Theological Instructions



When man enters the domain of resolving the fundamental issues of the worldview and the way of realisation of understanding the principles of a true religion, he will initially encounter the following question:

How can these issues be resolved? And how can one discover the fundamentals of epistemology and the means to achieve it?

Intensive and professional research of this understanding in philosophy is known as ‘epistemology’, where the different understandings of man are discussed and their values acknowledged.

To embark on a discussion of all the different types of understanding would sidetrack us away from the aim of this book. We have thus summarised the required subjects, which are presented as follows:

The different types of epistemology

Man’s understanding can be divided into four parts:

  1. Experimental understanding:

The understanding we perceive through our bodily senses is known as experimental understanding. Intellect however plays an active role in refining and analysing these sense perceptions.

The experimental sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology are founded upon experimental understanding.

  1. Intellectual understanding:

Intellectual understanding is formed through the abstraction of concepts. The process is greatly assisted by the intellect; however syllogisms may sometimes be used as a premise. The domain of intellectual understanding is logic, philosophy and mathematics.

  1. Devotional understanding or religious understanding:

This understanding is based on information that has been previously gained through a reliable source and has been accepted because of coming from a trustworthy person or authority. This type of understanding can sometimes be stronger than those beliefs, which have evolved from sense perception and experimental knowledge.

  1. Mystical or intuitive understanding:

This type of understanding is contrary to all of the above-mentioned understandings.

The essence of reality is known without any assistance from mental concepts, intercession or any procedure whatsoever.

However as intuitive or mystical understanding is based on the interpretation of a witness, who is capable of making mistakes, there is thus the possibility of this understanding also being wrong.

a. Different types of worldview

By considering the above divisions of epistemology, worldview can also be divided as follows:

  1. Scientific worldview:

Based on the results of experimental knowledge, man develops a universal vision, which can be known as the scientific worldview.

  1. Philosophical worldview:

This worldview is based on the vision that is acquired from intellectual arguments.

  1. Religious worldview:

Man on account of his faith and trust in religious leaders comes to the realisation of a vision, which can be classified as a religious worldview.

  1. Gnostic Worldview:

The Worldview achieved through purification, which results in Illumination (kashf) and Witnessing (shuhūd).

We will now look at whether the above four procedures will solve the fundamental issues of the worldview and provide wise solutions. We will then deduce which view is the most superior.

b. Criticism and research

Experimental understanding is limited to the realm of matter. The scientific and experimental sciences have yet to prove or falsify the issues relating to the principles of the worldview. For instance, one cannot prove or disprove the existence of God with the help of a laboratory experiment. Furthermore the realm of experimental understanding is limited to understanding and answering the issues concerning the metaphysical realities.

Hence it becomes clear that one cannot understand the principles of the worldview resolve the issues relating to it or even be concerned with the enigmas relating to it on the basis of the experimental/scientific understanding.

The understanding that emanates from devotion and religion requires as already mentioned, the establishment of a reliable source. Firstly the existence of the Originator must be proven, followed by the proof of prophethood, so as the message will be recognised and secure. The principle of the existence of the Originator and of prophethood cannot be proven through the message.

For instance, one cannot argue that because the Qur’an has mentioned that God exists therefore He is proven.

Verily after proving the existence of God, identifying the Prophet, and the truthfulness of the Qur’an, one can accept the auxiliary beliefs and practices based upon the trustworthy channel (Prophet) and reliable source (God).

Hence the issues concerned cannot utilise the medium of devotion to answer the fundamental questions of principles (existence of God, prophethood etc.) relating the worldviews.

However the means of gnosis and illumination requires a field of discussion.

  1. A worldview is an understanding that is achieved by virtue of mental conception; nonetheless there is no place for mental conception in the realm of witnessing.

  2. The interpretation of witnessing and its expression in words requires a skilful and intellectual mind, which has a background of extensive research into philosophy.

Those who lack such intelligence and the skilful means to accurately convey the meanings use concepts and words those are similar. Nevertheless, they lead to major distortions and perversions.

  1. Most of the time the reality, which has been witnessed, is under the influence of the imagination and the explanation that a mind gives, even for the witnessing one, is inaccurate.

  2. Acquiring the reality, which is known as the worldview (as interpreted by the intellect) is bound to spiritual journey. Accepting the path of spiritual journey (sayr wa sulūk), which is itself from the practical understanding, requires the basis of speculation and issues of worldview.

Prior to starting upon the path of spiritual journey, one has to resolve the fundamental issues of the worldviews. The fulfilment of these issues will instigate gnostic understanding. Essentially true mysticism (‘irfān) is only realised for an individual who is on the path of servitude and who strives sincerely for the truth. This process is subservient to the previous understanding of God and the path of servitude and submission.

c. Results to be achieved

The only way to resolve the fundamental issues of the worldview is intellectually, i.e. through the use of the intellect. For this reason the true worldview should be known as the philosophical worldview.

However knowing the way to resolve problems through a philosophical worldview is not sufficient, but to achieve a correct worldview it is also not necessary to resolve all of the philosophical issues. But it is enough to resolve some of the simple philosophical issues which are virtually self evident for proving the existence of God (basis issue of the worldview). It must not be overlooked, that to be specialised in religious issues in order to have the ability to answer questions and doubts requires a deep study of philosophy.

Furthermore, it must be realised that just because the other types of epistemology are limited compared to the intellectual understanding, it does not mean that they are irrelevant; rather information from them can be also employed in resolving issues.

The majority of intellectual arguments use a combination of intuitive knowledge, experimental understanding and sense perception as premises.

Therefore after concluding a correct worldview and ideology one can arrive at a mystical vision (mukāshafah) through spiritual wayfaring without any intermediary mental concepts. However these mystical intuitions can be proven by intellectual arguments.


1- Explain the different types of epistemology and their limitations.

2- How many types of worldviews can be assumed?

3- How can one solve the fundamental issues of the worldview?

4- Give a critical analysis of the scientific worldview?

5- How can one utilise experimental understanding to explain the issues of the worldview?

6- In what way is devotional or religious understanding fruitful?

7- What is the gnostical or mystical worldview? Explain whether the essential problems relating to the worldview can be solved on the basis of witnessing? Why?