Wahabism and Monotheism الوهابيه و التوحيد

Introduction of the Second Edition

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In The Name Of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Praised Be Allah Lord of Worlds. Perfect Blessings And Thorough Peace Be Upon Mohammed Our Master And Prophet And His Immaculate Infallible Progeny.


One of the most remarkable graces of Allah the Elevated to mankind is broadmindedness and tolerance especially before those who carry different opinion belief and faith and capability of listening understanding and consenting to their wrong estimation harm and injustice.

This grace to great extent is sparse. Seemingly Shias are more broadminded than others. They may suitably sustain being dissented in opinion and faith and even persecuted.

This is by reason that Shias were brought up by beliefs of their sect and principals of broadmindedness and readiness to suffer persecution. A Shiite is loyal to the Prophet's household who represented values and idealities of Islam and went on standing injustice till the advent of their Expected Al-Mahdi (peace be upon him.)

Shias have fully learnt that a garment against misfortunes should be taken by all of those who claim cherishing the Prophet's household. They also have learnt that this affair is arduous and intolerable.

For Shias this question is as extensive as this world with its divine formula and expectation. They conceive others cannot easily perceive their beliefs and opinions although they are ideologically gentle and indecently easy for the accompanying psychological difficulty.

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Due to such instructions a Shitte is seen seek apology for his dissenters and unjust since he intends to share them in peaceful life and draws excuses of wronging.

Shias however coincided harm and wrong so naturally that they betook them as garment and those did wrong to them were surprised of such a turning the other cheek.


Shias' rivals enjoyed distinct levels of broadmindedness. Wahabists apparently are the most narrow-minded. They are the new unjust occupants of the Islamic house who accused us of polytheism communism and Jewism.

Days turned. They determined that the West and Israel had been bearing malice against us greater than that born against them. Nevertheless this made no changes!

Days turned over and over. They perceived that we had suspended conflicts against any of this nation's groups and took the charge of conflicting Israel alone. This made no changes too.

The whole world was surprised by the counterattack and resistance showed by Shias' sons in South Lebanon. The Arab and Muslims took pride in that struggle. Nevertheless Wahabists our brothers disliked so. They did not ascribe martyrdom to the killed since they reckoned them with polytheists whose works and fighting are not purposed for sake of Allah. They could see an eighteen year old young who was brought up on godfearing and abstained from mundane cupidity confining himself to faith mosques Quran enthusiasm to God and obtaining martyrdom for His sake. They saw such a young push himself courageously in fortresses of the Jews carrying his soul on the palm and raising his voice with 'Allahu Akbar' with ultimate perseverance and hard strike. They saw him spatter his limbs as an offering to God the Exalted demolishing legend of fear carried by Muslims' hearts and leaving his will of urging on jihad for sake of Allah. All this does neither act upon nor rouse Wahabists' sense.

Uninfluenced by any Shiite phenomenon Wahabists are only influenced by describing whomever dissent their conceptions as atheists and polytheists.

More than five hundred books and booklets were publicized by Wahabists against Shias in a period of few years. A great deal of fierce verdicts impolite utterances and scanty knowledge was covering these books.

Hitherto they cannot endure a single positively critical study relating their ideology of faith and monotheism.

We expect their scholars to enjoy broadmindedness as much as that enjoyed by scholars of western universities some of whom find an exultation in

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ideological criticism or even that enjoyed by scholars of the worthy ancestors who were listening to sayings for opting for the most appropriate. Those were guided by Allah and those are the mindful.


As a matter of fact this study was not my intendment. While I was sinking in another survey I could maintain that Wahabists' complex of Verses and hadiths* of the divine attributes is in need for rudimental cognition. I was highly shocked as I referred to their books. Immediately I said to myself: Had Wahabists our brothers had knowledge of reality of monotheism provided by their scholars who settle on their shoulders the mission of leading Muslims to such a conception they would have retracted and started a new inceptive in structuring their belief in Allah the Exalted. They would likewise have decreased their reviling at us.

Had an educated Wahabist known that his supreme jurisconsult AbdulAzeez Bin Baz state that "Allah the Elevated is a material corporeality existing in a form of a human being in a certain place in this universe having a face hand leg limbs and organs and that His Throne is carried by animals." Had the welltaught Wahabist known that his scholars claimed "This (god) shall totally terminate except His face. This fact is evidenced by His saying (Every thing is perishable but His face).'" They also assert "Scholars of Wahabism are obligatorily asked to hide Allah's materiality from ordinary Muslims and rest upon 'principal of circumspection' in this regard since within Islamic beliefs there are those peculiar to the first class scholars. Allah's materiality is dedicate to this class."

Had educated Wahabists experienced such a scholastic impotence and his scholars' contrast in hypotheses respecting monotheism they would have been enormously overwhelmed to the degree that they might have restructed conceptions regarding Allah the Elevated. Besides they would have found excuses to majority of Muslims who showed abandonment from Wahabism.

This study is rendered for proving this matter. We hope Wahabists our brothers would be attracted to understand that their problem of monotheism is the greatest among the miscellaneous problems of Muslims. They however may be engaged in finding resolution for this problem so that they will alleviate their denunciation at us especially in season of ritual pilgrimage. Owing to verdicts of atheism and polytheism addressed at followers of other sects by Wahabists who pushed themselves with no hesitation towards humiliating pilgrims of God's Holy House and visitators of tombs of the Prophet and his household Muslims regarded their mental hardship before physical and fiscal ones during such seasons.

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Volunteers for serving the Beneficent's guests became numerous especially during the last few years. They distributed their prizes of mistreatments unjust verdicts and ill tones equally on pilgrims of the various countries and nationalities of this world. Hence each pilgrim returns home carrying a sort of that rudeness in mind. Pilgrims' faults were not more than seeking God's courtesies by visitating tombs of the Prophet or one of God's favorite disciples.

Wahabists our brothers should understand that questions of practical polytheism are totally falling a single step behind question of hypothetical belief. A Muslim should in the first place improve beliefs and conceptions regarding the Lord so that he would be able of possessing criterion of measuring the others' hypothetical and practical monotheism. Secondly Muslims should discern the major middle and minor polytheism.

In case a Muslim is living in problems touching the origin of believing in Allah the Exalted he should decipher such problems and restruct his own house before if permissible he provides personal inference before other Muslims. Inference should be rendered by following good wills positive dialect and impressive words.

Ali Al-Kurani Al-Amili
