Your Questions Answered (volume 3)

Q70: Is Magic Allowed?

Is it allowed in Islam to practice magic, witchcraft or astrology? A. There are scores of Ahadith condemning these practices and likening such persons to a Kafir.


I have read in Kitabu cha Saumu that Uchawi (witchcraft) is Gunahe Kabira. Some time back a magician published the following for persons with certain stars or names starting with letter 'M' or names with certain number of letters; He says that for such a person for good luck,

(a) he recommends Olive-oil or palmoil; (b) he recommends Rose or Jasmine perfume; (c) he recommends Yellow or Near Yellow clothes.

Further, in times of trouble or illness or when meeting "big persons" one should keep in pocket in cotton wool a garlic boiled in coconut oil and should sleep with it under pillow and he should keep head tilted towards east and when sleeping also.

Furthermore he recommends travelling to west and north and avoiding east and south as far as possible.

I have tried these and they seem to work. To my knowledge none of the proposals constitute any 'Haram' thing. Is this "Uchawi' and thus haram? Should I stop this practice?

To my knowledge our religion actually encourages white and yellow clothes and also perfumes. I pray daily and take deep interest in Islam.

A. Now coming to your question about 'MAGIC', you better stop following such things. Of course, it is Sunnat to use perfume. But it will bring 'thawab' (Reward) only if it is used because the Prophet or Imam told you to do so. If you use it because a magician told you to do so, then it bring you no 'thawab' and you will be guilty of following a 'Magician'.

It is not possible to write more details on this subject at present. Suffice it to quote Hadhrat Ali (a.s.): "Anybody who listens to a man, is worshipping him. Now, if that speaker tells the words of God then this listener is worshipping God; and if the speaker is telling the words of Satan, then the listener is worshipping Satan."


What have you to say about Palmistry, Istikharah and Qur'anic Consultation in the light of Sheriat? Some Shias check up the dates and the year from calenders for "Saad", "Nahas" and "Qamar-Dar-Aqrab". "Navroz" comes on 'hare'. Have all these things any religious significance?

A. Palmistry is not recognized by the Sheriat. Some forms of Istikharah with Qur'an or prayers are prescribed by our Imams.

Nawroz: It has one special "Aamaal" after Zohr prayer. This date had coincided with 18th Zilhijja when the Prophet (s.a.w.) declared the Khilafat of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) in Khum. But unfortunately, the Irani Shias imported the Parsee rites and views which have no basis in Sheriat, and are, in fact, against Islamic character.

Dates: "Sa'd" and 'Nahs' are sometimes "Qamar dar Aqrab". Many stars usually cluster together in such a way that they appear to form outlines of some pictures. There is 'Great Bear', 'Small Bear' etc. etc. Likewise, there is a group which form the picture of a scorpion ('Aqrab).

The moon (Qamar). while rotating around the earth passes from that group in 2½ days, that period is called "Qamar dar 'Aqrab" (Moon in the Scorpion). According to traditions of our Imams, it is 'Makruh' (Not desirable) to recite Nikah or start journey in that period.

Dates: "Sa'd" and "Nahs' are sometimes based on some Ahadith; sometimes on historical events. The dates in which some good event took place for any Ma'sum is called "Sa'd" (auspicious). The dates in which some tragedy befell on them is called "Nahs" (inauspicious).

But they all are governed by the general principle, mentioned in Ahadith, that if you want to do any work on a date or day which has been declared as 'Nahas', you should give some "Sadaqa" and then go ahead. In short, it is not meant to hinder your progress.


I have also read that there are days (i.e. dates 14, 16, 30) when taking out the blood is beneficial to body, mind, etc. On other Islamic dates this is harmful. Now if we donate blood on "bad days', will it not be harmful?

A. These things are meant as a general guidance. They should not be taken as hard and fast rule. Every person has to decide for himself. Also, it will be a good thing to consult an experienced doctor and to give some "Sadaqa" before donating the blood on such days.


Does Islam allow euthanasia (i.e. making it easy for a sick person to die). A. It is not allowed. If the patient commits it himself it is suicide; if some one else does so to him, it is murder.


If someone suffers from an incurable disease and he prefers to die rather than continue living a painful life; such a patient requests a doctor or physician to give him a medicine to end his life. Can the said doctor or physician acceed to such request?

A. No. If he accedes to such request and administers the medicine by his own hand, he will be guilty of murder If he gives the patient the medicine and the patient takes the medicine by his own hands, it will be suicide; and the doctor will be guilty of helping in the suicide.


A few years ago, as a result of some medicines which women were taking to prevent pregnancy, many children were born with some of their limbs missing. Was it allowed to give such children some medicine to terminate their lives, so that they would not suffer as a result of their freak creation?

A. The reply of Question 75 applies here also.


If a patient is kept alive only with the help of some medical equipment like artificial kidney; and if the doctor is sure that the patient can never be cured, is it allowed for him to remove that equipment from the patient so that he may die and be saved from pain?

A. The detailed answer may be understood from the answer to the previous two questions.


I have sent you cuttings from 'Times' Newspaper on cannibalism that took place in South America after an aircrash. Are we allowed, according to Islamic Sheriat, to eat human flesh (dead or alive) when we are starving (to death) as that happened with the Christians who were involved in that crash?

A Muslim here in UK told me that we can even kill a weak person amongst us and eat his flesh if we are stranded (as in the above case). Please, comment on this.

A. In the situation under reference it is allowed to eat the dead body, because saving human life is more important than saving a dead body. But by the same reason, nobody is allowed to kill another person to eat his flesh to save himself from starvation, because it will mean taking away a life.


Is it halal or haram for Muslims to purchase, and eat meat of any kind from a Jewish kosher market? Give me, please, Qur'anic verse about it. When are we allowed to eat the meat of an animal killed by a non-Muslim?

A. The conditions, by which the meat of a slaughtered animal becomes halal, are as follows: -

  1. The person who slaughters the animal must be a Muslim. There is no exception to this rule.

  2. It must be slaughtered by an instrument made of iron. In emergencies, sharp glass or other metals may be used.

  3. At the time of slaughter, the face, stomach and legs of the animal must be facing towards Qibla, i.e., Kaaba or Mecca. Also, the person who is slaughtering should face towards Qibla. This rule may be relaxed when one does not know the direction of Qibla or it is difficult to make the animal face the Qibla.

  4. At the time of slaughter, the name of "Allah" (e.g. the words "Bismillah") must be recited.

  5. The animal, after the slaughter, must move its limbs; e.g. Moves its feet or tail a little.'lt will prove that the animal died as a result of the slaughter, not before, it. 6) Blood should come out In usual quantity after the slaughter.

Now, in "Kosher" meats, conditions Nos. 1, 3 and 4 are not fulfilled. And the first condition has no escaping clause.

As for ayat read the following "forbidden to you are dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that over which has been invoked the name of other than Allah, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death, and that which has been partly eaten by a wild animal! (unless you are able to slaughter it in due form), and that which has been sacrificed on stone (altars); Forbidden also is the division of meat by raffling with arrows; that is impiety". (Qur'an, 5:4).

The only time when you may be allowed to eat the meat Slaughtered by a non-Muslim, is when you are on verge of death because of starvation. and there is absolutely no other thing to eat and save your life. (So far. as fish is concerned, the only things necessary and that it must have "scales' and must die out of water. If these two conditions are fulfilled, you may eat it.)