The Shiite Apologetics

Question Thirtythree

Do the Shiites consider witr prayer a religious duty ?


Witr prayer is one of the supererogatory prayers of night, nafilah, which are not obligatory on the followers of the Prophet (a.s) but which are obligatory on the Noble Prophet (a.s), according to the Shiite jurists.

In his book Tadhkirat al-Fuqaha, `Allamah Hilli, the jurist, enumerates almost seventy such things and says, Things which are obligatory on the Prophet, but not only his followers are: brushing the teeth, performing witr prayer, and sacrificing. (1) The noble Prophet (a.s) is quoted as having said, Three things have been prescribed on me, but not on you; these are: brushing my teeth, performing witr prayer and sacrificing. Witr prayer, a duty of the Prophet, is thus a recommended action for the Muslims.[1]

[1] Tadhkirat al-Fuqaha', vol. 2, the book of al-Nikah, the fourth introduction.


