.

He shall bring out (people’s share) from (his) deep ocean (of knowledge and divine resources).

)He shall mark each man of distinction by his distinction and every man of ignorance by his ignorance.

Behold! He is the elite of Allah, and Allah is his chooser.

He shall be the heir of every knowledge, and the one who shall encompass [every perception.

He shall advise and inform on behalf of his Lord, the mighty and the majestic, and shall remind about the matters pertaining to His faith.

He shall be the right-minded and unerring, to whom authority shall be vested.

)Behold! All former (prophets) have given the glad tidings of him.

Know that he shall be the remaining proof (of Allah), after whom there shall be no (new) proof.1

There shall be no truth except with him, nor shall there be any light (of guidance) except at his disposal.

None, indeed, shall overcome him, and none shall be supported against him.

He shall be the authorized representative of Allah on His earth, His judge over His creation, and His trustee in His secrets and in what He made evident.

1 This phrase implies that there will be no Imam after the twelfth Imam (PBUH). On the other hand, in the well-established belief of al-Raj’a, it is confirmed beyond doubt that the 11 martyred Imams (PBUT) will return after the rule of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH). However, considering the fact that they are not new Imams or proofs, but the previous proofs who will return after Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH), resolves this apparent conflict.

Part 8 : Exhorting people to give their pledge

O people! I have, indeed, explained for you and made you comprehend (Allah’s commandments), and it is this Ali that shall make you comprehend (every issue) after me.

Notice that at the end of my sermon, I shall call upon you to shake hands with me as the oath of allegiance to him and the recognition of his authority, and to shake hands with him afterwards.

I have, indeed, sworn allegiance to Allah, and Ali has sworn allegiance to me, and, on behalf of Allah, the mighty and the majestic, I require you to swear the oath of allegiance to him, (for Allah says):

“Verily those who pledge allegiance to you, they indeed pledge allegiance to Allah; the hand of Allah1 is over their hands.

Thus, anyone who violates his oath has indeed violated his (own) soul,

and anyone who fulfills the covenant he has made with Allah, He shall soon grant him a great reward.”2

1 “The hand of Allah” refers to Prophet (PBUH&HF) and Imam Ali (PBUH). Those who shook hands with the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and Imam Ali (PBUH), it was as if they shook hands with Allah. The hand of Allah refers to the created power and mercy. Allah shows His power through them. Likewise, Allah willed that His mercy should reach His creation only through them.

It is narrated that Imam Ali (PBUH) stated: “Any verse in the Book of Allah in which one of the words ‘eye’, ‘face’, ‘hand’, or ‘side’ is mentioned (for Allah), it refers to the Wali (the divinely appointed authority).” (Bihar al- Anwar, vol. 25, p. 173).

The proof (al-Hujja) of Allah is His “hand” of mercy over His creation, His “eyes” as witness over His creations, and His “face” as the means of recognition, identification, remembrance, and turning to Allah. Allah is far removed from having organs, as He is the creator of the face, eye, and hand.

Whatever is other than Allah falls into the category of His creation and Allah does not need any of His creation. He is Almighty, Ever Hearing and Seeing without means. Yet, He has created means for His servants, only through whom one can seek nearness of Allah. For the description of “side”, see an earlier footnote.

2 Chapter 48, Verse 10 of the Holy Quran.