Your Questions Answered (volume 6)

Q. 60: How the Prophet (s.a. W) Used To Pray?

How did the Holy Prophet (S.A. W) used to pray in sajdah, Quiyam, etc.?

A: As we the Shi as do. Our method of prayer comes from our Imams who had inherited it from the Prophet (S. A.W).

Q. 61: Should Salaam in prayer be said loudly or in WHISPER?

When I'm in Salah, during Salaam at the end of prayer do I say it quietly or loudly? A: In dawn prayer it is said loudly; in other four prayers, in whisper. The custom is that you recite the salaam in the same voice which you used for the last rak'ah of that prayer. Also the dhikr of ruku' and sajdah, should be recited in the same voice as used before ruku'.

Q. 62: This refers to your reply to my earlier question

That dhikr of Ruku' and Sajdah etc. in each rak 'ah should be recited either loudly or in whisper according to the voice used before ruku'. Now, should I say salam (at the end of salah) loudly and then the ma'moom repeats it, or I just keep them totally silent in all prayers?

A: Your previous question did not mention congregational prayers. What I had written was about furada (individual) salah. In congregational prayer, the Imam should recite dhikr of ruku' and sajdah, as well as tashahhud and salaam in normal loud voice. (He should not "shout").


If in a community no male Muslim has learnt about Islam, and there is a Muslim lady well- versed in Qur 'an etc., can she lead the males in prayers?

A: She may lead a congregational prayer of the ladies only; but if even a single man stands behind her, she can not be the Imam of that prayer.

Q. 64: Praying in a Sunni mosque:

I go to a Sunni mosque for praying. The Imam does not hate the Shi 'as. Can I pray behind him? And how?

A: There is no objection if the Imam does not show any hatred towards the Shi'as. When you want to pray behind a Sunni Imam, you must recite Surah al-Fatiha and the other surah in the first and the second rak 'ahs in whisper.

Q. 65: Why 3-time prayers?

The difference in time: why do Sunnis pray 5 times separately and the Shi 'as 3 times? A: You have used wrong wording in the question. The prayers of' Asr and 'Isha are not prayed simultaneously with Dhuhr and Maghrib respectively. They are prayed after Dhuhr and Maghrib. Thus we do not pray "3 times"; this also is "5 times".

You should have asked: Why do we pray 'Asr and 'Isha soon after Dhuhr and Maghrib? The fact is that even the Sunni books record that the Prophet (S.A.W) some times prayed 'Asr soon after Dhuhr and 'Isha soon after Maghrib, in order to give his Ummah some latitude in this mater. However, it is more rewarding to pray each prayer in its fadhilat time. For description of Fadhilat times, read "Elements of Islamic Studies".


Can we use perfumes in prayers? If i put perfume and then go to the mosque, am I allowed to pray with it?

A: Yes. Using perfume for prayers is highly recommended and brings more reward.


Which was the first mosque built by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?

A: The mosque of Quba, a few kilometres outside Medina, where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had stayed for more than 14 days waiting for 'Ali (A.S) and Ahlul Bayt. He built there the mosque which is extolled in the Qur'an as the "mosque founded on piety (taqwa) from the very first day". (Qur'an, 9:108).


In this part of the world when the Muslims carry a dead-body for burial, they loudly recite the Shahadatayn. Some people say that it is not allowed because it is an innovation. What is the truth?

A: It is true that it is an innovation. But it is wrong to say that every thing started after the Prophet (S.A.W) is unlawful. One should see whether a particular "innovation" is good or bad; whether it conforms to the demands and nature of Islam or not, and then should decide accordingly. In this case, Reciting La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammadun Rasulullah, is not bad at any time. Why should it be considered unlawful in a funeral procession?


At what stage of Islamic history and by whom, the form of Wudhu (especially washing the feet) was changed?

A: It appears from some Sunni writings that it was changed by 'Umar. The famous Sunni scholar, Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi (the father of Shah 'Abdul 'Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi) has written in Izalatul 'l-Khifa' (vol.2, p. 84): There are many masa'il concerning which conflicting traditions have been narrated, and Hazrat ('Umar) Farooq found practical adjustment (for them),and the mujtahids follow the same practice, like................ the mas 'alah of washing the feet (in Wudhu) and the mas 'alah of mut'ah."

The Sunni traditions mention the names of some of the companions and tabi'in who did not follow the system prescribed by 'Umar. The list includes not only 'Ali (A.S), 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas, Anas ibn Malik, but 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar also, apart from 'Ikrimah, A'mash and Sha'bi. (Tafseer Ad-Durru'l-Manthur, vol. 2, p.263). But obviously the Sunni mujtahidin could not leave the Sunnat of 'Umar.