A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. Negation Particle  لـَيسَ (Revisited) ==========================================

In rule # 22, it was mentioned that any form ofلـَيسَ  is used to negate Equational Sentences. We also said in rule # 62 that present tense verbal sentences are negated by usingلا Please check the following sentences:

**نـَعرِفُ أنَّ السَّادات کانَ واحِداً من أبطالِ الثورةِ المصريَّةِ.**

We know that Sadaat was one of the heros of the Egyptian revolution.

**لا نـَعرِفُ أنَّ السَّادات کانَ واحِداً من أبطالِ الثورةِ المصريَّةِ.**

We don't know that Sadaat was one of the heros of the Egyptian revolution.

If, however,  the same sentence starts with a pronoun subject, Arabic allows you to negate it with** لـَيسَ** In fact, this form of negation is pretty strong.

**نـَحنُ نـَعرِفُ أنَّ السَّادات کانَ واحِداً من أبطالِ الثورةِ المصريَّةِ.**

**لـَسنا نـَعرِفُ أنَّ السَّادات کانَ واحِداً من أبطالِ الثورةِ المصريَّةِ.**