The Virtues of Sayyidah Fatimah (sa)

  1. The enemy of Fatimah (sa) is the enemy of the Holy Prophet (saw) ====================================================================
  1. عن زيد بن أرقم رضي الله عنه، أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال

لعلي و فاطمة و الحسن و الحسين رضي الله عنهم: أنا حرب لمن حاربتم، و سلم لمن سالمتم.

Zaid bin Arqam (ra) narrates that the Messenger of Allah said to Ali (as), Fatimah, Hasan and Husain (ra), “I will fight against whoever fights against you and I will make peace with whoever makes peace with you.”

  1. عن زيد بن أرقم رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لفاطمة

و الحسن و الحسين: أنا حرب لمن حاربكم و سلم لمن سالمكم.

Zaid bin Arqam (ra) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to Fatimah, Hasan and Husain (ra), “Whoever fights against you, I will fight against them and I will make peace with whomever you make peace.”

  1. عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: نظر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى

علي و فاطمة و الحسن و الحسين، فقال: أنا حرب لمن حاربكم و سلم لمن سالمكم.

Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (saw) looked at Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain and said, “Whoever goes to war against you, I will declare war on him. Whoever makes peace with you, I will make peace with him (i.e. whoever is your enemy is my enemy and whoever is your friend is my friend).”