Visitation On the Shore


He had just been born. The aroma of his existence fragranced everywhere. He had a face, as soft as dew on spring flowers. Celestial beings and angels gave each other glad tidings of his birth. There was absolute hubbub.

He is the peacock of the residents in paradise; incomparable in beauty and magnificence. Every prophet had prophesied his coming; he is the destroyer of every blasphemy, corruption and ruin. He shall bring with himself peace, tranquility, friendship and love. He is the pure son from the last prophet's (s.a.w.a.) progeny.

In his due, the prophet said, "He is the ninth generation of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and is my namesake. His name is Mahdi (a.s.) and I give you glad tidings of his coming".

The infallibles wept and lamented as they were in earnest to see him. Concerning Imam Mahdi's (a.s.) rank and status, Imam Sadiq (a.s.), the leader of the Shi'ite religious sect, said:

"If I happen to live at the time of Mahdi's appearance, I will serve him till the end of my life."

Also, every time the holy name of Imam Mahdi was mentioned by the title "Qaem", Imam Reza (A.S) would rise on his feet and while facing the Qibla would place his hand on his head and pray for the divine savior’s appearance. He would weep for his absence and craved for seeing him.

On the other hand, the enemies of God and truth lay in ambush. They were very well aware that this "divine promised one" is the son of Imam Hasan Askari (A.S). They kept Imam (a.s.) under strict surveillance.

Very often, they invaded Imam's house so that if a male child was born they could kill him instantly thereby impeding God's aim. But, considering that God's power is above all powers and whatsoever He wishes would come to be.

So Imam Mahdi (a.s.) was born at dawn in mid-Sha’ban, 255 years A.H. The incident of Imam's birth was unknown to anyone save a few distinguished Shi'ites. Day by day, Imam Mahdi grew.

Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) decided to show his dear offspring to his trusted Shiites so they would get acquainted with him and follow him after his own departure.

In this short compilation, incidents of the meetings between the Shiites and Imam Mahdi (a.s.) have been recorded.

These visitations took place during the very lifetime or at the end of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) honorable life. In such instances, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) introduced Imam Mahdi (a.s.) in different ways to the Shi'ites.