Theological Instructions

Glossary of Terms



‘aql: Intellect

‘ayn al-rabt wa-l-ta’alluq:

‘illah: Cause

‘illah fā’iliyyah: Active cause

‘illah ghāi’yyah: Ultimate cause

illah i’dādiyyah: Preparatory Cause

‘illah inhisāriyyah: Substitute causes

‘illah māddiyyah: Material cause

‘illah mu’iddah: The preparatory cause

‘illah mufīda lil-wujūd: Cause that Bestow Existence

‘illah muwjidah: Cause that Bestow Existence

‘illiyyah fā’iliyyah: Efficient cause

‘ilm azali: Eternal Knowledge

‘ilm hudūri: Knowledge by Presence; Immediate Knowledge

‘ilm hudhuri: Knowledge by presence

‘ilm tahsili: Knowledge by acquisition

‘sūrah dhihniyyah: Image

‘usyan: Rebellion

akhlāq: Ethics

al-‘ilm al-fi’li:

al-’illah al-haqīqiy yah: The real cause

al-sifāt al-salbiyyah: Negative Attributes

al-wujūd al-khāriji: Existent

Amr: Command

asl al -‘illiyyah: Causal nexus

awliyā: Saints

ayāt: Sign

f ‘al: Voluntary Action

fā’il: Active Agent

fitrah: Intrinsic nature; Primordial Nature; Theomorphic Nature

furu al din: Branches of religion

hādith: Temporal

husn wa qubh ‘aqli: Good and Evil from intellectual point of view

hukm al aql: Command of the intellect

ibdā’: Primordial innovation

’ikhtiyār: Free-will

ilhām: Intuition

imkān: Possible

imtinā’: The real cause

irādah: Will

irfan: Mysticism

Jabr: Pre-determination

kammi: Quantity

karāmāt: Miracles of the Saints

kashf: Illumination

kayf nafsāni: Psychical quality

kayfi: Quality

lawh mahfūz: The Safe Tablet

ma’ād: Ressurection

ma’d: Resurrection

ma’lūl: Caused thing

ma’sumīn: The Infallible Ones

ma’sūm: Infallible

māddah: Material

māddah al-awwaliyyah: Prime Matter

mafhūm idāfi: Relative concept

makān: Space

malakah: Faculty

malakat al-‘ismah:

mawjūd: Existent

mawjūdāt jawhariyyah: Substantial existents

misdāq: Referent (of a concept)

mudhakkir: Reminder

muhāl: Impossible

mukashafa: Mystical vision

mukhlas: Purified by God

mukhlis: Purifies for God

mutakallimīn: Scholars of theology

nabuwwah: Prophethood

nadhīr: Warner

nubuwwah: Prophethood

qadīm: Pre-existent

qudama al-thamāniyah:

rabb al-arbāb:Lord of the lords

rubūbiyyah: Lordship

sair wa suluk: Spiritual journey

sarmadi: Sempiternity

shuhud: Witnessin

tadhkirah: Reminder



tark al-awla:tasalsul: Infinite series

tawhīd al-sifāti: Unity of Divine Attributes

tawhid: Monotheism

touriyah:ūlu al-‘azm:

usul al din: Princiles of religion

wahi; revelation

wilāyah al-takwīniyyah: Divine Authority

wilāyah al-tashrī’iyyah: Legislative Authority

wilāyah: Authority


zamān: Time

al-‘ulūm al- naqliyyah: Narration Sciences

