Your Questions Answered (volume 3)

Q60: What About Silent Movies?

I have come to understand that it is because of the music accompanying them that films are forbidden in our Sheriat. Is it true? If so why is it haram to see silent movies? A. As explained above, it is not only because of Music. There are other factors involved. If there is a "silent" film which is free from obscenity, dance and "crime-training" then it is not 'Haram'.

By the way, I have been told that even in educational films, there is always music in the background.


Are we (i.e. Ithnasheris) allowed to see the film Pilgrimage to Mecca'? A. The films in general have some features, anyone of which is enough to make it a 'Gunah-e-Kabira'. (See for detail. Question No. 59).

Then there is a principle of sheriat that a man should not go to a place which is generally used for Haram deeds even if he goes there for a perfectly Halal purpose. Because, first, the passer-by would not know his real intention and would think that he is going there for committing that sin.

Secondly, he will become used to go to such places which is dangerous in itself. Thirdly, others by seeing him going there will be encouraged to follow his example.

Now, even if a perfectly safe film is being shown in a cinema, it is not good to go there. Apart from the above-mentioned three reasons, your children will think that there is nothing wrong in going to cinema; and thus you will be responsible to create in them a sinful habit.


Can we watch the television? A. The instrument, i.e. television is not haram, if you use it to see or hear things which shariat has allowed; but if you use it to hear music, songs, dances and obscene films, then it is haram.


Is wasting of time forbidden (Haram)? If not, then why many people say that we are not allowed to play those games; such as cards (without money), draughts etc. The reason, they say, is wasting of time?

A. Only such games and plays are allowed in Islam which builds or increases the strength of your body - like outdoor games.

So far as playing of cards is concerned, if a game is generally played for gambling purpose, then that game is 'Haram' even if you play it without gambling; because it will create a familiarity with such games and may even lead to the gambling stage.


There is another question which arouses doubt in me, and I hope that you will clarify it. The question is: "Why is playing cards and chess Haram (forbidden)?" I have also heard that playing game in which one side is the victor and the other side the vanquished is also haram.

Is this true? I don't know why our Sheriat forbids those things which we know are necessities in this modem World. Without observing these things, we would be considered barbarians.

A. I am sending you two books 'Alcohol' and 'Gambling' which will provide the answer to your questions. So far as being considered barbarian is concerned, why are you so overcome by inferiority complex?

Who is barbarian? Do you think those people are advanced and civilized who swap their wives, whose church marries two males, who kill hundreds of thousands of people on the pretext of establishing peace, whose women became naked in the packed halls in the name of art?


I lend a sum, say Rs. 100/-, to a man and he, out of his own free will, promises to give me a gift of Rs. 101- in addition to the amount due. Is this haram?

A. It is haram, if it was spoken or understood before you gave him the loan. On the other hand, if nothing like this was spoken at that time, and at the time of repayment he gave you more of his own free will without your asking him in any way to do so, then it is allowed.


Is Life Insurance allowed? A. Yes.


My hobby is photography and I undertake part-time work in photography, at wedding functions. Taking on a wedding photographic job means that I do have to take photographs of the ceremonies performed by the ladies which means that many times I, as a photographer, am the only male, person apart from a few others, amongst so many ladies. Now I would like the following clarifications:

  1. Is it allowed to take such photographs in the above circumstances?

  2. Is it allowed if there are both males and females gathered together at a function and my prime purpose is just to take photographs?

  3. Is it allowed to involve in such photography when one earns his living from it? And in case one does involve himself in this only for the purpose of earning his living, is his earning Halal?

A. You may know the answers to all your questions from the following "Mas'ala of Ayatullah Al-Khui, printed in Tawdihul-Masail':

"Mas'ala 2448: "Man should not take photo of a 'Na-Mahram' woman, (i.e. a woman not within prohibited degree)."And if he recognizes a 'Na-Mahram' woman, then, according to 'Ihtiyat' he should not even look at her photograph".

There are hundreds of lawful ways of earning livelihood. Why should anyone select an unlawful way?


What are the conditions necessary for amputation of hand for theft in Islamic Sheriat? If cutting off the hand (wrist) is the punishment, why most of the countries (Egypt, Pakistan) relaxed that law? Is it correct?

The thief must be adult, sane, and a free man; he should not have taken it thinking that it is his own thing; the alleged thief is not a joint owner of that thing; the stolen thing was kept in a safe place (for example, under lock) and the thief did break into it either alone or with the help of others (if someone else broke the lock, and afterwards the thief entered into the place and took something from there, his hand will not be amputated);

  1. the thing stolen is not the property of his son (if the father has stolen from his son, he will not be given that punishment of cutting the hand);

  2. he takes it stealthily, not openly;

  3. the value of the stolen thing reaches one-fourth Dinar of gold. According to the Qur'an, the hand must be cut off. (In Shia Shariat, 'hand' here means 4 fingers of right hand).

It is really shameful and tragic for the Muslims not to follow the legal code of Islam. The harm of this negligence of Islamic law comes upon the Muslim. Allah and His Prophet are not harmed by our rebellion. Allah has said: "And whosoever rejects faith then Allah is independent of the Universe." (Qur'an 3: 97).


Is there any such thing as political prisoner' in Islamic State? What I mean is, are we, under Islamic Law, allowed to put people into prison because of different political views? A. No; though we Shias have a long history of spending our lives in prisons and torture- chambers because of our belief.